Paladins – Under Construction

The Charismata

The gifts that a paladin has been bestowed with are what elevate them above any of the other faithful. They and they alone are the bulwark against the gathering anathema. These powers are the shield and the sword of each and every paladin and aid them immeasurably in the never-ending conflict to push back the tide of evil.

Each Paladin is gifted in a unique manner from childhood, and these Gifts manifest in many forms.  As they are discovered and the child is brought into the Empyrian Sanctuary, they are taught with careful supervision how to manifest their Gifts by older and more experienced Paladins.  They are taught that they have but a single great blessing, the Charismata, and that this blessing can be cultivated and applied in many forms, called Gifts.  Each Gift is both a part of them, a miracle, and an important responsibility, and they are spiritually guided in their development so that they do not stray from the righteous path and develop hazardous uses of their power.

More Gifts develop naturally as the Paladin develops spiritually – a natural process like a baby bird learning to fly, and when the Master Paladins are confident that their students are of strong spiritual foundation, they can be released into the world as full Paladins, where their Gifts will continue to develop.  The Sacred Order of the White Lion has categorized applications of a paladin’s Gifts into four basic concepts : Divinity, Vision, Mercy and Reckoning. Paladins are thoroughly encouraged to explore such powers as documented to their fullest extent as they have been time tested and approved for regular use.  


The spiritual energy of the Charismata is called Empyria, and Paladins expend Empyria when using their Gifts.   Each Paladin has 5 Empyria, and one more for every level of the Faith Attribute they have.  Most Gifts require expenditure of Empyria to activate, though some are passively on once learned, and some Gifts provide new ways to gain it.  Empyria always recovers in full at the break of dawn.  

Gifts are a part of the Paladin’s spiritual essence, and as such are sensitive to the Paladin’s spiritual state.  From childhood, sequestered from other children, their parents, and the entire world, these child-monks are trained in spiritual virtue so that they may resist the calls of sin and maintain their purity.  If a Paladin uses their Gifts with a dark heart, the power of the Charimata can be perverted.  Maintaining spiritual peace becomes more and more difficult as the soul is burdened with Depravity, until finally, the Paladin falls from grace.

Paladins require spiritual peace in order to use the Charismata without harm, and even as full Paladins, they are discouraged from forming deep personal attachments, and forbidden to marry until they have achieved the rank of Master, because of the risks involved.  If a Paladin suffers any Depravity, it exposes their Gifts to their spiritual darkness.  A Paladin with any Depravity is in a state of conflict and vulnerable to Torment.  The more Depravity they have accumulated the more danger they are in of entering Torment, as shown on the chart below.  A Paladin suffering the state listed next to the number of Depravity they currently carry, or any of the states from lower levels of Depravity, instead enters Torment. This does not provide any further resistance to these states.

One Depravity – Despair
Two Depravity – Battered
Three Depravity – Exhausted
Four Depravity – Fear
Five (or more) Depravity – Miserable or Traumatized


The Paladin is overcome by their darkness.  Torment has the following effects:

The Paladin cannot use any of their normal powers – they instead use the more powerful Corrupted Gift associated with each normal Gift.
The Paladin enters the Devoted state.
They gain a Crippling Compulsion Insanity to Immediately seek out the conditions of a Personal Victory.

Resolution:  Torment lasts for 1 Scene per Depravity the Paladin has.

A Paladin with no Depravity does not enter the Torment state and instead, takes Despair as normal.  All Paladins may enter the Torment state at will by taking a new Depravity of their choice.  A Paladin who enters Torment gains 1 Depravity when Torment ends, as they find their moral fortitude wavering and their ideas perverting.  This special Depravity, assigned to one of the sin categories by Staff, may only be removed by earning a Paladin Achievement.

If a Paladin’s Depravity ever crosses the threshold noted in their Faith score and begins to gain Insanity, the Paladin enters a fugue state at the end of the scene.  The Paladin is subject to an internal scene where their faith is tested.  If they fail, they are considered Fallen, permanently in Torment.  Fallen Paladins are rejected from the Sacred Order of the White Lion and declared Anathema, hunted by their former brothers and sisters until they can be destroyed.

The Charismata

Paladins always have the following basic abilities:


Other human beings can subtly feel the divine nature of the Paladin, and may respond emotionally to their presence.  The Paladin may call “Obey: Believe Me” on any human character once per character, per scene.

Righteous Purpose

The Paladin may gain a Paladin Achievement from remarkable acts of goodness.  There is no guide to these acts, and they are only ever awarded at Staff discretion, and should not be asked for.  Paladin Achievements may be spent toward any Gift.  


Each Paladin also selects one Tier 1 Gift which they manifested as a child.  After that, the Paladin may purchase additional Gifts with Experience Points or Paladin Achievements.  Gifts cost 5 times their Tier in Experience Points to attain. A Paladin must have at least one Gift from a given Tier in a tree to gain a Gift from a higher Tier.  Gifts of the 4th and 5th Tiers may only be purchased with Paladin Achievements and cost 5 Paladin Achievements for the 4th Tier and 10 Paladin Achievements for the 5th Tier.



Lion Heart
Purity of Body


Beacon of Hope
Divine Steed
Immaculate Appearance


Defy Sorcery
Quick Mending
Tireless Devotion


Endless Champion
Purity of Spirit







Dead Man’s Eyes
Wisdom of the Kings
Life Ken


Unseen Hand


Grand Destiny





Shepherd’s Crook
The Good of Others
Soothing Presence


Lay on Hands
Holy Concert


Reverse Ruin


Pillar of Faith
Angelic Caress


Unquenchable Light



Faintness of God
Forfeit Life


Holy Smite
Light of the Soul


Light of the Soul
Wizard’s Debt
Sunder Darkness


Sacred Duty
Force of Faith
Light of Heaven


Combat Purity
Wrath of God


Tier 1



Empyria: 1
The Paladin may inspire others to join them in their personal quests through bold words and personal conviction.  The Paladin must verbally express their goal as it relates to their Devotion and ask those around them to joined in it. Any amount of listeners may then verbally accept.  The recipients of this blessing immediately enter the Devoted and Inspired state for the remainder of the Scene for tasks like those the Paladin called out in their inspiration.


Empyria: 1
The Paladin may inflict their Devotion on another, willing or not, in addition to their normal Devotion for the duration of the Event. They also gain a Minor Compulsion to pursue this additional Devotion.



Empyria: Passive
The Paladin ignores their fears and doubts and focuses only on the will of God. The Paladin becomes immune to Fear, Phobias, Trauma, and Obey calls accompanying a threat.

Heart of Stone

Empyria: Passive
The Paladin rids themselves of all weaknesses of the heart. They may ignore the effects of Insanities, Despair, Misery, Obey, and their Beliefs. This does not allow them to ignore the Severe Compulsion from being in Torment.

