Arcane Techniques
Through magic, this world can be changed and manipulated towards perfection. Similarly, through the mage, magic too can be changed and manipulated into a purer form. In its raw form, magic is a powerful beast, unyoked and virtually rampant. For centuries, cloistered magicians have developed ways to further domesticate this force of nature.
Arcane techniques are the basis of the experience that Magicians use to further understand their magical practice and to further refine their power. Most techniques are born of raw study, understanding the fundamental principles of the world and expanding that knowledge from the esoteric study undergone by scholars the world over to the esoteric studies that are rarely studied at all outside of the monastical and secretive walls of a Magician Tower. Each Arcane Technique requires specific Esoteric Studies to learn. In turn, these Esoterics themselves require Common Studies as their basis, and must be derived after first mastering those more rudimentary disciplines.
While most scholars begin and end their quest for knowledge in what are called the Common Studies, the sciences and academic disciplines most directly applicable to daily life within the Throne and the application of its skilled laborers, Magicians take these knowledges a step further, drawing on their understanding of what they call the outer mechanics of the world the world through magical experimentation, and then recording these findings into specialized disciplines that help other Magicians advance the art and practice of magical study.
Below are listed the most commonly needed Esoterics, and which Common Studies are required to learn them. Esoterics are Studies, and behave as such for experience costs – that is to say, costing 1 experience point. Unlike Common Studies, however, Esoterics are always considered “Rare” and as such are not found in common libraries. Instead, each one has to be learned from a specific source, such as a book, or by a mentor who already knows the Study.
First Curricula
Requirements: Rhetoric, Linguistics
Requirements: Mathematics, Philosophy
Celestial Geometry
Requirements: Mathematics, Astrology
Metric Tensors
Requirements: Mathematics, Physics
Requirements: Geology, Physics
Requirements: Physics, Psychology
Requirements: Psychology, Philosophy
Requirements: Pneumatics, Psychology
Requirements: Physics, Hydraulics
Requirements: Horology, Astrology
Scalar Forces
Requirements: Physics, Architecture
Requirements: Geology, Architecture
Requirements: Logic, Rhetoric
Requirements: Logic, Mathematics
Requirements: Philosophy, Theology, Linguistics
Requirements: Linguistics, Psychology
Requirements: Physics, Pneumatics
Requirements: Theology, Psychology
Requires: Physiology, Anatomy
SECOND Curricula
Angular Frequency
Requires: Celestial Geometry
Requires: Hermeneutics
Requires: Homology, Syllogistics
Requires: Hermeneutics
Requires: Thermionics, Psychology
Requires: Tectonics, Psychology
Requires: Solipsism, Horology
Requires: Astromantics, Meteorology
Requires: Homology, Tectonics
Requires: Capacitance
Sidereal Time
Requires: Celestial Geometry, Horology
Requires: Resonance
Requires: Scalar Forces
THIRD Curricula
Requires: Angular Frequency
Requires: Angular Frequency, Metric Tensors
Requires: Exegesis
Requires: Teleology
Requires: Tautology
Interior Encoding
Requires: Circumlocution, Solipsism
Derivative Geometrics
Requires: Sidereal Time
Quaternion Invocations
Requires: Sidereal Time, Angular Frequency
Memetic Resonance
Requires: Fetishism, Resonance
Identity Negotiation
Requires: Metagraphy, Exegesis
Requires: Physics
Requires: Psychology
Radial Reactions
Requires: Angular Frequency, Thermionics
Requires: Geology
Requires: Meteorology
Requires: Geology
Requires: Psychology
Requires: Philosophy
Requires: Theology
Requires: Pyroclastics, Physiology
Requires: Cthonics, Architecture
Requires: Bathylics, Kairos
Requires: Fulminology, Ergodicity
FOURTH Curricula
Requires: Irregular Recursions, Quaternion Invocations
Requires: Deimotics, Sempiternity
Requires: Resonance, Quaternion Invocations, Energetics
Umbral Calculus
Requires: Polymathetmatics,
Epiphenomina, Syllogistics
Requires: Deimotics, Memetic Resonance
Requires: Metanymics, Eisegesis,
Identity Negotiation
Requires: Logic, Memetic
Requires: Interior Encoding, Confabulonics, Identity
Arcane Techniques
There are many Arcane Techniques that have been developed by enterprising and brilliant modern Magicians, the forefathers and Archmagi past, and even those handed down or stolen from the shadowy figures of the dawn of the Guilds and before, during the Age of Witchkings. Arcane Techniques take on many forms and styles, and they fall into several categories.
Name | Purpose |
Elevations | Enhancements that leverage well-researched formulae to improve upon the spell’s output. |
Forms | Techniques that reshape the spell into new shapes and forms of delivery |
Praxes | Techniques that alter or improve the method of casting the spell itself |
Seals | Techniques that suspend the spell’s effects until a certain condition occurs to break the seal. Each Seal may only store one spell at a time per Magician using it. |
Arts | Techniques that are felt rather than studied, performing feats of metamagical manipulation without being attached to a spell. |
Techniques are usually learned when a Magician is within a certain Circle. Apprentices are expected to learn certain curricula while they are within a given Circle, and are usually provided with some level of access to those books and instruction from their immediate superiors. This basic curriculum is enough to provide the foundations for most of the Techniques that are generally expected at a given level of competency, but there are frequently side paths that are more elective in approach, and may thus require special books that the student may not have access to.
While Techniques are generally thus taught in given orders, many Magicians soon learn that politics within the Guilds, as well as the jealous and secretive nature of their peers and masters, make the process of completing one’s magical education anything but straightforward. Most Magicians have to do some level of continued service for their masters, as well as bribery, research, even blackmail or backstabbing, to continue to receive instruction past a certain point. Indeed, most Magicians end their career within the Third Circle, unable to break the glass ceiling protected by the elites of the Guild, who would like to keep their fellows at a happy medium between useful, competitive, and less powerful than they. Still, if a Magician is savvy, lucky or ruthless enough, she may be able to secure books or instruction even far beyond those normally granted to those of her Circle, even learning the techniques of her masters – the better to one day force them to give up their secrets, or else overtake them entirely. So long as a Magician meets the Esoteric requirements, she may learn any Technique regardless of its power.
