The Librarium
The Librarium contains the starting spells for each of the four Magician Guilds. Each Guild has a Core Set of spells that all of their First Circle Magicians are given, time tested and broadly useful, and then a set that are given out based on particular role. Within each of these role specific groups, there is one specialized spell that are powerful enough that it has been locked as Wizard’s Coin to prevent it being captured by other Guilds, and printed on an Aurum Circuit arcanum. These “gold spells”, as apprentices sometimes call them, can have been already attuned to the Magician using their blood before the new character enters play.
Every new Magician can be sure they are granted these, and knowledge of these common spells is fairly well understood even in the rival Guilds. These are presented here, in the Librarium, to offer new Magicians a chance to reference and practice their spells before entering play.