Svart’s Journal – Game 12 – Watching from the Woods

Svart does not like the spirits of the dead wandering around. Svart decided to go into the woods to get away. I like it better in the woods. Thinking is better in the wilderness. Whatever they want to do with the walking dead of the Dragomir, or its live walking sister, Svart would rather just not be a part of it.

Svart thinks Alar-Rick has given him some good information. He reminds Svart of Victor. Similar jaw line, but not as funny. Victor was always funny, and a good employer. Alar-Rick is neither of those things. I wonder what an Alar is? Some predator like a wolf perhaps, just like Wolf-Rick. What is a Rick? Something that can have the qualities of a wolf or an alar.

He did alert Svart of the woman that is in town trying to corner the market and make it a monopoly. I can picture her face, but not remember her name. That something would affect Svart’s perfect memory is a sign of witchcraft. Is she a servant of the Witch, or is the Witch trying to hide her from Svart? It could also be the mages using their wyrd magic for their own evil purposes. They often attack Svart and affect his memory with constant sustained psychic attacks. I will have to find and test her to see if she is an ally or foe to Svart.

It is good that Ragnar and the new guy, Gram, are the Master of Coin now. Ragnar is probably the only man with the reputation and dedication to get the job done. Gram wants to create a market and take over business in Runeheim area. He has a good head on his shoulders. We should arrange on a market, if just to promote our own businesses. People need their items repaired, and we need to sell things.

Calls came out from the woods in the distance. Men shouted commands as beasts growled.

“They are out hunting the Skogerblodi.” said the Old Fox on Svart’s left. The Old Fox had lived in the woods for a long time. It was missing one eye, and had lived so long it had two tails. Svart’s mother had told him about him when he was still a child.

“He wants to die.” said the Skogerblodi Monster on Svart’s right. The Skogerblodi Monster looked something like an Alar. His eyes shined with reflected light even though the sky was moonless.

“That is their duty to do. My knowledge of the woods is deeper and my duties lay elsewhere.” I inform my forest companions.

“What is that?” asks the Old Fox.


”For Treasure?”

“I have found Treasure in the woods: gems, precious metals, and rare woods.

Still, those are not what I am searching for. That is something even more important and more valuable.”

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