The exception to this are the Arts. Arts are special Techniques that cannot be captured and contained in any book or lesson, for creativity cannot be taught. Arts are axiomatic, able to be understood by Magicians only with enough direct personal experience and depth of skill. Arts can only be purchased when the Magician has reached the required Circle, and may only be purchased with Magician Achievements.
Some Arcane Techniques are the secrets of a single Guild and are not commonly available outside of that Guild. These are tagged with a single Element, and are considered Rare for anyone not a member of that Guild.
Circle 1 Curriculum
Circumlocution, Ergodicity, Celestial Geometry, Metric Tensors
Themionics |
Tectonics |
Solipsism |
Astromantics |
First Circle Curricular Techniques
Inner Form
Intermingling the spell’s identity with your own results in a certain purity of concept.
Type: Form
Effect: The Magician may add an additional 1 Power to the spell, but its Range cannot exceed 1 and it may only target the caster.
Requires: Solipsism, Homology
Linear Form
The Magician stretches a single point along the rotation of the planet, causing a single dimensional point to stretch into a two dimensional line before being pulled back into real space.
Type: Form
Effect: Call the effects of spells once on every target in a two foot wide line to the limit of the spell’s Range.
Requires: Celestial Geometry
Material Fallacies
Drawing magical energies along anchor points has the effect of impeding the forces more usually harnessed and directed across the mind. While such impediment is generally undesirable, it can allow energetic accretion to occur at a rate that the Magician can otherwise endure without risking a catastrophic mental incident.
Type: Adjunct
Effect: The Magician may append any number of Material Fallacies as restrictions on the spell, thus benefiting from the Complexity discount specified in each fallacy.
Benefit: -3
The spell requires the use of one of several kinds of magically resonant dusts to be thrown or spread toward the target The target does not need to be actually struck with the dust, it is enough that it is cast through the air. Such dusts can be found in great quantities but only under somewhat rarified conditions, such as volcanic ash, diamond dust, dried sea silt, and fulgarite glass. While these cannot generally be found under local conditions in most places, these dusts can be purchased from importers for a fee, with each pouch enough for 5 spells.
Benefit: -3
The spell is aligned to a specific unique piece of Jewelry, which must be worn by the caster in order to cast the spell. The Jewelry must have an OOC prop that has an obvious appearance (ie large colored stone, inscriptions) and must be openly displayed to work. If the piece of Jewelry is ever lost, a new piece of Jewelry can be attuned to the Arcanum using the Recalibration Technique, which causes the old one to cease to work.
Aurum Circuit
Benefit: – 3
The Arcanum page itself is used as the focus of the spell as a minor glyph. Conducting magic through it will incinerate the page unless gold dust is mixed into the ink during the spell’s Laboratorium creation to act as a resistor. One vial of Gold Ink can be made by an Apothecary by refining one gold coin with one Ink. The Arcanum page itself should be marked out in gold ink to show this. Spells with this restriction that are used with ordinary Arcanum can be used to make a spell able to be cast only once. Because this requires the Arcanum present, such spells do not benefit from memorization.
Benefit: -5
The spell’s Arcanum can be drawn accurately on a surface and used as a medium to carry the spell’s energies. The drawing can be of any means, but many Magicians use more permanent means such as carvings for spells cast more than once, as creating the Arcanum array is time consuming. For War Magic spells, the target of the spell must be touching the center of the glyphs, at the Domain. For other spells, all targets must be inside the bounds of the glyphs.
Benefit: -5
The spell requires a sacrifice of the blood of Greater Nobility. At least one wounding injury must be dealt to draw enough blood, or the Magician can collect the leeches after a Sanguine Humor leeching. The spell requires that the liquid be spilled upon the earth during the casting, and it must be freshly drawn (no older than a few days). This technique is said to be the modern successor to an older one.
Orphic Debt
Benefit: -10
The spell requires more power than any Magician could draw or withstand at once. Instead, a specialized power source called a sphere-shaped Orphic Vault is used to provide the needed power during the invocation. The vault is created using a separate Art, and is expended after a single use. The sphere must be placed on a stand or pedestal in front of the Magician, or held up directly in front of her.
Requirements: Thyristors, Circumlocution, Fetishism
First Circle Elective Techniques
Arcane Sensitivity
A resonance is created between magic and magician. Like calls to like.
Type: Art
Effect: The Magician may detect ongoing magical effects, asking the target or a Rules Marshall if the object is magical or currently enchanted. It does not reveal the nature of the effect.
Requires: Circle 1 and hold.
Mind Hardening
The mind is the furnace of universal energies. Just as it summons forth the change, so too is the forge flame-hardened.
Type: Art
Effect: The Magician may call Discipline so long as he holds the final sign of this technique. If used, the signs must be reformed.
Requires: Circle 1 and hold.
The magician’s power is a tidal force. It draws in everything, and like a wave, its power can crash upon distant shores.
Type: Art
Effect: The Magician may call Suppression on another Magician to prevent them from casting spells..
Requires: Circle 1
You are right to fear your own power, for it can wreck your mind like a storm-tossed ship. The storm, however, plays no favorites; it will reave the minds of any who disrespect it.
Type: Art
Effect: The Magician inflicts the Chaos condition on another Magician that she indicates. Call “Chaos” on the target.
Requires: Circle 1
The mind is your fortress. Man well the walls and gates against intrusion.
Type: Art
Effect: The Magician may guard themselves against meddling forces from other Magicians. As long as the Magician performs the Ward sign before she begins casting and holds it throughout, she may cast as though she may call Discipline against the Suppression, Chaos and Feedback conditions.
Requires: Circle 1 and hold.
There is no power greater than the dissolution of Self.
Type: Art
Effect: The Magician may prematurely cancel their own spells before the Duration elapses.
Requires: Circle 1
It is not the mind which create spells, but the spells which organize the mind.
Type: Art
Effect: The Magician may, with just a gesture and the single Domain word, create any trivial effect of her choosing. These effects can achieve dramatic and narrative purposes such as burning a note, slamming a door, the sound of distant thunder, a scintillation of light, but cannot be strong enough to invoke actual firm game mechanics such as Pain or Knockdown.
Requires: Circle 1
Dyadic Casting
The act of spellcasting is for your benefit, not the spell’s. It engages with you, just as you engage with it, until the two of you reach an understanding.
