Svart’s Journal – Game 14 – Time for Action

Svart’s Journal – Game 14 – Time for Action

It has come to the time to take action.

The Witch which had been placed here by Lodi, to watch and hinder Svart. They are served by bandits that lay in the woods and the Witch and its bandit minions have moved against Svart by attacking not just him, but his friends, and the city of Runeheim that I live in. Knut’s friend Sven was corrupted and House Fenris used to attack Runheim to get at Svart. Knut’s fate is still unknown. If only Svart had acted directly earlier, they all could have been saved.

There is now momentum and time to take it. Svart’s general has retaken Runeheim. He shall have his spymaster seek out the bandits and their witch master, so they can be located and destroyed. They could be anywhere, and certainly have some agents in the city. Working with the mages, no doubt. He and his assassin will cut them down for what they have done to Svart and the Njords.

We need to be human smart, not orc smart, just as we were when the Njords took this land from the Jötunn brood.

Then Dunns are seeking help from Svart for their freedom just as the Njords do. Their leader came and talked to Svart. Svart could see that he recognised Scart for who is really is and was begging for his help for his people. Svart has always been a friend to the Dunns, and they to him. There are people who will work against them because of this.

The Witch still corrupts the wilderness where Svart and the land are one. It is time to come out from directing from the shadows and act directly. Hunt those that tormented Svart as a child. Svart is a man now. They can’t hurt Svart as they hurt me when I was a child. Svart won’t allow it. Svart is strong now. Svart can keep them from hurting him any more. Time to hunt and torment them now. Time to make them afraid.

So says, Svart, True King of the Njords, Protector of the Dunns.

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