The foundation we build upon

I fought as hard as I could, endured as much as I could, but I failed again.

My right arm burned, exhausted from the effort from trying to overpower that branded specter. I felt better losing the arm wrestling than when I lost the foot race. He even praised me for fighting well, but I still had lost. Another warning. Do not disappoint. I will not be kind a third time.

I had intended to build up the existing graveyard, but that I think will take far too long and involve too many others. I need to do something to honor the fallen. Something I can do on my own.

Something I’ve been neglecting for far too long… A Runespeaker tradition.

I will find some suitable large stones and ask Tove or Tora to help me shape them into tablets.

I will collect the stories of those who fell in service of Runeheim.

Speak with Java about the Grey Wolves, she knew them more closely than I did…

Speak with Ragnar about Brenna to learn her story…

Think back on Hakon and all he’s taught me…

Put those stories to ink upon the stones, so that all who come after us can learn lessons from those heroes.

Vogel, who survived the onslaught of many Skógerblóði spawn so that the other Beastwise may slay Skógerblóði…
Gisla, who’s iron will in combat let no blade nor claw reach her companions…
Vestri, who took to the duties of Beastwise without hesitation…
Vergil, who faced the challenges of daily life with a smile…
Olaf, who I did not know that well, but I can only assume he stood with the rest Grey Wolves until the very end…

They Grey Wolves taught us that our bonds with kith and kin are our greatest strength.

Brenna, a resolute woman whom even the yoke of fate could not restrain, taught us that we are who we choose to be even if the gods and demons of the world conspire against us.

Hakon taught me being brave does not mean that you feel no fear. Cowards lets fear control them, brave men spit in the face of fear and command it to stand aside.

You branded specter whose name I will recover from the mists of history…

You have taught me what it means to be heroic…

Heroes are the foundation we built our society upon.

We must never forget them nor the lessons they have imparted onto us.

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