Type: Art
Effect: If a spell’s invocation has an equal or greater number of Arcane Signs to Element Phrases, the Magician may divide the signs across the Element Phrases and perform them simultaneous to the incantations. If they do so, they increase their Acuity by 5 for casting that spell.
Requires: Circle 1
Domain Specialization (Specific)
The deeper secrets of the Domain are understood; its permeations, its resonations and character.
Type: Theorem
Effect: Grants an additional point of Power for spells which utilize this Domain.
Requires: The specific Domain, Hermeneutics, Related Exoteric
Outer Seal
In the practice of capacitance, the power is trapped by the presence of an uncertainty arrangement. Once certainty intrudes, the spell has no further choice but to complete.
Type: Seal
Effect: The cast spell is sealed within a specific closed, latched or physically sealed object. When the object is open, the seal breaks and the spell is cast at that time. Until the seal is broken, however, the spell remains dormant indefinitely, cast at whomever broke the Seal, so long as they are in Range of the spell. The seal will break automatically if the object is moved more than a few feet from the immediate area, such as a sealed book being taken from the room.
Requires: Capacitance, Ergodicity
Time Seal
The Outer Seal’s basis is an abstraction of the capacitance properties of the world itself, which unwinds itself along pre-determined paths and intervals. Sealing within these kairoi will break the Seal at the propitious time. It is thus evident that as time elapses, realities are entirely broken in its wake.
Type: Seal
Effect: The cast spell is suspended entirely for its Duration, at which point the spell that activates as an Instant effect.
Requires: Outer Seal, Kairos
Spell Plating
Maelstrom forces, already made treacherous by the act of praxis, can be used to project force along an interdicting plane as needed. However, even along a lattice, scalar forces such as these cause reverberation into the mind that exceed structural limitations.
Type: Praxis
Effect: Once the Signs for this technique are complete, the Magician may call “Armor” for any hits that land during the remainder of the casting. Each Armor call used this way causes 1 Maelstrom die, considered 1 at a time.
Requires: Scalar Forces, Epitaxy
Within the Arcanum structure there are certain underpinning principles which allow for careful recalibration along linear values. While this work is delicate, the fact of its possibility has suggestive implications.
Type: Adjunct
Effect: Using a Laboratorium, the Magician may recalibrate an existing spell using its Arcanum as a starting point. For each Spellwork action spent in Recalibration, the Magician may change the Element of the spell, move the Domain of the spell one Domain along the wheel, or remove or add a Fallacy. The new spell will retain all other parameters, including spell Attributes, applied Theorems and other Techniques. The effect, transliterated to new Domains entirely, is determined by Staff and will mirror the original purpose of the spell as closely as possible under the auspice of the new Domain.
Using Recalibration alters the Arcanum directly, changing it permanently.
Recalibration may not be used on a spell locked with Wizard’s Coin.
Requires: Ergodicity, Syllogistics
Every aspect of the world yields a point of fundamental understanding. Though lacking the linguistic capacity to convey tacit knowledge, we can nonetheless express the shape of deeper wisdom by ever narrowing the circumference of those adjacent wisdoms which we do have the capacity to express, and thus do we move ever closer to that greatest goal.
Type: Adjunct
Effect: For every 5 Basic Studies that the Magician knows, she may reduce the Complexity by 1 for any Spell that she creates (or knows all of the Techniques to create) in a Laboratorium by spending an additional Research action. Each such Spellwork action reduces the Complexity by 1, with additional actions further reducing Complexity, to a maximum reduction of -10 Complexity.
Requires: Ergodicity, Syllogistics, Homology, Hermeneutics, Metagraphy
Circle 2 Curriculum
Angular Frequency, Tautology, Chirology, Teleology, Exegesis
Pyroclastics |
Cthonics |
Bathylics |
Fulminology |
Second Circle Curricular Techniques
Blasting Form
It is not technically possible to create a spell effect as large as this by direct means – instead, it is the spell itself which performs this feat recursively.
Type: Form
Effect: The spell is increased in size to an amorphous cloud, affecting targets within around fifteen feet from the original target, which represents the center of the effect. The Power of these spells is reduced by 2. When affecting areas during Downtime, Blasting Form affects 1 Lot in the city map.
Requires: Angular Frequency, Tautology
Casting Fallacies
The casting itself is the means of the spell, and thus, is perforated with hooks and anchors into its expression.
Type: Adjunct
Effect: The Magician may append any number of Casting Fallacies as restrictions on the spell, thus benefiting from the Complexity discount specified in each fallacy.
Benefit: -3
The spell’s incantation requires that the name of the spell be spoken at Oration volume as the final step to casting; after the incantation and before the effect. This fallacy may not be taken for Enchantments.
Benefit: -3
The spell requires the Convoke Praxis to be used, and specifically mandates 3 extra Magicians to carry the burden of the invocation.
Benefit: -3
On and beyond the normal harrowing of spellcasting, the energies of this spell are particularly terrifying and difficult to control. The Magician must scream the entire Incantation at maximum volume. This is incompatible with the Silent Casting Praxis.
Benefit: -3
The spellcasting is extremely trying on the Magician’s mental faculties. After the spell is cast, the Magician suffers Trauma.
Benefit: – 5
This spell’s invocation is extremely complicated and very difficult to memorize. Complicated workarounds, tangential details, exception cases and a rat’s nest of other layered conditions cause this spell to require approximately 100 parts between Signs and Incantations randomly assigned by Staff.
Benefit: -5
The spell takes a cost from the Magician’s body as a price for its casting, causing them suffering over the course of the Chapter. This fallacy may only be applied to spell cast during the Downtime, and cause the Magician to suffer from Misery during the next Event.
Benefit: -5
The spell almost doesn’t want to be cast, taking a burst of mental effort to complete. Casting this spell requires the expenditure of Willpower.
Solar Attunement
Benefit: -3
The spell’s setup relies heavily on astrological forces to enact, and as a result one of the following one hour periods must be chosen: dawn, dusk, noon, midnight. The spell may only be case during that solar window.
Sidereal Attunement
Benefit: -10
The spell is extremely sensitive to astrological correspondence and conjunctions, using the power of those spheres to create its magic. The spell may only be cast during the corresponding celestial event that tribal mankind based its holidays around. Choose a holiday from a Culture packet – the spell may only be case on that day.