Purity of Body

Purity of Body

Empyria: Passive
The Paladin’s holy body is not affected in any way by any mundane foreign agents.  They are immune to anything with the Poison Quality, Drugs, Alcohol, and Disease. 

Slithering Veins

Empyria: 1
The Paladin’s divine being takes on a subtle taint, able to corrupt the flesh and soul of others.  With a touch, the Paladin poisons others.  The Paladin touches their victim and can call the effects of any Drug (See Herbs, Drugs and Poisons page) which may be resisted in the normal ways.  Alternately, the Paladin may apply this poison from their veins to a weapon for a single use.

Tier 2

Immaculate Appearance

Immaculate Appearance

Empyria: Passive
The Paladin’s divinity shines on a emotional level. When people see them, they cannot help but perceive the divine grace within, responding unconsciously with favor.  An extension to the ability granted by Immanence, the Paladin may call any Obey call usually allowed by a Social Skill instead.


Empyria: Passive
The door to the Paladin’s divine soul swings wide open and the majesty of their spirit overwhelms any who gaze on them.  The Paladin may spend Empyria to command those around them with an Obey 3 call once per character per scene. 

Divine Steed

Divine Steed

Empyria: Special
When the Paladin rides upon a horse, they may spend Empyria to enter a state of grace, and ride for any length of time with no rest, no food, no water and no shelter for mount or rider.  Their horse never throws a shoe, steps on loose stones, or suffers any other misfortunes that might slow their journey.   This allows the Paladin to travel hundreds or thousands of miles in a matter of days or weeks, and can reach and return to anywhere in the that half of the global theater with no Downtime spent, or reach anywhere in the known world with time to return by spending their Downtime action.


Empyria: 1
The Paladin’s body dissolves into black mist, or turns into bats, or some other form of disintegration, calling Hideous Bang, then using the Ignore sign.  They can reform in any place within a quarter mile where there are no significant living creatures within 50 feet.

Beacon of Hope

Beacon of Hope

Empyria: 1
The Paladin is a walking boon and all who bask in their presence reap the gifts of the Lord.  When they are present, everything seems to be right, and all seems to work as it should.  The Paladin may grant Inspired by touch by spending Empyria. No character may benefit from this more than once per Scene.

Pit of Misery

Empyria: 1
The Paladin may drain the pleasure and happiness from a place at will, calling Hideous Misery or Hideous Despair. This cannot be resisted, but the effects can be resolved normally.

Tier 3

Defy Sorcery

Defy Sorcery

Empyria: Passive
The Paladin’s body and soul may resist any attempt to change or blemish it with Arcane power.  They may call Sacred Block or any number of Sacred Discipline to resist any spell with the Flame, Water, Stone or Lightning Qualities, as appropriate to the effect.


Empyria: Passive
The Paladin may use the effect of Defy Sorcery with the Hideous quality instead of Sacred and any hostile magical effects that are resisted are reflected back at their originator, regardless of the sorcerer’s location.  The Paladin makes the same call for the spell back at the Magician.

Quick Mending

Quick Mending

Empyria: Passive
The Paladin naturally recovers at an incredible rate, leaving no scars.  If the Paladin is Downed, they automatically stabilize at the end of 5 minutes.  Within one hour of incurring an Injury or becoming Battered, the Paladin recovers to full Healthy status.  Maims recover completely between Events.

Wretched Knitting

Empyria: 1
The Paladin Immediately recover from all of their wounds and become Fresh, even in the middle of combat, but keeps hideous scars. The player must costume the scars from then outward.

Tireless Devotion

Tireless Devotion

Empyria: Passive
The Paladin is so invested with spiritual power that they no longer have any real need for food, air, or sleep, though can still enjoy these experiences if they choose to.  The Paladin is immune to Miserable and Blackout, gains the Light Sleeper character Perk, and may spend 1 Empyria to Restore themselves to Tired from Exhausted. The Paladin gains an additional Downtime.

Rest for the Wicked

Empyria: 1
The Paladin may drain others of their energy to fuel their own power.  The Paladin calls Hideous Misery on all those within Shouting Distance, gaining one Empyria for each new person affected. This cannot be resisted, but may be resolved normally.

Tier 4

Endless Champion

Endless Champion

Empyria: Passive
Any Empyria the Paladin spends in a scene is automatically recovered upon Rest, allowing them to expend massive amounts of holy force at a moment’s notice.

Slip From Grace

Empyria: 1
By spending Empryia, the Paladin does not gain additional Depravity at the end of Torment, allowing them to enter Torment without risk of further corruption.  If a fully fallen Paladin uses this ability, they may instead use it to activate any one Gift they have as its uncorrupted variant until the end of the scene.



Empyria: Passive
The Paladin’s personality shifts as it transmits the blazing light within.  They are always in the Devoted state as if they had used their Prayer, and may reassign the bonus Skills once per Scene.  When the Paladin uses Prayer, they may share their inner light with another and Inspire them.


Empyria: Passive
The Paladin allows their access to the light within to suffuse their personality completely, letting it banish away all doubt, care, and remorse.  The Paladin has Epic Faith Ω allowing them to begin every scene Inspired and Devoted, and allowing them to commit one sinful act per scene without gaining Depravity.

Purity of Soul

Purity of Soul

Empyria: Passive
All of the impurities in a Paladin’s heart have burned away. The Paladin has achieved a measure of divinity that separates her from the mundane world. The other creatures and people of the world exist in a way that is fundamentally shallower than she does, and she can step aside from their ability to render harm to her. From henceforth, she cannot be wounded by mundane forces like simple steel and stone. Swords will slide off of her skin unopened; a clay jar from above will shatter harmlessly against her. Magic, miracles, malefic creatures and other forces at least in part supernatural can still harm her.
The Paladin calls Sacred No Effect on any physical attack that does not have a supernatural Quality associated with it or that comes from a Malefic creature.

Scornful Heart 

Empyria: 1
The Paladin plunges deep within his own soul, finding all their hidden shame for their past misdeeds. Their guilt and self-denial bubble forward in a virulent explosion of pure and tangible spite, forgiving themselves and accepting all of their sins and instead judging all the world with the same caustic bitterness. When this occurs, the paladin is wreathed in hellfire, calling Hideous Hellfire Strike on all characters in Shouting Distance.  This attack gains Power equal to the number of Deadly Sins (3) that the Paladin has.  

Tier 5



Empyria: Passive
The Paladin cannot be destroyed. They cease to age at the age that they are when they acquire this Gift. If ever they should die, they rise from the dead a few weeks later unless entombed upon desecrated earth.  The slain Paladin may return to play the next Event.


Empyria: Passive
If the Paladin is slain while in Torment, they instead become a Revenant, a kind of vengeful ghost with its own abilities, which they can use at once.  As a Revenant, whenever night falls, the Paladin recovers all of their Empyria and may spend 3 to re-inhabit or recreate their dead body.



