Order of the Stars

Order of the Stars

Patron Angel: Cyaniel
Patron Saint: St. William the Penitent

“Fear of the Unknown drives Man to sin far more frequently than the fear Man encounters face to face.”

The Order of the Stars is a mendicant order dedicated to bringing knowledge of Fate to the world. The friars of the Order travel all over Rogalia and beyond, dispensing the wisdom of the Cards to people of all life’s stations. The Cards are illustrated scenes from the Testimonium with symbols that make them compatible with Cyanihim rituals.

“We do not ‘tell the future.’ We reveal the foe.”

The Order will not tell you that something is going to come to pass. Rather a friar will tell you what is holding you back. A reading of the Cards is necessary before any atonement is assigned and confession is an important part of every reading.

“Until you can surpass the mystery of the pagan, you will never replace him.”

The Order of the Stars has a secret mission – to supplant the utility of pagan and magely ritual with the miracles of the Church. Wherever there are people who find it difficult to give up ancient ways, the Order of the Stars will be there to replace old ritual with new. Who will need to consult with the Green Father when this star chart will tell you the best time to plant?

“If everyone can have a taste of magic, how important can mages be?”

The Order of the Stars is in opposition to the Mage Guilds, seeking to reduce their influence whenever possible. To that end, the Order provides refuge and occupation for failed apprentices, gathering esoteric knowledge and experience bit by bit over time. The Order is careful to never directly threaten the Guilds, knowing that Time and Fate are on their side.

Guild Vermogen

This guild is known for their ability to find and distribute goods in both bulk and private quantities. They are also particularly well known for their subtlety in maneuvering markets to their advantage. Getting the best they can out of what they are able to compile. Anyone know that if you seek to work through the Vermogen that you will be accorded a fair market price, but that they will also benefit from your transaction. They are a middle man merchant guild buying and selling various goods of differing quantities from one party to another. They will often take a contract to locate goods of a certain type and quality knowing that their knowledge of markets and economics as well as research into current market trends will garner a much better price than if a client tried to do so themself.They are also known for procuring ludicrously good deals on goods for themselves, and then in turn selling at a fair market value, thus making large sums of capitol. They are in turn the essence of the middle man, and they are very very good at it.

Guild Master:

Reiner Einhart – Johannes is an older man, and has been in the merchant/economics game for quite some time. He has helped to make cities prosper with his trade wisdom and has used his knowledge to be the ruin of many a business and even a lord or two. He has a reputation of being just shy of ruthless. Efficient and often sterile in his business exchanges and endeavors Reiner prefers to keep things professional rather than personal. For all that proceeds him Reiner is not cruel. He has been known to take care of his own with a loyalty that is commendable, and has even been known to donate to charities from time to time. Reiner cares for his community and his guild members and seeks to better them both.

Guild Officers:

Johannes Adlar – Johannes is the officer that is in charge of gathering intel on other businesses and what the market current needs are. He is a competent business man, and enjoys the finer things in life. He is an only child and has a bit of a chip on his shoulder. He also had a fling with Adelle that sometimes rears its head and causes problems.

Adelle Muller – Adelle is the officer in charge of following current market trends in the area and setting pricing brackets for the guild. Adelle wishes she had never given Johannes the time of day, but alas such is life. She is still professional with him in regards to guild duties, but avoids him otherwise. She is a dutiful woman and takes her role in the guild very seriously. She is the one most likely to take over the guild after Reiner steps down, but Gerda is a close second.

Gerda Schafer – Gerda is the officer in charge of internal logistics for the guild. In terms of Gothics Gerda wears her emotions on her sleeve. She will sometimes openly show how she is feeling and forgetting herself, but soon composes herself. Gerda sometimes get jealous of Adelle and her success and favoritism in the guild. She does not let this show and keeps it inside, but her jealousy sometimes guides her actions.

Masters in the Guild:

Franze Koch – Franze has recently become a master in the guild and is the newest member to this rank. Others find him enjoyable and seek out his company. He works well with others, and makes the best of situations. Is a hard worker. Gets along with most everyone in the guild. He even tries to find the best in Erwin. He thinks Adelle would make a fine leader, and that Gerda brings her own strengths to the guild. Secretly he think Johannes is stuck up.