Requirements: Angular Frequency, Sidereal Time, Epiphenomina
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Incarnate Mastery The Fire is consumption itself. It is capable of consuming anything – even limits. Type: Theorem Effect: The Magician may ignore any penalty to Power caused by another Technique. Requires: Pyroclastics, Exegesis ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Geomancy The world is laid by forces, and set upon forces. Exploit and take these unseen resources, as you would any other of the earth’s wealth. Type: Theorem Effect: This spell is capable of taking advantage of Geomantic energy. Within any Wilderness area (marked out by pink flags requiring Survival to enter) you receive 5 Acuity to cast this spell. At ley points, marked with a circular ring of flags, you gain 10 Acuity to cast this spell. Requires: Cthonics, Exegesis ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Time Mastery The world’s order is repeated not just chronically, but by scale, greater and smaller, outward and inward, from the deepest interior of the atma to the farthest Outside of Heshiyah. Type: Theorem Effect: The spell gains an additional +1 Duration. During Spellcraft, multiple like Domains can contribute to Duration instead of Power. Requires: Bathylics, Exegesis ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Far Mastery Action is never about decision, but about conditions. When all of the conditions are met, an event has no choice but to happen. To predict the lightning strike, first understand the storm. Type: Theorem Effect: The spell gains an additional +1 Range. During Spellcraft, multiple like Domains can contribute to Range instead of Power. Requires: Fulminology, Exegesis ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Second Circle Elective Techniques
Body Seal
When considered anatomically, the body is a machine that intakes and outputs nearly constantly. When considered metaphorically, the body is a single entity capable of powerful identity.
Type: Seal
Effect: The applied spell is Sealed within the body of the Magician or another. If the body is broken – takes damage enough to cause Injury or to be Downed, or requires the use of Toughness, the spell is activated at the will of the Magician upon the one who damaged the body.
Requires: Solipsism, Arrondissement
The spell, too, is but a beast – no beast you keep fed will stay away for long.
Type: Praxis
Effect: The Magician may suspend a spell’s Duration by focusing energy upon it, done by cycling through this Technique’s Signs repeatedly. As long as she does so, the Duration’s timer does not continue. She may do this after the spell has been cast, but not after the spell has completely expired.
Requires: Tautology, Energetics
Skill and knowledge have ever been the signatories at the defeat of the indolent and slothful.
Type: Art
Effect: The Magician may counter the magical spells of any other Magician she can perceive clearly, so long as it uses Signs, by mimicking the exact Signs that they use. The Magician must have started the last sign by the time the other Magician finishes casting, and if so, whatever effect they use is cancelled. Requires: Circle 2
The Magicians share the burden of the forces of the spell, circulating the power within their small circle until each of them combines their efforts as a single Magician.
Type: Praxis
Effect: The Magician may accept the assistance of other Magicians who also know this spell. For each Magician assisting in the casting, the Magician gains 5 Acuity to cast this spell, to a maximum of +15. All requirements of the spell must be met by all Convoking Magicians, including any restrictions from Fallacies. All the Magicians must be capable of the spell, even if some of them must take Maelstrom dice to complete it. Only one Magician makes the final effect call at the end.
Requires: Angular Frequency, Resonance
You forget, my master, I have observed your every move and cant for years now. I have paid especially great attention to the lessons you have given – even those you never intended me to learn.
Type: Art
Effect: The Magician performs the Signs, calls out the name of the spell he believes is active within Oration distance, and then calls “Unweave”. Any spells of that name within Oration distance are ended immediately, as per the Unweave technique. This Art may also be used to attempt to derive the name of a spell with which she is familiar through axiomatic means. The Magician may attempt to name all of the parameters of a spell exactly: the Range, Duration, and Power of the spell, the Domains and Element used, as well as all Techniques used except Adjuncts. Finally, she must be able to describe the effect of the spell. She performs the Signs, and if every figure was correct, she learns the name of a spell that matches those parameters. If not, she takes Burn.
Requires: Circle 2
Epistemic Lens
Every spell leaves threads of power and purpose. The weaver must know the loom.
Type: Art
Effect: The Magician may analyze more deeply an ongoing magical effect she is aware of, gaining insight into the spell’s overall intended purpose, as well as Element and Domains used.
Requires: Resonance
Interdiction is key in the arts. You must move in the flow of the kairos or be swept away once more.
Type: Art
Effect: The Magician holds up the Warding Sign as per Refute, but if she already had the sign prepared in full before the Condition calls were made, she effectively blocks them, even if she drops her Sign. The Magician may still use Refute if they fail to deflect the Conditions in time.
Requires: Circle 2, Refute
Fool’s Lemniscate
The limits to one’s power are self-imposed. There are powers we are simply not ready for and may never be ready for. It is a fool’s power.
Type: Art
Effect: Used immediately before casting, the Magician may bypass the normal limitations of Acuity to Complexity a spell. If she bypasses the normal limit of 5 Complexity better than her Acuity, she may still continue forward. If she does so, she takes one individual Maelstrom die for each Acuity she fails to meet the requirements of the spell by, each rolled and considered individually, not as one. After the spell is finished, she collapses, Downed.
Requires: Circle 2
As the spell is nascent, it is imbalanced – it desires to find its destination and complete its expression. The Magician reverses his own balance in adversity to the spell, then offers it another way to restore the balance it craves.
Type: Art
Effect: The Magician may intercept and redirect an call made against her that has the Lightning, Flame, Stone, or Water Qualities. She does not take the effect, and may immediately redirect the same spell with the same call to a new target of your choice within Oration distance (including at no particular character to discard the spell).
The Sign for this spell must be either already in progress, finished and held, or begun immediately upon hearing the opponent’s spell effect call to use this technique. If the new target for the spell is a Magician who knows Deflection, they may attempt to rebound it again to a new target. For spells that target an area, such as Blasting Form, the entire spell is caught and potentially redirected, where it retains its Form upon its new target.
Requires: Circle 2
Ethereal Shroud
The Arts are intuitive because they are the Magician, and the Magician is the magic. How else but for magic itself to leap to defend you?