Empyria: Passive
The Paladin transcends their mortal form.  They gain shining white-feathered wings and may fly at incredible speeds, able to use the Ignore gesture at will to take to the sky, and all of their Attributes increase by 1.  All calls that the Paladin makes may carry the Sacred quality.
Those with this power earn great respect within the Church and are revered by any God-fearing creature. Additionally, if the Paladin desires, she may affect a seeming of a normal human to become more discrete. 


Empyria: Passive
The Paladin’s desperation or hubris causes them to violate the gift granted to her by the heavens. When a Paladin with Transcendence is in Torment, their pool of Empyria is inexhaustible; they may spend an unlimited amount for the Scene. They retain the bonuses to their attributes from Transcendence and may still fly at will, but all of their calls gain the Hideous quality instead of Sacred. Upon entering Torment with Transcendence, the Paladin gains one permanent Depravity that they may never atone for, and their pristine wings become increasingly stained, with the feathers turning grey, black, molting, or a combination of all. This disfigurement carries great shame among those who once praised the Paladin’s divinity.  Once the wings have molted completely from continued use, they reveal oily, leathery bat-like wings.


Tier 1



Empyria: 1
During the Paladin’s own sleep they may touch the sleeping mind of any person they know  and send them a dream of the Paladin’s choosing.  When the target awakes, they will remember all the details of the dream with perfect clarity.  The Paladin designs a dream in writing which is delivered by Staff to the recipient in the morning.  While the dream can include any features, the hazy nature of the dreams cannot communicate specific proper nouns such as names or exact places, instead being more symbolic to communicate.  The Paladin may use Social calls they have access to as part of the Dream.


Empyria: 1
The Paladin can construct terrible nightmares that can cause Insanity, and bring their victim into them.  Staff will assist running a private Trial between the Paladin and their target which can include whatever horrors can be imagined.  Upon awaking, the target gets a new Mild Phobia of the Paladin’s choice (appropriate to the nightmare) and awakens Traumatized.  Repeated use can increase the severity of the Phobia all the way to Crippling.  



Empyria: 1
The Paladin may go into seclusion for several minutes to pray, begging for spiritual guidance from the Lord.  They may seek such answers as, “How can I solve this problem without sinning?” or to get an idea of whether some course of action might be successful, asking a Staff member their opinion, and possibly a small suggestion of a better way.  The Paladin emerges from prayer with a sense of their answer in the form of a gut feeling.
During this time in prayer, she counts as if Praying for the purposes of Prayer and Zeal.

Gaze into the Abyss 

Empyria: 1
The Paladin may pray in secluded contemplation to one of the dark powers of the Triumverate.  In so doing, they are given to understand the dark god’s will in this place, what it desires to be accomplished to earn its favor, as well as knowledge of resources and secrets that may help accomplish their goals.  This also draws the attention of the dark god.



Empyria: 1
The Paladin is in tune with the emotions of others, able to feel their feelings as their own.  After listening to someone speak about one of their Bonds, the Paladin may spend Empyria to sync their emotional state to their subject’s.  Once they do this, the Paladin may take that Bond and give the speaker one of their own similar Bonds after a short conversation about the similar feeling or subject.

Alternatively, by touching an object or concentrating in a place the Paladin may feel a sense of the emotional impressions left in the place from the strongest events, allowing an understanding of the history of the object and who used it.

Dramatic Effect 

Empyria: 1
The Paladin can manipulate the emotions of others.  The Paladin may invoke Inspired, Despair, any Obey or any single emotion such as “Hate”, “Anger”, “Frustration”, or “Love” in their target, who feels it strongly for the rest of the day.

Tier 2

Dead Man’s Eyes

Dead Man’s Eyes

Empyria: 1
The Paladin can see the last few minutes prior to death per Empyria spent from the victim’s own eyes, which can be ended prematurely at any time.  Re-experiencing the death or agony of the target will cause the paladin to lose consciousness for the remainder of the scene and the next hour. The Paladin at any time may stop this effect by declaring they have seen enough. If the Paladin experiences the any of actual injury that contributes to the demise, they become trapped in the experience and cannot abort.

Death Dreamer 

Empyria: 1
The Paladin is present at the past event for the time allotted in a vision and can see things the dead did not. Witnessing the death does not cause any strain upon the Paladin.  As well, the Paladin may slip their spirit into the realm of the dead and summon forth any lingering Malefic related to the scene who are compelled to answer their questions.

Wisdom of the Kings

Wisdom of the Kings

Empyria: Passive
The Paladin taps into a universal consciousness and repository of memories from all humankind, the knowledge trickling to them over time as if from nowhere when it is needed. Between Events that they attend, the Paladin may learn any one Study, even Rare ones.  This knowledge is intuitive, and though the Paladin can speak about what they know to some extent conversationally, the stream of absolute knowledge is not suited to be taught to others, much like the Gifts themselves.

Crown of Thorns 

Empyria: 1
The Paladin may invoke unhad knowledge and have the benefits of any number of Studies for the Scene.  Whenever this power is used, the Paladin forgets one detail from their background, chosen by Staff. 

Life Ken

Life Ken

Empyria: 1
The Paladin can detect the health and conditions of living beings and undead in the area for the Scene.  The Paladin may ask a person as an OOC question “Are you affected by any drugs or diseases?” or “What injuries are you affected with?” and gain the information that the player has.  While this power is active, the Paladin’s sense of those around them gives them Tracking at will and renders them Alert.  Any creature that has answered their Tracking call can be Revealed by the Paladin.

Shadow Call 

Empyria: 1
The Paladin can call the Night Malefic to their aid by shattering the barriers in an area that keep it at bay. All Malefic in the greater area will hasten to their side and the Paladin gains the ability to call Hideous Obey at will against Malefic creatures for one scene.  The area where this power invoked is tainted with Malefic power and gets a red glowstick, signaling perpetual Fear until it fades.

Tier 3



Empyria: Passive
The Paladin will become aware if a dangerous or disastrous situation will occur in the next few moments.  They will instantly awaken if someone is about to harm her while sleeping (functioning like the Light Sleeper Perk). The Paladin may also call Alert No Effect when they find they have ingested or come in contact with a poison by their own actions- the poison was never touched or ingested as their supernatural foresight warned them away. Additionally, the Paladin is always considered Alert whenever it would be appropriate to be so.

Blind the Eyes of God 

Empyria: 1
The Paladin may cloud the ability of anyone in the area to benefit from any kind of special reading of fate, scrying, supernatural guidance, or any other similar ability that gains information supernaturally.  This affects the entire local area such as a city, and lasts for the Chapter. This also renders the Paladin immune to Tracking and all of the effects of the Streetwise and Vigilance skills as they become difficult to focus on.

Spell Seer

Spell Seer

Empyria: 1
The Paladin can sense magical auras and enchantments and can gain imagery of a spell’s intended purpose and function, as well as the Spell’s parameters and name when they observe it. The Paladin also gains 1 Dodge every Beat against spells due to forewarning. This power lasts for the scene when activated.

