Crafting Recipes

Crafting Recipes

The following is a list of known crafting recipes for both crafting skills as well as well known techniques.

Other crafting recipes may exist in the world, and to use those the crafter must submit the recipe tag in addition to the required Effort and materials. 

Table of Contents


TypeItem NameSkill RequirementEffectEffortMaterials
ComponentCharcoal [x4]BasicPrimarily used in blacksmithing12 Soft Wood
ComponentHandleBasicUsed for tools and weapons with a small grip11 Soft Wood
ComponentHiltBasicUsed for well-balanced weapons11 Hard Wood, 1 Scrap Leather
ComponentHaftBasicUsed for weapons with a long reaching grip12 Hard Wood
ComponentPlankBasicPrimarily used for chests and shields.12 Soft Wood
ComponentStockAdvancedUsed for engineering.11 Hard Wood, 1 Soft Wood
Service ItemShield Repair KitBasicRequires Carpentry 2; repairs or maintains a damaged Shield. 5 uses.11 Hard Wood, 1 Soft Wood
Service ItemHaft Repair KitBasicRequires Carpentry 2; repairs or maintains a damaged wooden weapon. 5 uses.11 Hard Wood, 1 Soft Wood
ToolFarming ToolsBasicMay be used to add a level of Exploitation to Common or Uncommon Gathering tokens during Refining. Each level of Exploitation adds 1 to the output of each kind of resource on the token. Breaks after refining 5 tokens.21 Handle, 1 Wool
ToolForestry ToolsBasicMay be used to add a level of Exploitation to Common or Uncommon Gathering tokens during Refining. Each level of Exploitation adds 1 to the output of each kind of resource on the token. Breaks after refining 5 tokens.21 Handle, 1 Hard Wood
ToolHunting ToolsBasicMay be used to add a level of Exploitation to Common or Uncommon Gathering tokens during Refining. Each level of Exploitation adds 1 to the output of each kind of resource on the token. Breaks after refining 5 tokens.21 Handle, 1 Heavy Leather
ToolMining ToolsBasicMay be used to add a level of Exploitation to Common or Uncommon Gathering tokens during Refining. Each level of Exploitation adds 1 to the output of each kind of resource on the token. Breaks after refining 5 tokens.21 Handle, 1 Hard Iron
ToolCarpentry ToolsAdvancedAdds 2 effort usable for Carpentry. Breaks after 6 uses.21 Handle, 1 Soft Iron, 1 Hard Wood
ToolBlacksmithing ToolsAdvancedAdds 2 effort usable for Blacksmithing. Breaks after 6 uses.21 Handle, 1 Hard Iron, 1 Soft Wood
ToolNeedleworking ToolsAdvancedAdds 2 effort usable for Needleworking. Breaks after 6 uses.21 Hard Iron, 1 Hemp, 2 Soft Wood
ToolApothecary ToolsAdvancedAdds 2 effort usable for Apothecary. Breaks after 6 uses.21 Hard Wood, 1 Soft Iron, 2 Soft Wood
ToolSurgeon’s ToolsAdvancedAllows the use of the Physicker Techniques or rituals referencing Surgeon’s Tools. 21 Hard Iron, 1 Soft Wood, 2 Hemp
ToolPainting ToolsAdvancedBrushes, palette, and easel needed to create Paintings as an Artisan 31 Soft Wood, 1 Fine Fur
ToolSculpting ToolsAdvancedChisel set for making statues out of wood or stone31 Hilt, 1 Hardened Wedge
ToolMaster’s Farming ToolsMasterworkBearer may Exploit once at each node. Bearer may Exploit a second time at nodes up to twelve times before the tools are expended.51 Handle, 1 Hardened Wedge, 1 Padding, 1 Cashmere
ToolMaster’s Forestry ToolsMasterworkBearer may Exploit once at each node. Bearer may Exploit a second time at nodes up to twelve times before the tools are expended.51 Handle, 1 Haft, 1 Hardened Wedge, Heartwood
ToolMaster’s Hunting ToolsMasterworkBearer may Exploit once at each node. Bearer may Exploit a second time at nodes up to twelve times before the tools are expended.51 Handle, 1 Hardened Wedge, 1 Strap, Aromatic Wood
ToolMaster’s Mining ToolsMasterworkBearer may Exploit once at each node. Bearer may Exploit a second time at nodes up to twelve times before the tools are expended.51 Handle, 1 Hardened Wedge, 1 Weight, Steel
ToolMaster’s Carpentry ToolsMasterworkAdds 4 effort usable for Carpentry. Required for crafting Masterwork items. May add the Sturdy Quality to non-Masterwork items. Breaks after 12 uses.42 Handle, 1 Hardened Wedge, 1 Heartwood,