Erwin Schmidt – Where as Franze is enjoyable and a hard worker Erwin avoids work and is kind of a pain to be around. He has been a master for sometime and finds it a personal affront that he hasn’t been made an officer. He would most likely would have been kicked out by now, if he wasn’t so damned good at his job, and he is a damned good merchant. He secretly longs for Ina.

Hartwin Fischer – Before he joined the guild Hartwin was a farmer. He was personally recruited by Reiner due to his business acumen in selling his produce. Hartwin is prone to drinking in excess but is a kind hearted man who doesn’t hold a grudge, though he doesn’t particularly care for that Erwin fellow, and think the Heidi is sometimes kind of a jerk. Thinks Johannes is stuck up, but appreciates his business Acumen.

Heidi Mayer – Heidi has always loved talking to people, especially when that involved talking people into things. Whether it was a bet, prank, deal, or scheme Heidi has always been adept at convincing people to do what she thinks is good idea. Though she is rarely cruel with her abilities she does enjoy causing antics to ensue and has been chastised in the guild for it at least twice. Her favorite targets of this are Franze and Erwin.

Ina Wagner – Ina is a reserved woman, even by Gothic standards. She rarely shows any emotion in public. Her and Heidi are often at odds because Heidi tries convincing her of things and Ina just stares at her. Ina thinks that Erwin singles her out for his misery, and picks on her more than others because he is threatened by her aptitude, and she is quite skilled in the realms of commerce. Even from a young age she has understood the flow a sale and the trends of a market. Wishes she could be a little more like Gerda.

Isaak Becker – Isaak is a man that tries to do his job as well as he can and go home at the end of the day. He doesn’t really care about fame or glory, he just wants to do his job the best he can and go home to his wife at the end of the day. While he gets along with most people in the guild farely well he has a loathing for Hartwin because Hartwin made untoward advances toward his wife one night in a tavern. Isaak took great a offense to this and has not let go of it. He does not actively undermine Hartwin, but he certainly doesn’t do him any favors. He avoids Heidi when he can, but enjoys Ina well enough.

Journeymen –

Jakob – Jakob is an even keeled man who keeps to himself. His best friend is Isaak Becker, but he holds no grudge for his friends advancement in the guild. In fact he admires him, and wishes him the best. Jakob once worked with Joseph on a job that took them to Hestralia, and has refused to work with the man since. No one knows what happened between them.

Joseph – Joseph is stoic man of his word. Dutiful and loyal, but slightly gruff in demeanor he gets the job done right the first time. Since the trip the Hestralia with Jakob, Joseph has a tendency to keep to himself despite wanting to spend more time with Karla, who he has been pining over for about a year now.

Karla – Karla always has her loved ones back. She will stick up for them when needed and would fight for them when necessary. She is a tenacious worker and hopes to be an Officer of the guild someday. Joseph likes to think he keeps his feelings well hidden but Karla sees them for what they are, if only he were younger she would probably marry him. Karla once challenged another Journeyman named Kaspar to a drinking contest and drank him under the table. She has since gained a mild reputation as a lush.

Kaspar- Kaspar is pious man, and is sure to attend church every Saturday, and many days between. He does however enjoy a good stiff drink from now and then, and can often be seen going to atonement for such small acts of gluttony. He is still embarrassed about the incident with Karla even though it happened over 2 years ago. For all his Piety though Kaspar cannot seem to find it in him to forgive Lars for his offense toward him.

Lars – In his younger years Lars was a bit of spit-fire. He gambled and participated in some rather unsavory hobbies before turning back to the straight and narrow. Not the least of which was having a romantic affair with the fiance of another man. That man was Kaspar. Now guild mates Lars tries to make it up to him but Kaspar will have none of it. Luckily Lars has found a true friend who looks past his previous indiscretions. That friends is Laura.

Laura – Laura is a cunning sales woman, and has been able to close many deals. She strives to be a good and pious woman, but understands that she is only human. As such she is not one to judge others, and appreciates when people are trying to be better than they were, which is why she became such fast friends with Lars, and why she has such a hard time getting along with that judgemental woman Magda.