Type: Art
Effect: The Magician cloaks herself in elementally charged energy that intercepts incoming spells. The shroud provides 1 Block, or Discipline (as appropriate to the effect) per Circle of the Magician using it that works automatically against incoming spells of her Element or the opposing Element (Flame and Water for Fire and Water Magicians, Stone and Lightning for Earth and Air Magicians). The shroud lasts for a Combat Scene or approximately 10 minutes from time of invocation.
Requires: Circle 2
Ether Starve
Magical energies don’t flow, they settle in and decay like deadwood. They can and should be set alight now and again to clear the way.
Type: Art
Effect: The Magician burns out the magical charge within Speaking Distance. Any Enchantments or ongoing Forces affecting objects, items, or the place itself gutter out for 10 seconds before resuming naturally.
Requires: Circle 2
Magister’s Raiment
The power of the Art is in the mind. All of this relies on the power of your thought, your will, your unshakable belief. It is not your mind which breaks under the strain of such power, it is your courage.
Type: Art
Effect: While wearing a full Magician Outfit, the Magician may activate this art to ground her mind into her role and sense of self. She may ignore 1 Maelstrom die of any Maelstrom roll, automatically succeeding. This lasts until she removes her Outfit, including lowering her hood or hat. Air Magicians do not use Magician’s Outfits, and instead use the Outfit appropriate to the identity they portray themselves as.
Requires: Circle 2
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Consuming Mind The heart and the mind are the kindling and forge both, for greatness. Type: Art Effect: The Magician may apply her Faith Attribute and the number of tiers of Insanity she has (Mild being worth 1, Severe 2, Crippling 3) to her Acuity when using Fire Elemental magic. Requires: Circle 2 |
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Enduring Mind You could even now draw forth limitless power from the depths – if only your body could endure it. Type: Art Effect: The Magician may apply her Fortitude Attribute and her Survival Skill to her Acuity when using Earth Elemental magic. Requires: Circle 2Nidus Under the soil, within the roots, the very bones of the Earth, everything touches everything. In the darkness of the twisting halls of rock and wood, where none can tell what from what, the power creeps and is crept through. Type: Form Effect: Standing at the very center of a wilderness resource like a mountain or forest, the Magician creates a slow acting power that seeps into the land, able to affect the whole of that place with his power. This Form may only function with spells of Duration 7 or higher, including spells formed with Convolutional Escapement. Requires: Geomancy, Epiphenomina ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Contemplative Mind The pool of the soul grows deeper with each new subtlety. Type: Art Effect: The Magician may apply her Intellect Attribute and her Academics Skill to her Acuity when using Water Elemental magic. Requires: Circle 2 |
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Fluid Mind However clever you are, remember you have but one place. Type: Art Effect: The Magician may apply her Speed Attribute and her Vigilance Skill to her Acuity when using Air Elemental magic. Requires: Circle 2 |
Circle 3 Curriculum
Polymathematics, Eisegesis, Metanymics, Irregular Recursions, Identity Negotiation, Memetic Resonance
Pyrolysis |
Tellurics |
Sempiternity |
Turbidity |
Third Circle Curricular Techniques
Lashing Form
In truth the Magician never stops casting the spell – she invokes the moment of the spell’s inception and simply reshapes that moment as needed.
Type: Form
Effect: The Magician may direct the dance of her magics, like a conductor of an orchestra she cascades her magics through the area, able to maintain and redirect the spell at will at new targets. The Magician roots his position in place in a horse stance, similar to casting War Magic. Until he moves, up to the Duration of the spell, the Magician may call a new target every 10 seconds as if casting a new single target effect each time. When using Lashing Form, Power is reduced by 3.
Requires: Polymathematics
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Archform The flame is not fickle, no. She obeys only her master, whatever he desires Type: Adjunct Effect: The Magician may use the Form slot on a spell without increasing the Complexity of the spell. She may open a second Form slot for 3 Complexity, so that the spell may have 2 Forms instead of one, a new Archform. Archforms activate both versions of the form at the same time, such as a Grasping and Blasting Form that explodes people you grasp, or a Linear Lashing Form that strikes huge lines of targets as necessary every 10 seconds. If two Forms would overlap to hit the same target twice, the target is simply affected for both reasons, but is not affected twice. Requires: Pyrolysis, Eisegesis |
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Archtheorem Structure is the ultimate rule of the universe. Even magic itself cannot disobey these ironbound laws, layer upon layer, truth upon truth until the greatest truth of all is exposed in the geometries. Type: Adjunct Effect: The Magician may use the Theorem slot on a spell without increasing the Complexity of the spell. She may open a second Theorem slot for 3 Complexity, so that the spell may have 2 Theorems instead of one, a new Archtheorem that unifies the two, each proving the other true. Requires: Tellurics, Eisegesis |
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Archseal [water] All worlds intersect. Even impossible ones. Type: Adjunct Effect: The Magician may use the Seal slot on a spell without increasing the Complexity of the spell. She may open a second Seal slot for 3 Complexity, so that the spell may have 2 Seals instead of one, a new Archseal. Each Archseal is considered unique for the purposes of how many Seals can be active at once – a Mind and Spirit Seal does not take up the Mind or Spirit Seal slots for other spells. The Magician may use two different Seals in the Archseal to have the spell trigger under two different conditions, or may use the same Seal twice in order to have the effect trigger two times per casting. Requires: Sempiternity, Eisegesis |
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Archpraxis [air] People cannot do what you do. They never could. Type: Adjunct Effect: The Magician may use the Praxis slot on a spell without increasing the Complexity of the spell. She may open a second Praxis slot for 3 Complexity, so that the spell may have 2 Praxes instead of one, a new Archpraxis. Requires: Turbidity, Eisegesis |
As we successfully measure and express every adjacent concept to the profundity, the profundity itself becomes manifest in negative.
Type: Art
Effect: The Magician’s Evocation is shortened to the form: Domain Word – All Power words, All Range words, All Duration Words.
Requires: Exegesis, Metanymic
Convolutional Escapement
The goal instead is to maintain local minima such that the spell continues without ever losing its referential integrity, but nonetheless releases its effect at predictable intervals.
Type: Praxis
Effect: By spending their Downtime Action doing little else than slowly managing the complex eddies of the spell’s power, the Magician may extend a spell’s Duration to Chapter without adding any complexity for Duration. Spells using this Praxis can’t be cast in the timescale of a spell cast at an event. Spells that have this Praxis are at a -2 Power penalty.