ToolMaster’s Blacksmithing ToolsMasterworkAdds 4 effort usable for Blacksmithing. Required for crafting Masterwork items. May add the Sturdy Quality to non-Masterwork items. Breaks after 12 uses.41 Handle, 2 Hardened Wedge, 1 Steel,
ToolMaster’s Needleworking ToolsMasterworkAdds 4 effort usable for Needleworking. Required for crafting Masterwork items. May add the Sturdy Quality to non-Masterwork items. Breaks after 12 uses.41 Handle, 1 Hard Iron, 1 Lining, 1 Steel,
ToolMaster’s Apothecary ToolsMasterworkAdds 4 effort usable for Apothecary. Wasted herb traits are retained as separate herbs in addition to crafted drugs. Breaks after 12 uses.41 Handle, 1 Hard Iron, 1 Aromatic Wood, 1 Glass,
WeaponClubBasicInferior Arming Weapon21 Hard Wood
WeaponStaffBasicLarge Inferior Heavy Weapon11 Haft
WeaponBowAdvancedFires arrows to make combat less fair. 30lb draw limit.31 Haft, 1 Bowstring
WeaponSpearAdvancedLarge Driving Heavy Weapon31 Haft, 1 Shortblade
WeaponHalberdAdvancedLarge Sundering Heavy Weapon31 Haft, 1 Hardened Wedge
WeaponIron Shod StaffAdvancedLarge Staggering Heavy Weapon31 Haft, 1 Bracing
WeaponMasterwork SpearMasterworkLarge Driving Striking Heavy Weapon51 Haft, 1 Shortblade, 1 Heartwood
WeaponMasterwork HalberdMasterworkLarge Sundering Heavy Weapon. May add Quick to Sunder Calls51 Haft, 1 Hardened Wedge, 1 Heartwood
ShieldKite ShieldAdvancedStandard Shield32 Plank, 1 Bracing, 1 Plate
ShieldTower ShieldAdvancedVery Large Shield52 Plank, 2 Bracing, 2 Plate
ShieldRound ShieldBasicInferior Shield21 Plank, 1 Hilt
ShieldMasterwork Kite ShieldMasterworkThe wielder may call Stagger in response to the Grab call once per beat, even if their opponent did not touch their shield.52 Plank, 1 Bracing, 1 Plate, Bear Hide
StorageBarrelBasicUsed in food preservation and brewing.23 Plank
StorageChestBasicItems within do not need to be physreped if used directly from the chest. Holds a reasonable amount of large items.42 Plank, 1 Bracing, 1 Handle
ArrowBroadhead ArrowsAdvanced10x Striking Arrows31 Haft, 1 Shortblade
ArrowBodkin ArrowsAdvanced10x Staggering Arrows31 Haft, 1 Wedge
ArrowBarbed ArrowsAdvanced10x Stunning Arrows31 Haft, 1 Wedge
ArrowField ArrowsBasic20x Inferior Arrows21 Plank, 1 Soft Iron
ArrowCrossbow BoltsAdvanced10x Driving Bolts, must be fired from a Crossbow31 Haft, 1 Shortblade
ComfortSeatingAdvancedGrants +1 Comfort to those who sleep in this room31 Plank, 1 Padding
ComfortTableAdvancedGrants +1 Comfort to those who sleep in this room53 Planks, 1 Bracing
MiscWooden LeonemBasicSimple religious icon of the Church of Mankind11 Soft Wood
ItemDice [x2]BasicFor gambling and some Priest Rituals11 Soft Wood
ItemFocal StaffMasterworkThe base of a staff used by Wizards41 Haft, 1 Hard Wood, 1 Gem
LuxuryAromatic ArmoireMasterworkGrants +1 Luxury to owner and makes owner immune to Outbreaks of Disease56 Planks, 1 Haft, Aromatic Wood
MiscWagonAdvancedWhen used with a Horse, a Transport Downtime may move up to 5 Supply. User must have Survival 2 or use Paths58 Planks, 2 Hafts, 4 Bracings, 1 Harness, 3 Lining
ItemLumberBasic1 Lumber is added to the local Stockpile1050 Soft Wood or 20 Hard Wood


TypeItem NameSkill RequirementEffectEffortMaterials
Armor ComponentMedium Armor PieceAdvancedA component of Medium Armor.12 Links, 1 Hard Iron, 1 Light Armor Piece
Armor ComponentPlate Armor PieceAdvancedA component of Plate Armor.21 Plate, 1 Links, 1 Strap, 1 Medium Armor Piece
Armor OutfitMedium ArmorAdvancedA suit of armor that gives 2 Armor calls to the areas it covers.25 Medium Armor Piece, 1 Harness
Armor OutfitPlate ArmorMasterworkMust be fitted to the person who will be wearing it. Wearer may call Heavy Armor once per Beat.35 Plate Armor Pieces, 1 Padding, 1 Harness, 1 Bear Hide
ComponentBracingBasicPrimarily used in Carpentry.11 Hard Iron, 1 Soft Iron, 1 Any Coal