Eye of the Maelstrom 

Empyria: 1
When a Paladin activates this ability for the scene, they may call Hideous Stun on them any time they see the Magician casting a spell as their gaze pierces the barriers between this world and the Maelstrom. The Magician gains 1 Anacrusis every time this happens. Habitual use of this power causes one eye to glow a magnificent green.

Unseen Hand

Unseen Hand

Empyria: Passive
The Paladin can lift and move objects with their mind, tied strongly to the difficult to maintain belief that they can to do.  While Fresh, the Paladin may move or manipulate objects to do things such as retrieve objects, manipulate doors or lock latches, or exert force, calling Psychic Disarm, Psychic Knockdown, or Psychic Grab on people or objects in Shouting Distance every other Beat. Only one Grab may be maintained at a time using this method. By spending Empyria, much heavier objects can be lifted at Staff discretion.

Devil’s Fist 

Empyria: 1
The Paladin spends Empyria to exert violent concussive force on things around them for the scene, calling Psychic Slam, Psychic Strike, Psychic Blackout, Psychic Block, or Psychic Sunder at Shouting range every Beat.  This power cannot be used gently, and objects affected by it are mangled.

Tier 4



Empyria: 1
The Paladin can silently link their mind to another for a scene.  Using the Language signal, the Paladin may speak directly into the mind of their target (and hear replies they wish to make), or read a single piece of information relevant to the events presented at hand as an OOC question every few moments.
The Paladin may also speak and be spoken to by to any character they know intimately, regardless of their location in the world.  Anyone who has spoken to the Paladin personally may use the Prayer ability to pray to them and they will know the nature of their prayer.  This portion of the ability is always active.


Empyria: 1
An entire scene’s worth of memories can be re-written by calling Hideous Obey 3: Replace your memory of (a scene) with the following and describing the new memory. The memory will be completely believable regardless of how absurd the content may be.  However, anyone with Communion who touches their mind will know the truth.
The Paladin may also hear the Prayers of any character in the local Theater regardless of the deity they are addressing, allowing them to read from the Prayer box without spending Empyria.  The Paladin may also ask a staff member if they have heard the Prayers of a specific NPC once per Action Cycle.

Grand Destiny

Grand Destiny

Empyria: 1
The Paladin can perceive the course of destiny, and through this insight, may influence and steer its course with their will.  Entering a state of solitude and prayer, he can exercise this Gift upon any person, place, thing, or events that he knows about, and learn what destiny has in store for those things in the relatively near future. 

Fate Stealer 

Empyria: 1
By perceiving the flow of destiny, the Paladin may steer it into storm-tossed waters or run it aground entirely.  This grants the same awareness as Grand Destiny, though the Paladin may abuse this Gift by spending 5 Empyria to name a new destiny for that subject, such as “He will become a great Magician” or “The child will die” or “The kingdom will fall to a thousand curses”.  Events will conspire to enact that destiny, though they may not happen how they were expected, or immediately, or at all, if particularly tenacious individuals resist it for long enough.  Pronouncements of destiny that are too outlandish to be possible will not occur. If the Paladin dies, the future becomes yet uncertain again.



Empyria: 3
The Staff must answer any one question about the future, which they will answer truthfully and with as much detail as possible.  However, even simply knowing can change the future from what can be seen. The more people the Paladin shares this knowledge with, the further and further the prophecy shifts from the absolute truth of the Staff’s statements.  The Paladin is unable to recover Empyria used on this Gift until the next Event. Complicated questions may be elaborated on with a ticket between Events.

Hand of Destiny 

Empyria: 3
The Paladin gains a prophesy with the same stipulations as the above ability.  In addition to the prophecy, the Paladin submits a statement related to the prophecy with an “and.”  Afterwards the Staff may respond with a statement with a “but.” Both of these statements are true.

Tier 5



Empyria: Variable
The Paladin’s mind is a gateway to physical reality, so close are the two to being one.  Through an act of will and faith, the Paladin may call forth a being of holy form and nature to assist them. The exact features of the being called will vary by Paladin to Paladin, but its holy nature is obvious. Sometimes it may be a steel-clad angel, or a great lion with a mane of white fire, but all of them can fly at incredible speeds, using the Ignore signal when taking flight, and have one dot in each Attribute for every Empyria spent upon them. 
The Avatar will not speak, but attacks and defends with the Sacred Quality, has levels in all Combat Skills equal the to Empyria spent upon it, and has that many Sacred Block calls. Once summoned it can act on its own and needs no further instruction, but will respond to the will of its creator. The Avatar will vanish at the end of the scene, if destroyed, or if the creator loses consciousness.  Furthermore, other Paladins may participate in the invocation of this ability, donating up to 1 Empyria per additional Paladin.

The Conqueror Manifest 

Empyria: Variable
The Paladin can use their mind as a beacon, a bridge that renders it simple and inviting for a daemonic entity to manifest itself.  Upon spending an amount of Empyria, a Daemon will manifest at once and will use its considerable abilities to the Paladin’s benefit for as many minutes as the amount of Empyria spent.  After that time, the Daemon will still remain until otherwise banished, though its debt to the Paladin is paid and it will act in any way it chooses.  It is very unlikely that its true motivations will remain consistent with the Paladin’s own.



Empyria: Passive
Though the Paladin is still limited by the capabilities of their mortal mind to process it, the universe has opened itself to them and provides them with extra-sensory information about their surroundings. They are automatically are aware of everything in their surroundings, behaving as if they have Vigilance 5 (Existing Skill Ranks in Vigilance are refunded as Experience), and may ask Staff for any information about the immediate area, regardless of how obscure or hidden it may be. 
For example, the Paladin could ask whether the tracks in the dust were placed within the last hour, and by whom, or even whether they were falsely planted to lead a tracker astray.  They cannot see within the mind and soul of those around them, but are still aware of all physical details. Additionally, by expending Empyria, they may raise any Skill by 1 rank, to the normal maximum of 5, for the remainder of the day, or gain any Study they wish, no matter how specific. Study: Count Heatherfield, for instance, could tell the Paladin information on that person that no one could ordinarily know.


Empyria: 1
The Paladin may change one word of any one detail about a single person, place, or thing that they know to be true to something else. This can be almost anything to almost anything else. For example, one could change the fact that an enemy wields a polearm against them to be wielding nothing instead. Or, one could change an expression of hate into an expression of love.  They can even change a living person to a dead one so long as they can see them themselves to confirm it. 


Tier 1

The Good of Others

The Good of Others

Empyria: 1
The Paladin can take on the wounds and other ailments of another. Diseases, Maims, Poisons, Injuries, and Battered, may be removed from someone suffering from them and taken into the Paladin instead.  So powerful is this simple ability that the Paladin can even undo death itself if the person dies in the same Scene the power is used, however, this will destroy the Paladin.
Powers that render the Paladin immune or resistant to effects that he takes upon himself, such as Purity of Body, Quick Mending, etc, do not work as they ordinarily would – the Paladin suffers exactly as much as the beneficiary would have from the ailment that passes to them.