Only the following Fallacies are compatible with this Praxis:
Ravaging, Chaotic, Sidereal Attunement, Intense, Tandem, Sickening, Catalyst, Talisman, Aurum Circuit, Glyphs, Sangreal, Orphic Debt
Requires: Chiasmics, Quaternion Invocations




Energy Fallacies
The original arrays of our academic lineage were premeditated with stability and safety in mind, and that security is associated with certain costs. Outsmarting the chaperoning principles of the Arcana can lead to gradific, if precarious, results.
Type: Adjunct
Effect: The Magician may append any number of Energy Fallacies as restrictions on the spell, thus benefiting from the Complexity discount specified in each fallacy. No spell with an Energy Fallacy may have a Duration over 5.
Benefit: -3
The spell gives off harmless but highly visible light during casting and for some time after. Enchantments cause target and caster to glow for 1 hour or the Duration of the spell, whichever is longer. Both individuals must wear a glow stick necklace the color of their Element which must remain unobscured. The spell effect cannot begin until the necklace is in place. Glowing characters cannot enter stealth. This Fallacy is only compatible with Enchantments.
Benefit: -3
The spell burns out the mind, leaving the Magician raw and bleary. The Magician takes the “Burn” call. Until she gets a full 6 hours of sleep or laying down, she gains a Penalty of 5 Acuity. This is cumulative with additional Taxing spells cast.
Benefit: -3
Regardless of Complexity, the Magician rolls 1 Maelstrom Die when she casts the spell.
Benefit: -5
The spell does not itself cause permanent damage, but it cracks the mind and makes it vulnerable. For the next hour, the Magician’s Resolve is set to Pushover (Resolve -) and every Maelstrom die rolled results in an individual Insanity level instead of a maximum of one for the group as normal.
Benefit: – 3
The spell is brutal on the body and brain. Immediately upon beginning spellcasting, the Magician gains the Bleed condition from one ear.
Benefit: -5
The spell’s focusing apparatus is essentially missing, sacrificed to reduce the load of the spell. If the spell is resisted by its target, the spell immediately targets you instead. Only compatible with hostile spells.
Benefit: -10
This spell has removed all of the limiters and rails meant to protect the Magician from the percussion of the spell’s creation. Once the spell is successfully cast, the Magician is Downed, and takes one Maelstrom Die per Power of the spell.
Yawning Lacuna
Benefit: -5
The spell burns away the Magician’s sensitivity to magic. For one hour, the Magician cannot cast spells or use Arts. Any other effects that cause a penalty to casting ability begin after this hour ends.
Requirements: Energetics, Exegesis, Memetic Resonance
Third Circle Elective Techniques
Sheathing Form
For this, the Magician simply recalculates the proportions and needs of the spell in real time, refactoring the angles and minutia along the designated currents and tides.
Type: Form
Effect: The Magician may invoke a cage of sorcerous power around their target. The spell’s form sits only a breathe atop its target without actually touching them. Any character that physically interacts with the spell will automatically be struck by its forces. This form can be used fluidly on yourself or another to move with them as a sheathe, adding its effect to any who attack, grapple, or otherwise push into the spell’s space. Inflicting the Sheathing Form’s effects on others requires voluntary touch or a use of a Grab. The effects of your spell are assumed to hit simultaneously with whatever action caused them to be triggered, so standing ablaze in magical fire will not necessarily protect you from injury from an attacker, only scorch badly those fools who do. Power is reduced by 2 when using this Form, and it may not be used on Enchantments. An active Sheathing Form requires visible and obvious glowing light all across your person, similar to the Effulgent fallacy.
Requires: Polymathematics, Irregular Recursions
Never lose your awe of magic. Though the spark of this power is small, such a sword could crown kings.
Type: Special
Effect: Ensorcel allows the Magician to create enchanted items that can release magical power at the will of its bearer, rather than the Magician who created it. Thus she can use them for her own benefit, or grant them to others to use. In order to do so, several requirements must be fulfilled – first, the object to be enchanted must be made entirely by the Magician from its raw commodities. Second, the spell to enchant the item must be of Duration 10, and the Ensorcel Technique takes up all four secondary slots for Praxes, Theorems, Forms and Seals. Third, most objects can store one and only Lesser Effects – more will destroy the item. Items made of wonderous materials such as Elven starmetal or Dwarven ashsteel are said to be able to bear Standard Effects, and there are rumors that special nigh legendary materials such as fabled gems might have the strength to hold a Greater Effects.
Ensorcelled items can be items such as a flaming sword that ignites at the will of the bearer, causing the Weapon to have the Flame Quality when it strikes, or a ring that grants the owner a level of telekinetic control over light items nearby, as if carried by an unseen hand. Amulets that keep the bearer warm in all weather, a gauntlet that calls the sword to hand if disarmed, and many other ensorcelled items have been created. The Enchantment requires a Downtime action to be spent by the Magician.