ComponentChainBasicUsed in some Rituals 25 Links
ComponentGold BarBasicPrimarily used in the construction of Luxury Items. 110 Gold Coins or Gold Ore
ComponentGreatbladeAdvancedGreatblades are used in the construction of large weapons.23 Hard Iron, 1 Any Coal
ComponentHardened WedgeAdvancedHardened wedges are used in the construction of axes, hammers, and fine tools. 11 Hard Iron, 1 Any Coal
ComponentLinksBasicLinks are used in the construction of armor.11 Soft Iron, 1 Any Coal
ComponentLongbladeBasicLongblades are used in the construction of medium-sized weapons.12 Hard Iron, 1 Any Coal
ComponentPlateBasicA piece of plate suitable for the crafting of plate armor or large shields.12 Hard Iron, 1 Any Coal
ComponentShortbladeBasicShortblades are used in the construction of smaller, lighter weapons, as well as fine arrowheads or polearms. 11 Hard Iron, 1 Any Coal
ComponentSilver BarBasicPrimarily used in the construction of Luxury Items. 110 Silver Coins or Silver Ore
ComponentWedgeBasicUsed in the construction of weapons.11 Soft Iron, 1 Any Coal
ComponentWeightBasicUsed in maces and hammers.11 Soft Iron, 1 Any Coal
ItemFeastwareMasterworkRequired for a feast using the etiquette skill. 310 Plates, 5 Glass, 4 Silver Bars
ItemLanternBasicIf Alert and someone in Stealth moves within three steps of you, call Reveal.22 Hard Iron, 1 Any Coal
ItemManaclesBasicYou may inflict the Grab Condition on a helpless or willing target that persists until the manacles are Sundered or someone uses the correct key for the attached Lock to remove them.13 Links, 1 Lock
ItemMeathookBasicMove dead(?) bodies as if you had Strength 2. Causes an additional Injury on living targets.11 Wedge, 1 Strap
ItemShovelBasicAllows digging of graves. 21 Wedge, 2 Hardwood
ItemRingBasicSimple adornment used for many purposes11 Copper Coin, 1 Silver Coin or 1 Soft Iron
ItemSignet RingBasicPeople cannot create forgery works from “you” without the Signet Ring11 Gold Coin
LuxuryChandelierMasterworkGrants +1 Luxury to those who sleep in this room51 Silver Bar, 3 Links, 1 Candles, 3 Glass
LuxuryJewelryMasterworkGrants +1 Luxury to the wearer. You may re-enter Posture after spending it once per scene.31 Silver Bar, 1 Gem
MiscSilver LeonemAdvancedReligious Icon of the Church of Mankind31 Silver Bar
Service ItemBlade Repair KitBasicRequires Blacksmithing 2; repairs or maintains a damaged metal non-firearm weapon. 5 uses.11 Hard Iron, 1 Any Coal
Service ItemMedium Armor Repair KitBasicRequires Blacksmithing 2; repairs or maintains a damaged medium armor. 5 uses.11 Hard Iron, 1 Any Coal
Service ItemPlate Armor Refitting KitAdvancedRequires Blacksmithing 3; allows plate armor to be fitted to a new wearer. 1 use21 Hard Iron, 1 Strap, 1 Any Coal
Service ItemPlate Armor Repair KitBasicRequires Blacksmithing 2; repairs or maintains damaged plate armor. 5 uses.12 Hard Iron, 1 Any Coal
Service ItemRaspBasicRequires Blacksmithing 2; adds Power to the next Condition call made with the sharpening weapon. 5 uses11 Soft Iron, 1 Any Coal
ShieldMasterwork Spiked BucklerMasterworkBuckler Shield. May use Shields Proficiency to call Arm Pain instead of Stagger51 Plate, 1 Shortblade, 1 Strap, 1 Steel
WeaponAxeBasicSundering Arming Weapon21 Wedge, 1 Hard Wood
WeaponBroadswordAdvancedStunning Arming Sword31 Longblade, 1 Hilt
WeaponDaggerBasicStriking Light Weapon21 Shortblade, 1 Soft Wood
WeaponEstocAdvancedLarge Striking Heavy Sword31 Greatblade, 1 Hilt, 1 Strap
WeaponFalchionAdvancedStaggering Arming Sword31 Longblade, 1 Hilt
WeaponSaberAdvancedStriking Arming Sword31 Longblade, 1 Hilt
WeaponFalxBasicStaggering Light Weapon21 Shortblade, 1 Soft Wood
WeaponGreataxeAdvancedLarge Sundering Heavy Weapon31 Hardened Wedge, 1 Wedge, 1 Haft
WeaponGreatswordAdvancedLarge Staggering Heavy Sword31 Greatblade, 1 Hilt, 1 Strap
WeaponHammerBasicDriving Arming Weapon21 Weight, 1 Hard Wood
WeaponHatchetBasicSundering Light Weapon21 Wedge, 1 Soft Wood, 1 Scrap Leather
