Chapter 15
Lion Age 610 – Late Winter
January 31 2025
Chapter 16
Lion Age 610
March 28-31 2025
Chapter 17
Lion Age 610
May 30 2025
Chapter 18
Lion Age 610
July 18 2025
Potential Dates:
Sept 12 2025
November 11 2025

Weekend LARPing Logistics
Gothic: Runeheim is a weekend-long experience, and players will be expected to maintain and roleplay their character the entire time, except for specific times when discussing game rules operations with Staff and in private places like the bathroom or other out of game areas.
Where to sleep
The Middleground game site has both cabins and outdoor camping options. There will be an announcement to the Gothic: Runeheim Facebook group where Staff will coordinate with players for sleeping arrangements. Due to Covid-19 precautions, sleeping locations will be assigned to quarantine pods on request.
Before Attending
- Players must submit their character for approval a minimum of four weeks before the first game they will play with that character and look for staff feedback needed to approve characters.
- An approved character is required to play Gothic: Runeheim, unless the player intends to volunteer as an NPC.
- Inform Staff of any special accommodations needed for medical reasons via ticket prior to attending.
- Purchase a game ticket.
What to bring
- Character costume, appropriate representations for in-game items, and boffer safe weapons (if needed).
- Bedding suited to the weather. While most indoor spaces have heaters at Middleground, the night can still get cold.
- Changes of clothes/socks, hygiene items, and other comfort items (enough for the whole weekend.)
- Gothic: Runeheim features a meal plan (which can be purchased), but other food in suggested for times outside of normal meal hours.
- A flashlight with an orange or red light filter.
- Proof of vaccination
Once you arrive at site unload your belongings into your assigned sleeping space and then promptly park your vehicle in the designated parking area.
Logistics will open around 6pm where you will:
- Receive in game items & downtimes
- Show proof of vaccination
- Safety check weapons