Requires: Interior Encoding, Derivative Geometrics, Quaternion Invocations, Memetic Resonance, Irregular Recursions, Identity Negotiation
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Sunflare And thus opening an unfinished thermionic circuit that would otherwise cause your immediate death can be vented as visible light. Type: Theorem Effect: The spell gives off incredible, punishing light – call Stun on anyone looking at the target. Requires: Pyrolysis, Photonics ![]() ![]() Baleful Utterance Love is lust made meaningful. Fear is hope made fair. Type: Theorem Effect: The spell touches the deepest primeval mind and invokes utter terror – call Fear on everyone within Oration distance. Requires: Pyrolysis, Deimotics ![]() ![]() ![]() Scorch Just release everything. Then, bound the maximum radial by the incursion point, and watch as the spell thrashes and suffers. Type: Theorem Effect: The spell’s area of effect is enlarged by approximately one yard per Power of the spell – the spell’s Effects are called on every possible target within that distance, including the Magician if applicable. Requires: Pyrolysis, Radial Reactions ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Gift of Steel It is not a spell for armoring, it is an armored spell. There is nothing which cannot benefit from the proper design. Type: Theorem Effect: The spell has as a natural hardness to it that functions as Armor. The Guard effect, a use of Armor, is added to any spell cast with this Theorem. Multiple Gifts of Steel do not combine. Requires: Tellurics, Tension ![]() ![]() Shrapnel It is not just the world which is built upon leys and lines. Every single object, great and small can be reduced or heightened along these faults. Type: Theorem Effect: An addition to the normal functions of the spell. Call Stone Sunder on an item of the caster’s choice held or used by the targets of the spell. Requires: Tellurics, Impetus ![]() ![]() ![]() Earthquake The spell is cast upon the Earth, which then vocalizes and redirects the spell to its otherwise intended target. Type: Theorem Effect: The spell causes the earth to shake violently within Oration distance – Call Knockdown on all targets within the distance. Requires: Tellurics, Seismology ![]() ![]() ![]() The wilderness is vast. Surely we don’t need all of it. Type: Praxis Effect: Standing in a Place of Power, the Magician creates a channel to exhaust away any accumulated Anacrusis points that would be caused by this spell. Objects created by such spells don’t become Wyrd. The Anacrusis is let loose in the wilderness of this or a nearby Province and twists the land instead, creating changes and birthing twisted creatures, but elsewhere. Requires: Geomancy, Derivative Geometrics, Radial Reactions ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Pacification The Universal Water is merciful – it wants to teach, not to destroy. It draws all things closer to atma. It will naturally seek those paths which stretch on, not cease. Type: Theorem Effect: The spell gains Driving. Anyone Downed by this spell instead gains Blackout. Requires: Sempiternity, Dolor ![]() ![]() ![]() Arcane Erosion Every story ends. Type: Theorem Effect: The spell will automatically cancel any other spell with a Duration lower than the Power of this spell. Requires: Sempiternity, Nihilistics ![]() ![]() ![]() Ocean’s Might All water touches Heshiyah. All water reflects the Outside. Type: Theorem Effect: By manipulating existing bodies of water, the spell may be case as if they were Evocations instead of Invocations. The Magician must be within around 5 paces of a body of water such as a lake or river. This works even for spells with greater than Standard Effects. Requires: Sempiternity, Memetic Resonance ![]() ![]() |
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Gale Fist Come as the wind comes. Type: Theorem Effect: The spell violently throws the target with a gust of wind. Call Slam against a target in any direction. Requires: Turbidity, Impetus ![]() ![]() Silk Shade Never forget that inflicting unwished for control is always possible. Never forget. Type: Theorem Effect: War magic uses compressed wind in the form of scything planes of air to cut and cleave invisibly instead of the usual lightning. Use “Mighty Strike” with appropriate Power instead of ordinary War Magic calls. Onlookers do not see any visible effect other than injury occurring, and many Air Magicians use such effects alongside more mundane dangers to conceal their interference. Requires: Turbidity, Tension ![]() ![]() ![]() Fork Influence is a function of opportunity and sympathy. Type: Theorem Effect: The spell forks to one additional target per Power within a few paces of the original target or secondary targets – Call the spell effect for each. Requires: Turbidity, Thermionics ![]() ![]() |
Mind Seal
The Mind is a constructed set of identities, and thus subject to quantification.
Type: Seal
Effect: The applied spell is sealed, able to be released at the Magician’s option under the condition that the mind suffers a breaking event, namely Fear, Blackout, gains an Insanity, Obey, or any form of possession or mind control. If the effect is resisted, the Mind Seal does not activate. If the Mind Seal provides a resistance such as Discipline, that may be used at once to resist the effect.
Requires: Derivative Geometrics, Eisegesis, Identity Negotiation
Spirit Seal
The Soul is the collective set of programming that supports egoistic stability, functioning as a grounding set to check incoming values against before ordinary process resolution. Simple then, to measure and collate.
Type: Seal
Effect: The applied spell is sealed, able to be released at the Magician’s option under the condition that the Magician suffers from Despair, gains Hope, or any new Depravity.
Requires: Derivative Geometrics, Eisegesis, Dolor
Wizard’s Coin
The daughter spell functions merely as a reference that casts its parent spell, which itself contains a number of adjunctive secondary processes, as derived of course from the qualities of the pattern in the blood, which add necessity without adding efficacy.
Type: Adjunct
Effect: By taking a sample of blood from another, the Magician is able to create a link between an original writing, usually an Arcanum, but sometimes a book or other text, and an identical copy. The copy may only be understood by the individual who’s blood the master copy is keyed to, and they are incapable of making additional copies from it. If the blood is removed from the master document, the copy becomes unreadable by anyone after a short delay, regardless of its location in the world.
This technique is usually used to grant sensitive spells, techniques, studies, or even encrypted notes to other Magicians that their masters can revoke if necessary, either to prevent the knowledge from spreading or to ensure good behavior. Only the complex encryption that snarls the spell’s Complexity keeps such Wizard Coins from being used more often – Arcana protected by this Technique add 5 Complexity, and writings take twice as long to read.
Requires: Eisegesis, Arrondissement, Identity Negotiation
The alien nature of this approach is manifestly obvious. This is most likely why few of us choose to pursue the matter further.
Type: Theorem
Effect: By manipulating the Domains to their own destruction, the Magician may use the opposite expression of a given Domain. Inverted Pain expresses Pleasure, Heat inverts to Cold, Structure to Havoc, Subtlety to make something conspicuous, and so on. The Power attribute of the spell costs double the Complexity to raise, and this Technique causes all Incantations and Signs to be performed in reverse order, word by word, gesture by gesture.
Requires: Nihilistics, Chiasmics, Exegesis, Energetics
While tampering with the metaphysical forces between Magicians can be a powerful strategy, a master will exploit such a connection to her advantage.
Type: Art
Effect: If the Ward Sign is complete and held when someone inflicts Suppression, Chaos, or Feedback on the Magician, she blocks the effect totally and may call the same effect on the originator of the magical effect.
Requires: Circle 3, Rebuttal
Orphic Vault
Just as the weight of Power comes to rest within the Magician, so too does it rest upon all he touches, all he loves.
Type: Art
Effect: The Magician is able to, over the course of a Downtime action, infuse a piece of Hard Iron with a tremendous amount of trapped magical power. This bauble becomes an Orphic Vault, and can be used as the power source of a spell that has the Orphic Debt Energy Fallacy, and are traded among Magicians as a form of currency. The in-game prop for an Orphic Vault must be a spherical object of approximately softball or grapefruit spell, obviously marked with sigils and designs to be magical.
Requires: Circle 3
The nascent spell is meek, still willing to receive outside influences.