WeaponKnifeBasicStunning Light Weapon21 Shortblade, 1 Soft Wood
WeaponLongswordAdvancedLarge Stunning Heavy Sword31 Greatblade, 1 Hilt, 1 Strap
WeaponMaceBasicDriving Arming Weapon21 Weight, 1 Hard Wood
WeaponMaulAdvancedLarge Driving Heavy Weapon31 Weight, 1 Wedge, 1 Haft
WeaponMasterwork AxeMasterworkSundering Arming Weapon; Mighty on Sunder Condition51 Hardened Wedge, 1 Weight, 1 Handle, 1 Steel
WeaponMasterwork BroadswordMasterworkStunning Arming Weapon; Mighty on Stunning Conditions51 Longblade, 1 Hilt. 1 Weight, 1 Steel
WeaponMasterwork DaggerMasterworkStriking Light Weapon; Driving on Striking Conditions51 Shortblade, 1 Hilt, 1 Steel
WeaponMasterwork EstocMasterworkLarge, Striking Heavy Weapon; Mighty on Striking Conditions51 Greatblade, 1 Weight, 1 Hilt, 1 Strap, Steel
WeaponMasterwork FalxMasterworkStaggering Light Weapon; Mighty on Staggering Conditions51 Shortblade, 1 Hilt, 1 Steel
WeaponMasterwork GreataxeMasterworkLarge, Sundering Heavy Weapon; Mighty on Sunder Condition51 Hardened Wedge, 1 Wedge, 1 Haft, 1 Steel
WeaponMasterwork GreatswordMasterworkLarge, Staggering Heavy Weapon; Mighty on Staggering Conditions51 Greatblade, 1 Weight, 1 Hilt, 1 Strap, 1 Steel
WeaponMasterwork HatchetMasterworkSundering Light Weapon; Quick on Sunder Condition51 Wedge, 1 Hilt, 1 Strap, 1 Steel
WeaponMasterwork KnifeMasterworkStunning Light Weapon; Quick on Stunning Conditions51 Shortblade, 1 Hilt, 1 Steel
WeaponMasterwork LongswordMasterworkStunning, Long Arming Weapon51 Greatblade, 1 Weight, 1 Hilt, 1 Strap, 1 Steel
WeaponMasterwork MaulMasterworkLarge, Driving, Staggering Heavy Weapon51 Weight, 1 Wedge, 1 Haft, Heartwood
WeaponMasterwork RapierMasterworkStriking, Long Light Weapon51 Longblade, 1 Link, 1 Hilt, 1 Steel
WeaponMasterwork SaberMasterworkStaggering OR Striking Arming Weapon; (may call either, but not both, with appropriate skill)51 Longblade, 1 Weight, 1 Hilt, 1 Steel
WeaponMasterwork SmallswordMasterworkStriking Arming Weapon; Quick on Striking Conditions51 Longblade, 1 Weight, 1 Hilt, 1 Steel
WeaponMasterwork Throwing KnifeMasterworkStriking, Throwable Light Weapon51 Shortblade, 1 Strap, 1 Steel
WeaponMasterwork MaceMasterworkDriving, Staggering Arming Weapon52 Weight, 1 Handle, 1 Heartwood
WeaponShivBasicInferior Light Weapon11 Hard Iron, 1 Soft Wood
WeaponThrowing KnifeBasicInferior Throwable Light Weapon21 Shortblade
WeaponSilver SwordMasterworkInferior Arming Weapon; May call Silver on Hits51 Longblade, 1 Hilt, 1 Weight, 1 Silver Bar
WeaponSilver DaggerMasterworkInferior Light Weapon; May call Silver on Hits51 Shortblade, 1 Hilt, 1 Silver Bar
ComfortWood Burning StoveAdvanced10 soft wood or 5 hard wood may be burned each event to grant those who sleep in this room +1 Comfort32 Plates, 4 Soft Iron
ItemIron BeamBasic1 Iron Beam is added to the local Stockpile1050 Soft Iron or 20 Hard Iron
Item10 Silver ShavingsBasicSilver Shavings are made in batches of ten and used primarily in holy rituals.11 Silver Bar or 10 Silver Coins


TypeItem NameSkill RequirementEffectEffortMaterials
ComponentStrapBasicUsed in the construction of weapons.11 Scrap Leather
ComponentHarnessBasicUsed in the construction of armor.11 Heavy Leather
ComponentLinenBasicUsed for bandages and other fabric items.12 Hemp
ComponentPaddingBasicUsed in the construction of lighter armor.11 Wool
ComponentPouchBasicUsed for small soft items or packs.11 Wool, 1 Scrap Leather
ComponentLiningAdvancedUsed in tools and outfits.11 Wool, 1 Hemp
ComponentGarmentBasicUsed in the construction of garments.12 Wool
ComponentBowstringBasicIt’s a bowstring.11 Wool
ComponentPainting CanvasAdvancedUsed to make Paintings11 Plank, 1 Linen
Service ItemClean, Stitch & Press KitBasicRequires Needlework 2; The wearer’s next Obey call gains Power, if it occurs within the current or next Scene. Also repairs or maintains Outfits. 5 uses.11 Hemp, 1 Wool
Service ItemLight Repair KitBasicRequires Needlework 2; repairs or maintains damaged Light armor. 5 uses.11 Scrap Leather, 1 Heavy Leather