Magda – Magda strives for perfection in everything she does. This has earned her a reputation as being stuck up and a control freak. Many people find her abrasive, especially Laura, but Magda shrugs it off as them squandering their gifts through laziness. The only exception is her dear Markus. Markus always tries his best, though it is rarely good enough. The two fell in love quickly after meeting and were married shortly after.

Markus – Markus is a man who seeks to be better than he is, and appreciates that his wife Magda pushes him hard to be so. Though sometimes he worries that she finds his attempts futile, which is why Markus sometimes suffers from depression; wallowing in the knowledge that his wife will never think he is good enough. If it wasn’t for his friend Benjamin Markus would be in dire straights indeed. Benjamin brings back Markus’s youth and reminds him to live life a little bit sometimes, which is why Magda disapproves of him.


Benjamin – Benjamin enjoys life as much as he can while still being dutiful in getting his work done. He is prone to drink and having a good time, which is why his good friend Markus’s wife Magda hates him. But he could care less, he doesn’t have time for people who don’t have time for him. He hopes someday to find true love and live happily ever after. He hopes that person is Michael, at least for this month.

Michael – Michael is man who everything he is into everything he does. Gothics are not known for their passions, and Michael is as stoic as the next, but passion burns bringt and hot under the cold exterior. Michael loves the thrill closing a sale or making a trade contract. He appreciates the finer things in life, but doesn’t snub the rougher things either. He gets along well with his friends Niclaus and Benjamin

Niclaus – Niclaus tries to show his friends the path of the straight and narrow by leading by example and by being close enough to steer them straight when they need it. Niclaus works hard and helps his friends Michael and Benjamin when needed. He longs for Nina, who doesn’t know it.

Nina – Nina enjoys small talk and keeps things reserved and professional while at work. When she is not on a job for the guild though she likes to loosen up a bit. Sometimes this gets her in trouble and can lead to atonements from time to time. She has eyes for several men in the guild including Niclaus and Oskar.

Oskar – Oskar is a hopeless romantics and would love nothing more than sweeping a fair maiden off her feet and winning her hand in marriage. Often subject of his affection is Nina, which causes tension for him and Niclaus, but he also keeps an eye out for other potential suiting options, such as Rachel. He writes poetry and comprises ballads in honor of women’s beauty in his spare time

Rachel – Rachel is a staunch woman who cares for her craft and the church. She is a regular at many church services, but does enjoy to let loose every once in awhile. She makes sure to atone for any transgressions as soon as possible and does her best to help her friend Sibylle.

Sibylle – Sibylle’s tale is one of sorrow. Sibylle was married at a young age to a knight errant, and thought that her life would turn over a new leaf only to have her new husband slain in battle and have the family accuse her of being a jump start money grubbing strumpet. Her name was tarnished but she found work where she could until she ran into Gerda, who took pity on her and has offered her an apprenticeship in the guild. She quickly made friends with Rachel who has helped Sibylle get back on her feet, for which Sibylle is unendingly grateful.

Lineage: Bergenthaler

Lineage Name: Bergenthaler
Common Names: (male) Jurgen, Junghans, Joachim, Jakobus, Johannis, (female) Emmelina, Ernesta, Eugenia, Eulanie, Else, Elbarathia
Social Class: Peasants (almost entirely)
Intermarriage with outsiders (from non-Sauber lands): Uncommon
Intermarriage with second cousins: Common
Typical number of children: 4-7
Home Town: Laatzen and its environs, chiefly in villages dotting the lower hills, and on the northern plains villages close to the hills.

Geographic Distribution:
Almost entirely in Sauber lands until the last generation. Now starting to look for settlements near Engel and Rosenberg lands, usually in hilly territories with sandy/rocky soil, good drainage, and plenty of exposure to south-easterly sunlight. Within Sauber lands, the Bergenthaler family can be found in around a dozen villages, with maybe six additional large specific farmsteads that are the homes of very large multi-family housholds (in the dozens of Bergenthalers, plus farmhands).