The Value of others

Empyria: 1
With a touch and the expending of Empyria, the Paladin’s own Injuries, Battered, Poisons or Diseases are passed onto another.
Alternately, the Paladin may remove any of the above effects from another person, drawing the strength from humanity as a whole.  A member of staff should be informed when this power is used and any of the healed effects may reappear on others in the community. 
Finally, after using Grab, the Paladin may immediately call Hideous Head Strike. This attack is said to be the most painful experience one can experience, and leaves a hand-shaped black scar that never completely fades away.

Shepherd’s Crook

The enmity between St. Allebrand and the Viscount of Riverbend was legendary in the time of the Second Emperor. When Allebrand finally accepted the long standing challenge of a duel on the eve of Holdfast, my Father believed he would finally rid himself of the man. Allebrand’s blows struck him again and again, telling blows that should have killed him. But my father rose again and again, each time more determined than the last, as the challenge wore on. It seemed my father could not be felled by this man, but when he finally threw his sword down in frustration, realizing he could never have his spite-born victory, I knew who the true hero was.
— Memoirs of the Count Riverbend, 78, the Lion Age


Shepherd’s Crook

Empyria: 1
The Paladin’s gentle heart can prevent harm from coming to another creature, even one they are battling with themselves.  For the next scene, the Paladin’s weapon attacks do not deal damage, calling “No Hit” if they land.  Instead, the Paladin calls Pain or Stagger, for any limb Hits or Blackout for a Torso Hit after they call “No Hit”.  This Gift specifically does not cause the Paladin to take Wrath.

Reaver’s Lash

Empyria: 1
The Paladin lets their hate leach out into their very attacks, the force of it whipping around attacks and slicing into flesh.  For the Duration of the Combat Scene, whenever weapon contact is made, even against a shield or weapon, the Paladin also calls Bleed on their opponent.

Soothing Presence
In the last days of Barahb’s siege on the White City of Santrius the people lay starving and desperate within its walls. During the day, they became like stuck swine, panicking and screaming under Barahb’s salvos; During the night, they became like serpents in a basket, turning on one another for the smallest of slights, for it was Barahb’s plan to break the spirits of the men before breaking down their walls. Lucia, grand-daughter of St. Marcellus watched as Barahb turned her people into swine and upon feeling desperation begin to creep into her own soul she cast it out and stood up amid the serpents and swine, rendering them shameful and calm. Thus ended Barahb’s Siege of Santrius and began the Forty Days of Bloodshed.
–The White Record, 67, The Lion Age


Soothing Presence

Empyria: 1
The Paladin emits a soothing aura that pacifies tempers and strong emotions. Angry individuals become easier to reason with and the grieving will lift up their heads from their tears.  The Paladin may call “Obey: Calm Down” to all around them when they use this Gift.
This can effectively momentarily stop a combat in progress, but can’t prevent hostilities from reigniting, if a new reason occurs or if bitter, hated foes remain in contact, though the combat will remain paused at least for several moments.  The calming influence lasts for the scene, or until something incites violence again.

Fearsome Presence

Empyria: 1
The Paladin emits an unsettling aura that sends the nerves on edge and the hairs on one’s neck upright.  The Paladin may call Fear on all in Oration range when they activate this power, but they may not exclude anyone, even their allies.  By spending an additional Empyria on a frightened subject, they may call Obey: Flee from here.  

Tier 2

Lay on Hands

Lay on Hands

Empyria: 2
The Paladin is able to call upon healing energies and use their body as a conduit for this miraculous ability. When they lay their hands upon a wounded person, the injured find that their wounds close, and their health is restored. Downed, Injuries and Battered are removed. Bleeding immediately halts and if the wound is still fresh (incurred within the same scene) this power can even heal a permanent injury such as a new maim or the new worsening of a maim. This healing takes the course of a full minute and may not be used on one’s self.

Dark Vitality

Empyria: 1
The Paladin draws upon a different sort of energy that comes easily to their troubled heart.  The Paladin may touch a target, or themselves, and imbue them with the power of unlife.  The target is immediately healed per Lay on Hands, they become Fresh, and also gains three Hideous Toughness calls they may spend before the end of the scene.  Each character may benefit from this no more than once per scene.  Any character who benefits from this ability gains a Severe Delusion that they cannot atone for their sins as the dark energies affect their mind.  For as long as this delusion persists, they may not remove Depravity.



Empyria: 1
If a Paladin knows someone’s Devotion, and speaks with that character about it and their troubles, the Paladin may offer them their advice and wisdom.  If the individual had a Chaos, Hatred or Egotistical Devotion and they accept the Paladin’s advice, the have the option to change their Devotion to an Order, Love, or Idealism Devotion that is the counterpart to their old Devotion; for example, a character with Chaos: Thieves’ Guild could change to Order: Law Enforcement.  If the subject already had an Order, Love or Idealism Devotion and they accept the Paladin’s advice, they lose a point of Despair.


Empyria: Passive
The Paladin may twist this Gift and give advice (or command) another to take some course of action which would be sinful.  If they obey, the Paladin gains Empyria equal to the Depravity of the deed.

Holy Concert

Holy Concert

Empyria: 1
The Paladin may donate Empyria to another Paladin within Speaking Distance. Empyria is not spent to activate this power; instead it is directly transferred, and these Empyria may exceed the Paladin’s normal limit.  The Paladin may donate as much or as little Empyria as they choose, and they last until spent (the donated Empyria are spent first and are lost if not spent at the end of the day.) 
Alternatively, giving an Empyria to an individual without the Charismata ability confers the Imminence ability for one scene.

Black Cacophony

Empyria: Passive
Leech Empyria away from another Paladin by spending a Empyria to invoke the effect.  If the Paladin can Grab their victim and hold tight, they can take 3 Empyria per Beat, and produces an ear-stinging screeching sound.  Using this power on a someone without Charismata gives them one Despair per Beat, and gives the Paladin 1 Empyria.

Tier 3



Empyria: Passive
The Paladin is in tune with a merciful sense of peace, and is better able to channel their kindness into their power.  All Mercy powers cost 1 less Empyria.  This makes some powers able to be activated for no cost. This does not stack with Martyrdom.

Channel Hate

Empyria: 1
The Paladin may extend his hand and lashes out with his hatred in the form of terrible, excruciating lightning.  The Paladin abuses their Gift by spending one Empyria, and for the remainder of the Combat Scene they may call Hideous Storm Strike against a character in Shouting Range once every other beat.  By spending additional Empyria when shooting these bolts of power, the Paladin may add Power to that attack.