Service ItemHidden PocketBasicRequires Needlework 2 to apply. May hide a single small item within the stitching of a piece of clothing as per Finesse: Concealment until it is removed once, tearing the stitching.11 Hemp
ConsumableBandage [x4]BasicCan be wrapped tightly around a Downed or Bleeding person to put pressure on a wound, as if a hand were placed.12 Linen
WeaponSapBasicMay use with Stealth 3 to call Stealth Blackout instead of Stealth Strike21 Pouch, 1 Soft Iron
ShieldLeather BucklerAdvancedSmall round leather shield that is usually strapped to the arm.31 Harness, 1 Heavy Leather, 1 Soft Wood
Armor ComponentLight Armor PieceBasicUsed in the crafting of Light Armor.11 Harness, 1 Strap
Armor OutfitLight Armor SetAdvancedA set of Light Armor that gives 1 Armor call to the area it covers.15 Light Armor Piece, 1 Padding
ItemGathering PouchBasicMay carry 3 unprocessed scavenged items, herbs, or node tags at a time. Only one item may be used to increase the scavenged item holding limit at a time. 21 Pouch
ItemGathering BagAdvancedMay carry 5 unprocessed scavenged items, Herbs, or node tags at a time. Only one item may be used to increase the scavenged item holding limit at a time. Also counts as a Small Pack.31 Pouch OR 1 Gathering Pouch, 1 Lining
ItemGatherer’s BackpackMasterworkMay carry 10 unprocessed scavenged items, Herbs, or node tags at a time. Bearer may exploit once at each node they have gathered from. Only one item may be used to increase the scavenged item holding limit at a time. Also counts as a Large Pack.51 Pouch, 1 Lining, 1 Harness, 2 Heavy Leather, Cashmere
ItemSmall PackBasicItems within do not need to be physreped if used directly from the pack. Holds a reasonable amount of small items.21 Pouch, 1 Strap
ItemLarge PackAdvancedItems within do not need to be physreped if used directly from the pack. Holds a reasonable amount of medium items.31 Pouch, 1 Harness
ItemBannerBasicUsed to identify organizations and in some Rituals.21 Haft, 1 Linen
ItemRopeBasicYou may inflict the Grab Condition on a helpless or willing target that persists until the rope is removed by another person or Sundered.22 Hemp
MiscDollBasicA common child’s toy21 Pouch, 1 Hemp
ComfortSmallclothesBasicGrants the wearer +1 Comfort21 Garment
ComfortBeddingBasicGrants +1 Comfort to those who sleep in this bed32 Linen, 1 Padding
ComfortFine TentAdvancedThis tent counts as an indoor shelter, and grants +1 Comfort to those who sleep inside.32 Rope, 2 Haft, 5 Linen
ComfortRugAdvancedGrants +1 Comfort to those who sleep in this room35 Wool
LuxuryBed DrapesMasterworkGrants +1 Luxury to those who sleep in this bed. Anyone in this bed may call “Obey: Go Away” once per scene.35 Lining, Fine Furs
ComfortFolding FanBasicGrants the user +1 Comfort31 Sheaf of Paper, 1 Joints
ComfortFine BootsBasicGrants the wearer +1 Comfort32 Heavy Leather, 1 Strap
OutfitSurveyor’s GearBasicWhile wearing this Outfit, the character may Exploit each Gathering Token an additional time. Surveyor’s Gear should be costumed with earth tones, a cloak, and a belt.31 Harness, 1 Small Pack
OutfitCrafter’s ApronBasicAs long as this Outfit is worn for the entire Period, the character may gain 1 additional Effort for any Crafting Action they take during that Period.31 Harness, 3 Pouch
OutfitDark CloakBasicWhile cloaked the character may take full steps while in stealth instead of crouched steps.21 Padding, 1 Strap, 1 Ink
OutfitMerchant’s AttireAdvancedAfter wearing this outfit for an entire Period, the merchant may get 10% more value in coin when then use Merchantile 3 to sell goods.31 Garment, 1 Lining, 1 Ink, 5 Silver Coins
OufitHouse LiveryAdvancedWhile wearing this outfit, the character may call on any Bonds to your House an additional time per scene31 Garment, 1 Lining, 1 Ink
OutfitPriest’s VestmentsAdvancedWhile wearing this outfit, the character may add Power to any Obey call that references the target’s sin.