Type: Art
Effect: The Magician may redirect a spell that is currently being cast by another Magician to choose a new target for it of her choosing at the time of casting. She must have completed the Art and have the last Seal held when the spell is cast. Call “No effect” to the original target and then make the same effect call on the target of your choosing within Oration Distance. This Art makes the Magician the caster of the spell, which yields all appropriate restrictions and benefits. For example, a stolen spell with Smolder Casting provides immunity to Flame effects, while an Inner Form spell can only be moved to one’s self.
Requires: Circle 3
Mind Screws
To squeeze fractures to fissures. To crush within the vice of the mind.
Type: Art
Effect: The Magician gives Feedback condition to another within Oration range.
Requires: Circle 3
The Signs are for our benefit alone.
Type: Art
Effect: The Magician may perform any Sign with only one hand instead of two by performing the exact gestures meant for just that one hand. It is possible, albeit difficult, to complete two different signs simultaneously with this Technique.
Requires: Circle 3
The minds of lesser men cannot conceive themselves as greater than the very world.
Type: Art
Effect: For every 10 Acuity the Magician has over a spell’s Complexity, the Magician may cast that spell with 1 less Anacrusis cost.
Requires: Circle 3
Fourth Circle Techniques
Magicians of the Fourth and Fifth Circle of Mysteries do not follow a curriculum, and few of their Techniques are known. At that level, most Magicians are practicing with many of their own, personally made Techniques, hard earned through their own Invention, and they rarely receive guidance from other Magicians and Archmages of such rank, as the others have become more competition than mentor or compatriots.
Radiant Form
Let them fear us. Let them come, in their multitudes. The better to remind them what they are to us.
Type: Form
Effect: The Magician, crackling with magical might, stands and throws their arms out in a mighty roar. The Spell is flung to every corner of the Range increment and affects every possible target, animate and inanimate. With the exception of the caster, all characters, friend and foe, are affected. The diffusion of forces necessary for this effect reduce the Power of the spell by 3.
Requires: Umbral Calculus, Eigenbasis, Spectrasonics
Death Seal
There is only one seal deeper and darker than this.
Type: Seal
Effect: The spell is sealed until the target’s death, at which point it is triggered at once.
Requires: Eschatology, Salience, Thanatology
Power Word
The word of mastery. It is the penultimate expression; the precipice of the Absolute.
Type: Art
Effect: The Magician’s Evocation is shortened to the form: Domain Word.
Requires: Ontology, Onomastics, Semiosis, Salience, every Domain Specialization Technique.
Magic itself plays no favorites, except to the strongest.
Type: Art
Effect: The Magician can take control of someone else’s spell, even that of a differing Element to her own, for the remainder of the spell’s Duration. Once under your control, the spell can be moved to any new target you wish. For example, an Earth Magician with this power could wrest control of a Fire Magician’s firestorm that is blazing in the middle of the battle field, pushing the storm back into the Fire Magician’s own forces. As well, the same Fire Magician with this power could steal an Earth Magician’s magically enhanced Strength for his own, or try to reclaim control over his errant spell. In order to use this Technique successfully, the Magician must have higher Acuity than the opposing Magician.
Call “No Effect” on the original targets, then make the same effect call of the original spell on your new target.
Requires: Circle 4
It’s not the blood, but the identity of the blood, that we use. Location is simply a subjective reference to identity, and there are other ways to find that.
Type: Praxis
Effect: The Magician may place a drawn sample of the target’s blood in a set of Glyphs, causing the spell to guarantee the a target, and ignore Range. This does not consume the blood.
Requires: Ontology, Semiosis
Fifth Circle Techniques
Of Living Form
Surely it is but an extension of the Archmage’s will, and not a creature with its own mind and soul, though what little testing there has been has proved inconclusive.
Type: Form
Effect: The Archmage, invoking and assembling the necessary sorceries, can direct her spell into the ultimate expression of magical talent – a living, moving entity. The entity appears as an expression of the Domain that was used to invoke it, such as a dragon made of flames, a colossus made of metal or other, stranger forms. The entity can take its own actions, attempting to pursue the purpose of the spell. These actions are completely independent of her own subsequent actions, even if its creator leaves or is killed so long as the spell has Duration remaining. All of the creature’s Attributes are equal to the Power of the spell, and it has the spell’s Power in Defenses and any appropriate Skills it may need to use, as necessary. Other Techniques apply to it normally, and it can move freely, including upward and downward in space.
If it fights in Warfare, it acts as a Specialist unit that has its Power to Strength and Toughness.
Requires: Unknown
Type: Praxis
Effect: The Archmage may combine other spells with Summarius Praxis, adding all the effects, such as the Power of one, the Duration of another, Domains from each spell, even from other Elements, so long as they do not come from opposing Elements. Each constituent spell must use Summarius as its Praxis.
Requires: Unknown
Reform the Principle
Under the heel of a true master, even the Principle can be bent.
Type: Art
Effect: The Archmage can use the aetheric aftershock of the spell to temporarily copy the Domain that the spell exploited into his own Element’s repertoire, realigning the super-structure of the aetheric flow to suit his need. For the remainder of the scene, any Magician in the immediate vicinity of the Archmage’s Element has access to the Domain of the spell that was copied, regardless of what Element it originally came from.
Requires: Circle 5
The Universal Axis
Type: Special
Effect: The Archmage forges a staff of power. The effect of this is not widely known or understood, though only some Archmages seem to bear one.
Requires: Unknown
Shatter Fetters
Type: Art
Effect: The Archmage can gather power and release it, causing a massive ripple through the maelstrom at his location. The Archmage can completely nullify the effects of any Technique he is under that are intended to limit or impede his casting.
Requires: Circle 5
Pattern Alignment
Type: Art
Effect: The Archmage has gained the superb mastery and understanding of her Elemental force such that she can, just as she once was subjected to, create the specific formula of energies that match perfectly with another person, and can create the key that opens up the door to magic for that individual. With this ability, the Archmage can initiate new students into the secrets of her Elemental Art, and can control their advancement each step of the way by selectively depriving them of this knowledge as it pertains to their advancement though the various Circles of magic. Once a formula is understood and created, it can be utilized by other instructors, on a Circle by Circle basis, at her behest.
Requires: Circle 5