Reverse Ruin

Reverse Ruin

Empyria: Variable
In the wake of carnage, where lives have been destroyed and things are set asunder, the Paladin can set things right once again. By expending Empyria, the Paladin is able to reverse damage to objects around her: the rubble of a house will miraculously begin to retake its shape, the shards of a mirror will find their proper places, and sundered swords will snap back to their original form in a shower of softly glittering light and shining haze.
For one Empyria the Paladin may recover anything that is besmirched or defaced, such as spilled ink or the fading of age, for two the Paladin may repair any Sundered item, and for 3 Empyria they are able to fully recover a destroyed or completely used up item.  In Tier 2+ play, a Ruin may be restored to the Landmark it once was as a Downtime action.


Empyria: Passive
Some things should never be set back as they were. Some things are best left done and over, never to see the light of day again. With this dire invocation, the Paladin can render her deeds patently and completely irrevocable. An altar shattered can never be repaired, a new one must be constructed. A door broken can not be refitted to its hinges. A vampire slain can never return. The Paladin lays an unforgiving curse on all they touch, making sure their works are never countered. However, once this power is used, it is considered always active even outside of Torment and can never be ended again in the Paladin’s lifetime, her own action made permanent and adamantine as well. Wounds delivered by the cursed Paladin will heal as normal as new flesh takes the place of old, but those slain can never be returned.

Spell Breaker

Spell Breaker

Empyria: 2
The Paladin may channel holy power to counteract any spell being cast by a Magician in her vicinity.  The Paladin calls Unweave and the spell fails at once.  This can be done to undo any effect just called by a Magician or on any active Enchantment the Paladin knows about or suspects.

Spell Eater

Empyria: Passive
The paladin consumes the raw energies of the spell converting it into usable energy. She may use the effects of Spell Breaker once per Beat. When she does so, she regains one Empyria, to her normal maximum. This siphoning of magical energy causes Burn on the caster if used on a spell as it is cast.

Tier 4



Empyria: 3

The Paladin extend their arms out wide and takes no other actions except speaking.  As long as they maintain this meditative state, once per Beat, any other single character they wish within Speaking Distance may recover from their wounds and refresh themselves. The Paladin calls “Become Healthy and Fresh” on their targets.  

This effect can be continued for as long as she wishes without spending additional Empyria as long as no other actions are taken except Defensive calls, and the Paladin takes no more than one step forward per Beat.


Empyria: 1
The Paladin abuses her power and calls upon death to sweep upon the area.  From their cloak, their armor, and from every shadow, an awful, miasmic black smoke sweeps in.  By spending one Empyria, every character in Shouting Range is affected by Hideous Poison Stun, then Hideous Poison Bleed on the following Beat, then Hideous Poison Blackout on the next Beat. The Paladin may signal this by preceding each call with a shout of “By the Sound of my Voice” in mass combat.

Pillar of Faith

Pillar of Faith
Empyria: 2

The Paladin’s holy spirit drives away evil.  Once activated, the Paladin holds their arm aloft, and the Paladin may call Sacred Obey: Be Banished to any Malefic creature.  This lasts until the Paladin lowers their arm, or the end of the Combat Scene.

Profane Presence

Empyria: 1
The Paladin’s presence bolsters the power of evil, rendering Malefic creatures completely immune to damage.  As long as the Paladin concentrates on this ability, arm raised above their head and moving at no more than a walking pace, the Paladin may call Hideous Block at will for Malefic creatures within Speaking Distance.  The Paladin does not gain protection from this ability, even if they are Malefic.

Angelic Caress

Angelic Caress

Empyria: Variable

The Paladin’s touch brings with it the grace of the Heavens and by their will they can set calamity aright. The Paladin may lay their hands upon the victim of terrible injuries, or even birth defects, to cause them to recover.  As well, they can cause the body to battle free of poisons and toxins, or drive out unclean spirits of contagion and plague.  The Paladin may also break curses that are laid on a person that afflict them with some kind of malady, or even restore a broken mind back to sanity.  

For any of these effects, the Paladin may spend a number of Empyria equal to the point value it would award as a Flaw.  This removes it from their subject; partial spends are not effective.  If the character had this as a Flaw on their sheet, the Flaw is removed for no cost.  Poisons and Diseases are cured for a single Empyria.

Vile Stroke

Empyria: 1
The Paladin’s power is that of ruin; their touch a thing of desecration. By laying their hands upon an object, the Paladin can cause it to be at once destroyed, calling Hideous Sunder 3.  They may destroy armor and weapons that they can successfully touch in this way, as well as any physical barrier. 
If the Paladin lays their hands upon living creatures, they can cause damage as the muscles twist, warp, and boil under their touch as if exposed to flame, calling Hideous Strike 3.  She can break the mind as easily, causing any Insanity, and can cause Afflictions (<Severity> <Attribute> Affliction) or even bestow curses of all kinds, causing the effect of any Flaw on a 1:1 basis with Empyria to point value.  The Paladin spends one Empyria for each grade of Insanity, Affliction or Curse they are bestowing.

Tier 5



Empyria: 1

The Paladin is like a living saint, able to set at ease the most profound hurts of the inner soul.  The Paladin may lay their fingertips on someone’s brow and spend Empyria.  Every Empyria they spend removes all Despair or one Depravity immediately.  If the subject was Wicked in the sin to be removed, they lose the Wicked flaw at once, remorse coming back upon him, mingled with the joy granted by the certain knowledge of forgiveness.


Empyria: 1
The Paladin’s very existence is ugly in the eyes of God, and they can smear that ugliness upon those they touch.  There is nothing so pure that it cannot be made filthy through contact with this true expression of themselves.  Touching another person’s brow, they may spend Empyria to give that person one Despair and one Depravity, and the Wicked Flaw to match.  Those affected by this twisted Gift are said to never feel clean again.

Unquenchable Light

Unquenchable Light

Empyria: 5

The Paladin’s presence banishes the very idea of infirmity of body and form. This power, once called upon, will banish any injuries suffered upon the Paladin and their allies that are present with such alacrity that they can scarcely be harmed at all.  After two Beats, each person so blessed recovers from any wounds they may have suffered, purges all poisons or diseases from their systems, and continues in defiance of their foe. Thus, those affected must be Downed and a Deathblow completed nearly immediately to end them at all, else nothing is accomplished. This ability cannot bring someone back from Dying.

This blessing lasts one Combat Scene.

Hand of Death

Empyria: 5
The Paladin is a the hand of death, the messenger of ruin. Once activated this Scene, any character that the Paladin points to within Shouting Distance has their soul begin to be ripped violently from their body. The Paladin calls Hideous Strike 3 once per Beat.  They may immediately call Hideous Deathblow against anyone who is Downed or rendered Dying by this Gift.
Characters who are killed by this ability have their soul destroyed, and cannot be resurrected.