Required for some rituals
31 Garment, 1 Lining, 1 Leonem
OutfitCold Weather GearAdvancedWhile wearing this outfit, the character is immune to the effects of severe cold weather and may call Toughness once per Rest against any effects with the Cold Quality.31 Garment, 2 Lining
OutfitScholar’s OutfitAdvancedA garment with many pockets for pens, inks and notes. As long as this Outfit is worn for the entire Period, the character may gains 1 additional Effort for any Research Action they take during that Period.31 Garment, 3 Pouch
OutfitMonk’s RobesAdvancedThe plain black or brown hooded robes of one of the Curia of the Church of Mankind. These unassuming garments prevent the wearer from making Obey calls, but allow them to focus and grant them 2 additional Effort for any Research Action they take if they wear the outfit for the entire Period.31 Garment, 1 Harness
OutfitFormal WearMasterworkWhile wearing this Outfit, the character may enter Posture as the beginning of each Scene.51 Garment, 1 Lining, 1 Ink, Cashmere
ArmorMuffled ArmorMasterworkThis Medium Armor does not restrict the wearer’s Stealth skill in any way55 Padding, 1 Ink, 1 Set of Medium Armor, Cashmere
OutfitKnight’s RaimentMasterworkThis set of lovingly adorned platemail combines the protective abilities of Heavy Armor with the dignity of House Livery. A character wearing Knight’s Raiment benefits from all of the benefits and restrictions of both Plate Armor and House Livery.51 Set of Plate Armor, 1 Set of House Livery, Fine Furs
OutfitAdventurer’s GearMasterworkThis durable set of protective leather gives the wearer the full benefits of both Light Armor and Surveyor’s Gear.51 Set of Light Armor, 1 Set of Surveyor’s Gear, Bear Hide
OutfitGuard’s UniformMasterworkThis finely made uniform incorporated chainmail in with the house colors. Provides all of the mechanics of both Medium Armor and House Livery.51 Set of Medium Armor, 1 Set of House Livery, Fine Furs
OutfitKnave’s ApparelMasterworkDarkened leather and a flowing cloak protect the wearer from both sight and blade. Grants the benefits of wearing both Light Armor and a Dark Cloak51 Set of Light Armor, 1 Dark Cloak, Cashmere
OutfitTemplar’s PlateMasterworkThis holy armor gives the wearer the benifits of plate armor, while also serving as Priest Vestments, including for Rituals. 51 Set of Plate Armor, 1 Set of Priest’s Vestments, Fine Furs
OutfitWizard’s RobesMasterworkRobes of one of the wizard guilds of the Throne, in the appropriate color. As long as this Outfit is worn for the entire Period, the character may gain 2 additional Effort for any Research Action they take during that Period. In addition, provided they keep their spellbook visibly chained to their person, it may not be taken from them and counts as Memorized.51 Garment, 1 Lining, 1 Ink, 1 Silk,1 Chain
ItemCanvasBasic1 Canvas is added to the local Stockpile1050 Hemp or 20 Wool
ItemHide BundleBasic1 Hide Bundle is added to the local Stockpile50 Soft Leather or 20 Heavy Leather


TypeItem NameSkill RequirementStarting recipeEffectEffortMaterials
ComponentGearsBasicYesHardware, used in Engineering construction.11 Hard Iron
ComponentJointsBasicYesHardware, used in Engineering construction.11 Hard Iron, 1 Soft Wood
ComponentCoilsBasicYesHardware, used in Engineering construction.11 Soft Iron
ComponentFrameworkAdvancedYesHardware, used in Engineering construction.11 Hard Wood, 1 Scrap Leather
ToolLock (basic) + 2 keysBasicYesA simple lock that may be attached to a door or a chest to prevent its opening without the correct Key tag. Attach the tag visibly, but do not actually lock the chest or door.21 Gears, 3 Soft Iron
ToolLock (advanced) + 2 keysAdvancedYesA complex lock that may be attached to a door or a chest to prevent its opening without the correct key tag. Attach the tag visibly, but do not actually lock the chest or door. Complex locks take much longer for thieves to bypass than common locks.31 Gears, 1 Joints, 2 Hard Iron
Service ItemDevice Repair KitBasicYesRequires Engineering 2; repairs or maintains a damaged non-firearm device. 5 uses.21 Scrap Leather, 1 Soft Wood
ToolThieves’ ToolsBasicYesAllows lockpicking. Breaks after 10 uses.21 Hard Iron, 1 Soft Iron, 1 Coils
ToolKeyBasicYesProduces a key to match a given lock or key. Requires a lock or key to match (submit as material, not consumed). Multiple matching keys can be made in one cycle.11 Soft Iron
Service ItemFirearm Repair KitAdvancedYesRequires Engineering 2. Repairs or maintains a damaged Firearm. 5 uses.11 Soft Iron, 1 Soft Wood, 1 Wool
