Did she always have Horns?

“Duck…” Relix

“…Duck…” Narez

“..Goose!” Relit

A childhood game. Stolen by the lost souls of cruel madmen.

How else would one describe it when only the sickening sounds of cackling hyenas had surrounded them.

The Hallowsong had failed their last raid and with that the games of punishment ensued.

In her childhood Java was never chosen, a flaw of her early Culler nature. No one wanted to pick the rotten one. A mirror of this current reality. The reality that they wouldn’t pick her today. Oh, no. Having a Culler, forced or not, on your side was the golden goose Marzana craved to keep ‘safe’.

The unlucky ’geese’ had been selected and thus the punishments were dealt.

4 poor thralls, now currently made to endure the twisted game of public lashings. A threat to the mass for failing them. It wasn’t even their fault.

The wolves stood there licking their lips as us sheep were forced to watch. The only solace from such a show is the blur of tears that bubbled up and would take over one’s vision. A treat Java couldn’t indulge in.

No, Java stood as close as a favored servant could to Marzana, forced just like the rest. Watching them. Whispering for them. Her chest full of their pain.

She should be up there.

Mamuri – fortify.

Each crack of the whips she casted as quietly and quickly as she could. Her spirit wilting with each blow. Growing slow with a lack of discipline. Forced to become stupid as her mind fogged and throbbed the ease their wounds.

Worum – desensitize.

She wasn’t fast enough and Marzana knew this. It was just out of the corner of Java’s eyes that she could see Marzana’s attention was fully on herself. A large hungry grin, fed by the deepest pain of Java’s sorrow. Her punishment for failing.

Sicun- endure.

The chill of anacrusis shivered through her veins. The familiar sensation of something wet and red trickling down her top lip.

The world had eventually silenced as Java melted into the ground. Her thoughts liquid and dense, the punishment was completed but she couldn’t recall how much longer it had been. The only reality drawing her back in as Marzana roughly grabbed her by the face forcing Java to stare into her fierce gaze.

She was too weak to do much as Marzana’s other hand reached up and a thumb swiping at the trickle of blood coming from her eye.

“Wouldn’t it be fun if we put you up there next?” her voice harsh, as she mocked Java.

“Would you scream like them…” Java watched as Marzana brought her thumb to her own lips smearing Java’s blood across them, “..or would you sing for me? Hmm? Cause you sure don’t cry like them, do you now?”

How does one even answer a monster like that? So Java didn’t.

“Disappoint me again Java.”

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