Tier 1

Faintness of god

The self-styled “Executioner King”, Vardak, who had thought to challenge the might of Lethia in the aftermath of the execution of Tyrel the Witchwarder, was by all accounts invincible. The twin armies of Lord Gant, the Emperor’s younger brother, had marched against his rogue forces of Sharaqyn and Hestralian peasants and been smashed against them like the sea against rocks. Vardak’s army marched until it reached the site now called “Fera’s Tears” north of the Godsroad on the outer watch of Lethia. A small girl waited in the road, a shortsword in hand and armored in a misfitting chain hauberk. When the Executioner King’s forces arrived, the girl waited bravely, and called for the head of their leader, to challenge him in single combat. Vardak thundered with laughter so loud that the birds fled the nearby trees, it is said, and leaped down from his giant white elephant to accept.
The girl, who is unnamed to this day, knelt, prayed for the strength to defend her homeland, kissed her shortsword, and commenced the duel. A moment later, she had buried the shortsword into the heart of the Executioner King. No one knows how, but for the grace of God, she had defeated Vardak but the Kuarlite heretics offered her Vardak’s armor, his mighty axe, and his war elephant. She accepted them all, and told the army to march on Lethia, but unarmed and unarmored. They were summarily destroyed.
–Secret Heroes, 61, The Lion Age

Faintness of God

Empyria: 1

The Paladin’s kiss upon a weapon infuses it with a subtle power, granting any Hits or Conditions dealt with it the Sacred Quality for the Combat Scene. 

Absence of God

Empyria: 1
By expending an amount of Corrupted Empyria, the Paladin can negate a single Paladin power in use by another Paladin, including Passive powers. The Empyria spent is equal to the Empyria spent by the Paladin affected or the Tier in the case of Passive Powers and that power cannot be reactivated this scene.
The Paladin calls “Unweave <name of power>“.

Forfeit Life

Forfeit Life

Empyria: 1

The Paladin’s concern for others has surpassed the instinctual blocks that prevent them from moving into harm’s way.  Once this Gift is activated, the Paladin may spend any Physical Defense they have access to on behalf of another character that is within melee range.  They may also choose to take the effect instead of that person, calling “Taken” for the person they are protecting, and accepting the condition or damage.

Demand Life

Empyria: 1
The Paladin may expose another person to their divine nature and induce them to understand that the Paladin’s life is more valuable than their own, inspiring them to risk their life on behalf of the Paladin.  This ability requires only a look from the Paladin, calling “Obey 3: Defend Me” to someone in Speaking Range.


It is said that St. Azariah could not bear to see evil go unpunished. Her burning soul would brook no mercy for the wicked, nor for herself, to let evil endure. When her strength had left her, her brilliance subdued, and her will was utterly spent, she judged herself most harshly of all, bleeding tears of scarlet from her eyes, such was her anguish at her own weakness. Her own heartsblood ran down her fingertips as she would rise again, her strength redoubled, her resolve renewed, and her convictions stronger than ever.
–The White Record, -112, The Age of Witchkings


Empyria: Passive

The Paladin is capable of using another Gift for one less Empyria.  Each use of this ability causes the Paladin to Bleed from the eyes, which can’t be prevented by any means, but can be treated normally.  This does not stack with Humility.


Empyria: Passive
The Paladin is empowered by the harm they inflict on others. Each time the Paladin successfully inflicts an Injury upon or Downs an opponent, they regain one Empyria up to their normal maximum. 

Tier 2


On the day that Bran the Blessed threw open the doors to the St. Marcus’ Cathedral in Evansburg, he cast out the priests who had spoken against the Lord. He marched to the tainted altar, with its twisted iconography that mocked the Lord’s work. “This citadel of the Lord has been defiled. Never again shall its blasphemy twist the hearts of the people.” He pounded his mailed fist into the altar then, and it did split from his righteous fury, falling inward upon itself, a white, chalky dust issuing from its crack.”
-The White Record, -112, The Age of Witchkings


Empyria: 1

The Paladin’s Strength, Speed or Fortitude are set to Impressive ʘʘ for the remainder of the Scene by spending an Empyria.  Each Attribute may be raised for one Empyria, but only once each per scene.


Empyria: 1
By inviting the possession of a daemon or wicked spirit, the Paladin increases their Strength, Speed or Fortitude to Great ʘʘʘ for the remainder of the Scene by spending an Empyria. Each may be raised independently, one time each.  The eyes glow red when this power is invoked.

On that day, Bran the Betrayer had reached a moment of such Wrath that the doors of his soul flew open, and the beast that he thought he had destroyed at the Surrender of Keys leapt from its den and devoured his heart. The beast’s rage knew no limits, and neither did the hands that the beast now guided. Bran the Betrayer ripped the buttress from the wall, the stone slabs of the vaulted roof falling around him as he strode seething from the ruin of St. Marcus’ Cathedral.
-Gift Stories, compiled by Surth Rendan, Circa 58, The Lion Age

Holy Smite

Zuriel, the Angel of Righteousness, bid that mankind should never suffer evil to endure, lest that evil poison them as well. St. Vorshtadt of Gotha, the Whitehammer, took the angelic scripted name of Zuriel as his war banner, and marched to the Barony of Sir Gerion, the Six-Deviled Knight. When asked of what crime Sir Gerion had committed, the Whitehammer said that God would judge the wicked, and that his crimes would be sentenced by God himself, for the Whitehammer would strike down his foe in a single strike if the Lord wished it, and would fail if he did not. Gerion met St. Vorshtadt on the hill outside of his castle on the Ostron hills overlooking the Rogalian borders. There, the two titans selected each other in the melee of their troops, Sir Gerion wearing the horns of a giant ram upon his greathelm, covering his face, and St. Vorshtadt of Gotha wearing the shield and greathelm in the likeness of Zuriel. The two clashed, and just as he had forewarned, there seemed to be a mighty crash like the thunder rolling over the Capacionne mountains. A bright light shone from the Whitehammer, and at once it was over; the False Knight lay broken, thrown from his black charger. Sir Gerion’s men laid down their arms at once, and surrendered themselves to the mercy of the Lord.
–The Mercy of Victors, 27, The Lion Age

Holy Smite

Empyria: 1

The Paladin has become the bane of all that is evil, and the Paladin’s blade thirsts for justice.  The Paladin may recite a litany of sins of their opponent that they know that they committed  – for every instance of a Deadly Sin named, the Power of the Smite increases.  Once the Invocation is complete, the Paladin may call Sacred Strike <x> delivered by a melee Hit, where the Power is the above Sins.

Onlookers claim that during such a shattering blow sometimes the blade shines brilliantly like the sun upon impact, and that white feathers can be found near the battle.

Nemesis Blow

Empyria: 1
The Paladin recites a litany of their own unatoned sins, claiming them for Power.  For every crime of Deadly Sin they list for which they still have the Depravity, the Paladin adds Power to their Nemesis Blow.  Once the Invocation is complete, the Paladin may call Hideous Strike <x> delivered by a melee Hit, where the Power is the above Sins.
Onlookers will sometimes claim that such a brutal attack will have strange fire billowing around it and moments after the swing the faint scent of brimstone lingers.