ToolSpinning WheelAdvancedYesGain 5 additional Effort for Needlework Components. Breaks after 6 uses.22 Gears, 1 Joints
ToolTrip HammerAdvancedYesGain 5 additional Effort for Blacksmithing Components. Breaks after 6 uses.21 Gears, 1 Joints, 1 Coils
ToolLatheAdvancedYesGain 5 additional Effort for Carpentry Components. Breaks after 6 uses.21 Gears, 2 Joints
TrapDoor TriggerBasicYesThis is placed visibly on a door and triggers a trap once that door is opened. The trap effect should be on the opposite side of this tag, and should only be looked at once the door is opened, or if a character uses Search from Vigilance 1. This takes 30 seconds or 5 Beats to set or reset.21 Joint, 1 Coil, 2 Scrap Leather
TrapAlarmBasicYesOnce triggered, this trap makes a Loud Noise, likely alerting those inside if they are Vigilant. This takes 30 seconds or 5 Beats to set or reset.21 Coils, 1 Soft Iron
TrapBlade TrapAdvancedYesOnce triggered, this trap calls Stealth Strike against the person who triggered it. This takes 30 seconds or 5 Beats to set or reset.31 Shortblade, 1 Bowstring, 1 Framework
WeaponCrossbowAdvancedYesMay fire Crossbow Bolts using the Archery skill. This takes 30 seconds or 5 Beats to set or reset.31 Framework, 2 Hard Iron, 1 Bowstring


TypeItem NameSkill RequirementEffectSpecialEffortMaterials
ConsumableInkBasicCan be used to write up to 20 pages of notes or letters.13 Any Herb
Ritual ComponentIncenseBasicUsed as part of certain rituals13 Any Herb
The full list of Apothecary Recipes can be found on the Herbs, Drugs and Poisons page

Specialized Crafting

TechniqueTypeItem NameSkill RequirementEffectSpecialEffortMaterials
BrewingConsumableKeg of BeerN/AContains 5 bottles of light alcohol (beer/ale/cider), each containing five drinks. Requires an empty Barrel (submit as a material, but it is not consumed).5 Vegetables
BrewingConsumableKeg of MeadN/AContains 5 bottles of light alcohol (beer/ale/cider), each containing five drinks. Requires an empty Barrel (submit as a material, but it is not consumed).1 Honey
BrewingConsumableBarrel of WineN/AContains 5 bottles of wine, each containing five drinks. Requires an empty Barrel (submit as a material, but it is not consumed).5 Vegetables
BrewingConsumableCask of SpiritsN/AContains 5 bottles of spirits, each containing five drinks. Requires an empty Barrel (submit as a material, but it is not consumed).5 Vegetables, 1 Any Coal
CookingFoodSalted MeatN/AMeat, dried and salted to last a long time. Produces 1 Preserved Food
1 Meat, 1 Salt
CookingFoodPickled VegetablesN/AUsing fermented vinegar from vegetables to preserve vegetables. Produces 1 Preserved Food for every 2 Vegetable used in crafting, up to 5 Preserved Food for 10 VegetablesRequires an empty Barrel (submit as a material, but it is not consumed).2-10 Vegetables per Barrel
CookingFoodHoneyed PreservesN/AOne of the oldest forms of making jams, the honey lends its incredible preservation powers to any fruits heated within it. Produces 1 Preserved Food.
1 Vegetable, 1 Honey
CookingFoodPemmicanN/AA traditional form of travel food made from dried meat and berries pounded into a mash. If it stays dry it can last for years. Recipe makes 1 Preserved Food
2 Meat, 1 Vegetable
CookingFoodHearty MealN/ARestores an Exhausted Character back to Fresh after a scene long meal. Dated and expires at the end of the Event1 Meat, 1 Vegetables, 1 Salt
CookingFoodHearty MealN/ARestores an Exhausted Character back to Fresh after a scene long meal. Dated and expires at the end of the Event3 Preserved Food
CookingFoodBread and StewN/AStretches fresh food further to feed more of the town. Expires at the end of the event like fresh food, but is worth 10 Food.2 Meat, 3 Vegetables, 3 Salt
CookingFoodFeastN/ACreates a Feast that can be served with the Etiquette Skill.3 Meat, 2 Vegetables, 1 Spice
CookingFoodTravel RationsN/ACreates a pack of food suitable for traveling long distances to far away Trials. The Trial tag will state if these are required. Dated and expires at the end of the next Event.2 Vegetables or 1 Meat
Cooking FoodProvideN/A1 Food is added to the local Stockpile50 Vegetables or 20 Meat or 20 Preserved Food
GourmetFoodFire-Touched StewN/ASpicy dish of meat and vegetables that grants Inspired.Unable to use any Social Skills due to the spiciness of the dish for one hour1 Meat, 2 Vegetables, 1 Herb with the Irritant Trait
GourmetFoodRations of the Last StandN/AJerky wrapped, cured, and smoked. Grants the use of Grit 3: Gristle once within the next hour.Suffer Poison Blackout at the end of Gristle.1 Meat, 1 Salt, 1 Charcoal, 1 Herb with the Anesthetic Trait
