Luisant Journal Entry Game 12 — Colibri’s Daybook

Luisant Journal Entry Game 12 — Colibri’s Daybook

Day 0:In case I die from this mistake, I want to write it all down, we all might die before the summer is out, but as my Grandmere used to say, I can only hold my own worry eggs in this basket, and not the whole world’s. I did the rite of attention and summoned the peddler back to come make a deal with me. I knew that getting something back lost in a deal would mean sacrifice. I planned for this, I knew what I would be willing to give and what I would not. The fae don’t play fair, so neither would I. They came to me just after we had come out of the thicket from rescuing Le Chat Blanc, the smell of death and rotting leaves still clinging to my skin. In a place of pure darkness, they whispered in my mind, ready to give me what I wanted for a price. First, I offered memories of a lover, but with the bonds to him severed by the Witchking’s minions, it did not hold enough value. They offered to take the memories of Axe in trade for those of Natalie, but without both of those parts, I knew I could never truly put her malefic to rest. We offered and countered, back and forth and finally, I offered them the use of my womb which Natalie had destroyed in her anger. They warned me it would be painful, but I thought that with the blessings of Willowbark, I would barely feel a thing. I made the deal. They were so eager to seal it and fulfill their part of the bargain that they thanked me in their haste. I caught them out and won myself a minor favor. Always be alert and never thank the fae. The consummation of this deal was wondrous, pain and pleasure comingled in a moment of sweet ecstasy. Then it was over. The seed was sown and they would reap their terrible harvest from me when the fruit was ripe.

Day 1: the pains were subtle at first. I only noticed them in pangs and flashes when I gave Willowbark’s blessing to others so they could find relief from their own agonies. The rest of that market went well, and I barely noticed a thing. I Found Natalie’s ghost in the forest, and with new refreshed memories of love and loss, I put both her and little Glycine to their final rest.

Day 3: Market finished quietly enough, though the pains became more frequent. As long as I kept Willowbark’s blessing, it was only minor discomfort.

Day 6: The Inquisition has come to Luisant and taken over what is left of the Owl’s Nest. The mean to root out the corruption but I don’t know if we can hide the circle, even with the looming threat of Chriopoler’s waking. There was another earthquake today.

Day 10: Tiphanie and I oversaw the haying today. The meadow grasses were cut and dried in the bright sun so the goats would have food through the winter. I hope we are still here in Luisant by then. The ground shakes more often and a foul smell rises from some of the cracks in the earth.

Day 14: The inquisition came to convocation today asking questions and demanding answers. It was all I could do not to scream at them. Lunette held my hand through the whole thing.

Day 17: It is clear to me now that is not a normal pregnancy. My womb has begun to ache and I vomit every morning upon waking then continue throughout the day. Even so, I am voraciously hungry. I fear it is the Witchking’s influence, because so is everyone else. I am so glad it is summer, and the forest is still lush and bountiful.

Day 20: My belly has begun to show and I’ve had to loosen my corset a bit each day. Everyone is hungry. Sophie says I’m eating for two and sneaks a little extra into my bowl of stew each night.

Day 25: I am no longer so glad it’s summer, the heat has become unbearable. There has not been a cloud in the sky in ten days. I worry that our crops may wither before we can harvest them. I pray to Vecatra that the rain may come soon. Marinette, Little Hugo, and I took the children to the beaver pond to swim. One of the toddlers almost got eaten by a baby gator, but Little Hugo rescued the child and killed the beast. Henri roasted it in the oven and at least we all ate well tonight.

Day 28: Blessed rain. A huge thunderstorm swept into the valley. As the clouds rolled in, it sounded like the whole court of trees was arguing at once. Went out barefoot and danced in the rain in nothing but my shift. Everything hurts, but I can still cope with the pain. I felt the babe move for the first time today, and it felt like it was trying to claw its way out of my womb. I gave another sacrifice to Willowbark and left it on their shrine. It’s nice to spend time in the grove with the circle, with the inquisitors in town, we’ve had to be so careful again.

Day 31: It’s been a full month now and Isabel says it looks like I’m about five months along. My belly is too big for my corsets now, but Tiphanie said she would make me a new one. I can no longer tie my boots, and Pascal has had to do it for me. The pain is getting worse. Lysenna carved me a little knobbly stick that I can roll my feet on when they cramp up. I am so grateful for my friends.

Day 35: One of the Inquisitors started asking questions about why my pregnancy was progressing so quickly, but Teles and Allouette quickly talked them into another line of questioning. Fabron, Aurianne, Hadrian, Suzette, Alex, and I played dice after supper. The earthquakes rolled the dice for us a few times, and we pretended like Primus was playing with us. It was nice to laugh for a few hours when so many of the days are worrying and misery.

Day 37: For the last few weeks Valentin and Pascal have been working feverishly on the various weapons they are building to give us an edge against Chriopoler. They tested Valentin’s new gun, and he got badly burned when a steam pipe burst. Luckily, Sophie was able to treat his wounds. That woman truly works miracles with Lurian’s rituals.

Day 39: Fuck corsets. I can no longer wear anything but a shift and skirts. Etienne, Corbin, and Valko walked me out to the grove again so I could pray to Willow and her children for relief from the constant agony. It’s getting so hard to walk on my own and it’s almost impossible to shoot a bow with my belly in the way but I tried nonetheless. I will be so glad when this is done.

Day 42: Market is a week away. The ground shakes day and night. Everyone is ravenous and miserable though we are doing our best to make sure everyone eats. Between all that and the babe, I haven’t slept more than an hour or two at a time. Bas has been sitting with me every night this week talking with me and reminding me to breathe through the pain. Even with Willowbark’s blessing, It is hard to do much but sit. I’ve been making bandages with every bit of hemp we can find, hoping it will be enough for the final battle, Everything is coming to a head, and I feel like I’m not the only one who is about to pop. Sweet standing ones, I don’t know if I can make it through this. I don’t know that any of us can. I hope that Vecatra doesn’t turn her back on us for our folly in letting the Lion folk know and protect us. I pray we can all live to see the new year.

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