After getting settled into Runeheim, I have found a surprising lack of progress in the theatre, even within the town proper. Between the rampant exploitation creating a population of people who have become actively hostile to the Throne and the explicit displays of heresy and the roaming of droves of heathens, it is hard to see what the Throne has done. It appears that the Church is trying to refocus their efforts on lowering the scum population. Hopefully these efforts are swift so that the Church might turn their attention to shining light in the dark recesses of Njordr.
The other wizards in the area are….interesting. The mages in the Earth Guild seem like an outwardly unfocused group. One seems very naive and one seems like magic is only tertiarily related to their interests. However, one of their number seems very focused on their guild’s goals, and therefore not forthcoming about some of the stranger goings on in the area. In particular there were some rumblings of Clan [redacted] being boxed in and dying of a mysterious disease. They claimed to know nothing about it, but there was something in their voice that made it appear they knew more than they were letting on. Anyway, it seems two of their number would like an amount of cooperation between the guild to take care of miscellaneous magical responsibilities in the area. I am willing to go along with it to the extent that it helps fulfill shared interest, but not to the extent of forming an alliance. Agreeing to ally with other magic guilds is tantamount to agreeing to be exploited.
I am troubled by the reputation of the fire guild in the area. Apparently the previous cohort of fire mages were a disaster to deal with. This has caused myself and my current compatriot to be looked upon with a greater amount of suspicion. This will make it harder to work in the area as we will have to do some work appeasing the populace to gain some good will, lest we be blocked from our duties by endless questions and gatekeeping. It is good that my coworker in this area seems to spend a good amount of time making a fool of themself entertaining people. I am, however, concerned that they are taking this cooperation with the Earth Guild too far.
One leader of the enemy of the Throne made himself known during this market. A character named “Alu”, a witch of one of the heretical gods, sent in droves of mind controlled soldiers and bird creatures. He even took over a number of the Branded in the area. Apparently this character has been known to the people of Runeheim before. Either a former Inquisitor, or someone who was masquerading as such. The fact that he was not put to an end when he first made himself known is concerning. But since he has made an appearance, hopefully he will be cut down swiftly.
The current state of the war is very concerning. Though through the power of God, and with the help of the Guild, I am sure that the Throne will eventually be successful in winning Njordr. Surely the heretics are getting desperate and they see their demise as imminent.