GourmetFoodMeat and Cheese PlatterEtiquette 1A plate of meats, cheese, and other assorted food for sharing. if at least 3 people share in the food they may ignore the effects of being Miserable for the rest of the Period2 Meat, 3 Vegetables, 1 Honey
GourmetFoodMother’s MealN/ABy using the very best cut of Fine Meats a dish is prepared that is “almost” as good as mother used to make. Remove 1 Despair.1 Prime Meat, 2 Vegetables, 1 Salt, 1 Honey
GourmetFoodPlatter of the High TableEtiquette 1A patter of of refined food fit for nobility. Those that enjoy this meal as part of a Function are considered to be a part of the same morale team for the remainder of the Chapter. Can feed up to 10 people.1 Prime Meat, 1 Meat, 3 Vegetables, 1 Salt, 1 Wine
GlazierComponentGlassBlacksmithing 3Component in specialty crafting, such as lens for Engineering and high grade Apothecary tools. While the ingredients are nearly infinite, the effort and heat required make glass blowing an arduous processMay be crafted in a Blacksmithing Crafting Action3 Blacksmithing Effort3 Any Coal
GlazierItemSpectaclesBlacksmithing 3When worn, corrects the Vision Loss Maim. May be crafted in a Blacksmithing Crafting Action3 Blacksmithing Effort1 Glass, 1 Soft Iron
GlazierItemSpyglassBlacksmithing 3May give one piece of appropriate Bonus Knowledge about a TrialMay be crafted in a Blacksmithing Crafting Action3 Blacksmithing Effort1 Glass, 1 Soft Wood
GlazierLuxuryMirrorBlacksmithing 3The owner gains +1 LuxuryMay be crafted in a Blacksmithing Crafting Action5 Blacksmithing Effort3 Glass, 1 Hard Wood
GlazierItemHookahBlacksmithing 3, Shariqyn LoreCan be filled filled with up to five Inhalant Smoke drugs which affect twice the number of targets as usual.May be crafted in a Blacksmithing Crafting Action5 Blacksmithing Effort2 Glass, 2 Soft Iron
ChandlerComfortCandlesApothecary 1Produces five Candles. Grants +1 Comfort to one person who places a candle by their bedside. Lasts for 1 event once used.May be crafted in a Apothecary Crafting Action2 Apothecary Effort1 Meat or 1 Honey
ChandlerLuxurySoapApothecary 1Expended to grant +1 Luxury and give one Toughness vs Disease per Rest for the Duration of the EventMay be crafted in a Apothecary Crafting Action3 Apothecary Effort1 Meat, 3 Herbs
ArtisanArtworkPaintingArtisan TechniqueWhen you interact with this art piece, you take “Artistic Obey: Gain (a Bond chosen during creation) and one personal Luxury”Requires Painting Tools1 Canvas, 1 Ink
ArtisanArtworkSculptureArtisan TechniqueWhen you interact with this art piece, you take “Artistic Obey: Gain (a Bond chosen during creation) and one personal Luxury”Requires Sculpture Tools3 Hard Wood or 3 Hard Iron
ArtisanArtworkTapestryArtisan TechniqueWhen you interact with this art piece, you take “Artistic Obey: Gain (a Bond chosen during creation) and one personal Luxury”Requires Needleworking Tools2 Linen and 1 Wool
BookbinderComponentSheaf of PaperNeedlework 3Used to create books and tomes, or can be used to write up to 10 pages of notes/letters.1 Needlework Effort
1 Hemp
BookbinderItemWriting KitNeedlework 3Allows writing of notes and letters without needing to replace paper or ink. May be used as a Tool with 6 uses to give +2 Research Effort.3 Needlework Effort1 Plank, 2 Ink, 3 Sheaf of Paper
BookbinderItemBookNeedlework 3May contain a single Study3 Needlework Effort
1 Heavy Leather, 3 Sheaf of Paper
BookbinderItemTomeNeedlework 3May contain a Study, a Technique, or up to three Anthologized Studies and/or Technique5 Needlework Effort
1 Heavy Leather, 5 Sheaf of Paper
BookbinderItemBlank GrimoireNeedleworking 5May contain any number of Theorems and Mysteries5 Needlework Effort, 1 Master Needlework Effort1 Heavy Leather, 5 Sheaf of Paper, Gem, Gold coin
SacristItemSacred TextNeedleworking 3A Testimonium may be copied into this volume in Aldersabin and contains all High Canon and Covenant Rituals other than the Hexenhammer. Authoring a Testimonium requires priest using an existing Testimonium. Other holy writs may have other requirements to Author.5 Needlework Effort1 Heavy Leather, 5 Sheafs of Paper, Incense
SacristItemCensorBlacksmithing 3Used in some Priest Rituals2 Blacksmithing Effort2 Hard Iron, 1 Bracing, 1 Chain
SacristItemSilver ChaliceBlacksmithing 3Used in some Priest Rituals3 Blacksmithing Effort1 Silver Bar
SacristItemSilver Nail [x3]Blacksmithing 2Used in some Priest Rituals2 Blacksmithing Effort5 Silver Coins
SacristItemSilver NeedleBlacksmithing 2Used in some Priest Rituals2 Blacksmithing Effort2 Silver Coins