Light of the Soul

St. Vaniel was said to have endured torture within the confines of the Black Keep of Aemon Renett for over five years. Rumors speak that no matter the tortures visited upon his body, he would not break. Rumors speak further that Renett hired the Secret Mentors to unfold his mind, usurp his mighty faith, and undo his resolve. And still, he did not break. When the Templar order finally broke the siege wall of the Black Keep, they found St. Vaniel in the dungeons, his body only mildly scarred, and his soul unbroken and unbowed.
— Secret Heroes, 301, The Lion Age


Light of the Soul

Empyria: 1

The Paladin may spend Empyria to ignore their wounds, as per a use of Gristle, from the Grit Skill.  Unlike that skill, this can be used repeatedly so long as Empyria remains.

Sup on Sanctity

Empyria: 1
The Paladin may spend Empyria to devour their body’s weaknesses, becoming temporarily immune to any form harm.   They may call Hideous Block by spending Empyria.

Tier 3



Empyria: 1

The Paladin invokes divine anger, holding up his fist into the air.  A deafening thunder-crack and brilliant blast of light issue forth.  Call “SACRED BANG!” This Staggers those around them and will destroy many evil creatures.

Prince of Darkness

Empyria: 1
The Paladin kneels and touches a patch of shadow, wherein he twists and perverts his Gift, causing anyone standing in a clearly defined shadow or darkness to be ripped to bits by umbratic horrors, the very darkness coming alive in tenebrous teeth and claws.  Call Hideous Strike against all opponents not standing within clear, bright light.

Wizard’s Debt

Wizard’s Debt

Empyria: 1

For the remainder of the Combat Scene, the Paladin’s weapon crackles with a strange power.  Each time they make physical contact with an enemy wizard, even by weapon hit or if they use a Defense, the Paladin can call Burn as the energy in his blade arcs and pops across the air.

Glimpse Beyond

Empyria: 3
The Paladin invokes a terrible power, with the world seeming to twist and writhe subtly around him.  For the rest of a Combat Scene, within Shouting Range of the Paladin, sound is distant and strange, the air is thin, and no magic functions at all.  Spells die as they reach him, and no enchantments give their effects until they are away from the Paladin once again.
The Paladin can call No Effect for any spell effect that attempts to affect anyone within Shouting Range. They may call Anacrusis against anyone they witness casting a spell.

Sunder Darkness

Sunder Darkness

Empyria: 1+

The Paladin can deliver tremendous physical force.  On a successfully executed attack, the Paladin may spend any number of available Empyria to add identical Power to their Hit or Combat Condition as they sear through defenses with their terrible justice. The Paladin may call No Effect against any Block called against this effect, forcing their opponent to use other defenses or take the Hit or Condition.

Reaper of Souls

Empyria: Passive
The Paladin may call No Effect against against any Block without the Sacred or Hideous Qualities, forcing the defender to call other defenses or suffer the Hit or Condition. In addition, inflicting a Deathblow causes the Paladin to regain all Empyria as it kills the opponent.

Tier 4

Sacred Duty

Sacred Duty

Empyria: 1

On the battlefield, the Paladin is the staunch anchor, the mighty bulwark upon which their allies rely. When a Paladin calls upon his devotion to his duties of courage and fortitude, they may call the harm away from their allies and direct it to themselves. 

All of the Paladin’s allies that are within melee range of them may call “No effect” on any Hits or other physical effects dealt to them.  The Paladin does not receive this protection. Allies may not use abilities to take Hits or Conditions on behalf of the Paladin while this Gift is active.  This persists the rest of the Combat Scene.

Deathless Tyrant

Empyria: 1
Whenever the Paladin takes any Hit or Condition this Scene, if there are any other allies or helpless prisoners within Shouting range, the Paladin may call No Effect, and then repeat the effect on the ally or prisoner instead such as “No effect, Strike.” So long as there are allies or prisoners remaining alive, the Paladin cannot be harmed.   Substitute targets must either be on the same Team (per Morale) as the Paladin, physically bound or unconscious, or under the effect of one of the Paladin’s Obey calls.

Force of Faith

Force of Faith

Empyria: 1

The Paladin is force of righteous fury, even without a weapon. For the scene, the Paladin may call any Condition whenever they touch an opponent with their hand.


Empyria: 1
When the Paladin calls upon their strength, such is the terrible force of their blows that they hammer down all obstacles and defenses. None can stand against their assaults, the force of the very hells pumping through them like a bellows. The Paladin can add Power 2 to all their Hits and Conditions.  This lasts a Combat Scene. 

Light of Heaven

Light of Heaven

Empyria: 1
With this mighty invocation of the Lord, the clouds will part to let the light of the sun stream in, regardless of the time of day. The sunlight will wash over an area about 5 yards wide that the Paladin points to, and the evil within that place will be extinguished.  The Paladin calls Driving Sacred Strike on every target within the area.


Empyria: 1
Black fire erupts from the Paladin’s body, wreathing them in blasphemous flames.  For the rest of the Scene, the Paladin may call Hideous Hellfire Strike on anyone who lands a Hit or Condition against them in melee combat, even if the Paladin successfully defends. This attack gains Power equal to the number of Deadly Sins (3) that the Paladin has.

Tier 5

Combat Purity

Combat Purity

Empyria: 3

The Paladin’s martial prowess is without flaw. They are a divine reckoner, and they have come to view combat in a very different way than most. Gone are the furious moments of panicked urgency where the mind goes blank and the sword swings madly. Gone is the rapid tenseness of the muscles as they recoil from a crushing blow against their shield. When they swing their sword to kill, they kill. When they raise their weapon to parry, their opponent’s weapon slides away. 

The Paladin remains Fresh for the rest of the Combat Scene.  If they Exert for any reason, they immediately become Fresh the following Beat, even if they are Exhausted.

Invincible Champion

Empyria: 3
The Paladin’s combat abilities are invincible, and their mind reasons combat on a completely different level. They think hundreds of steps ahead and can predict any eventuality in combat.  With their perfect predictive strategies, they may call Hideous Block every Beat.

Wrath of God

Wrath of God

Empyria: Passive

The Paladin is the mortal manifestation of divine justice, the personification of holy anger, and it shows. Those who stand against them do so at their own peril, for they stand against the might of God and no creature on earth can withstand such a foe.  Any time they succeed at any aggressive challenge or use any aggressive skill against another character, that character automatically receives a Crippling Phobia of God’s Judgment.  This includes such things as being successfully Grabbed, done damage to, or affected by an Obey by the Paladin.  This Phobia is as permanent as any other and must be challenged in the normal way.

There is No god

Empyria: Passive
There is no force so profoundly wrong as they. Their very existence and presence is disturbing to those the Paladin encounters on a level so profound that it is impossible to come away from an encounter with them entirely sane and whole. Any character the Paladin succeeds any aggressive challenge with or ability on automatically gains a Crippling Obsession with Depravity. Survivors of this power are the most depraved of lunatics and murderers.