Recorded History:
Little to none. The first written records of the Bergenthaler lineage go back approximately 150 years ago, when Jorgenmund von und zu Bergenthal is recorded as having purchased a plot of land in the hills surrounding Laatzen from a town magistrate. This record is kept in the town archives of Laatzen. Over the subsequent decades, little to no history exists outside of recorded land plot purchases, and debts owed and settled to the nobility or to Laatzen itself. At this time, curiously, Laatzen appears to be in contract with the patriarch of the family to purchase fifty barrels of wine at the start of every year — for the next decade.
Outsider History: “Busy little bees, all of them. Now, they appear pious, and they talk all humble, but it sure isn’t right now much coin they’ve made since Jaap Bergenthaler made a name for himself at Graff Sauber’s castle. He had an uncanny hand for growing grapes, Jaap – you can even tell now, even as he’s almost sixty. But he was barely twenty in those days, and he had a touch… well, I wouldn’t say it was witchcraft, never, but the things he did with them vines, and the effect the wine had on the highborn.. let’s just say I’ve never seen the likes of it. I don’t know how the old Graf heard of his simple peasant and his wine, but one day this boy finds himself pouring wine for knights, for ladies .. why, I think he was even invited to bring wine to the banquets. Now most men, they would’ve been content collecting the coin, and bowing on the way out, and telling the story to his grandchildren about how he was at the Graf’s court one year, and lived to tell the tale. But not Jaap. The sheer courage that little upstart had.. Why, it takes my breath away. As we all know, trade and merchants are not held in high regard at the court, but the Graf’s knights were always patrolling the borders and going to other towns for escorts. Jaap somehow gets some of his barrels brought into neighbouring towns, and gives some of the squires and men at arms a cut of the coin. Now they’re the richest peasants in the hills, all on the backs of that initial good bit of fortune, I tell you.”

Current Events:
The current patriarch of the Bergenthaler lineage is Joachim Bergenthaler, who is known to be in ill health. His younger brother – one of five siblings – Jaap Bergenthaler, parlayed an initial stroke of luck into expanding the family’s small production of wine and apple farming into a thriving business that is reaching regional fame for its sweet, quaffable products. A relatively pious family, at least one brother from each branch will seek to become a monk, or, if enjoying education by the church, enter the priesthood. However, this only extends so far – it is usually left to the eldest son to determine if the family can spare a full set of hands to the church, or if all are needed to help. Their relative wealth has allowed them to hire more farmhands and fieldhands, and the more ambitious young members of the family are known to have given longing looks to the city of Laatzen and the promises of a life without back-breaking toil.

Professions, Occupation & Family Life:
Almost all Bergenthaler men are farmers of one type of another, either supervisory laborers who specialize in their branch (such as viticulture or fruit farming), or specialists in animal husbandry who manage the livestock needed to operate farms. A few have sought out specialized education in irrigation and apothecary skills, believing it will improve their farming output, but the vast majority of agricultural production is determinedly traditionalist in method and approach. A large number of Bergenthaler women inter-marry with well-to-do farmers in neighbouring villages. An uncharitable observer might note that the relative wealth and promise of free-flowing supplies of fruit and grapes (and related items) have been remarkably successful in convincing some farmers to marry Bergenthaler women whom they would have normally considered below their station. A charitable observer will note that inter-marriage with the Bergenthaler lineage often leads to more inter-marriage, with mutually beneficial results from sharing farming expertise, crop rotation methodologies, and mutual labour cooperation. More than one new entrant into the Bergenthaler family has praised Benalus for the large number of new family members showing up during harvest time to help out, or to erect a barn. In terms of family life, the stout traditionalism of the Bergenthaler lineage helps them stay close and safe. Households are very large, with many siblings encouraged to stay with their families until they have enough children to strike out on their own. It is not uncommon for farmsteads to number in the dozens of Bergenthalers, with a dozen or more fully-grown men in good health ready to work the fields and defend the home.

Considered an unfortunate and rarely-discussed exception, Joachim Bergenthaler’s eldest son, Jurgen, was meant to lead the family after his father’s death. What happened to Jurgen is perhaps the best cautionary tale for commoners not to aspire above their station. Forty years ago, Jurgen – in his late teens then – set out to Laatzen with a group of brothers and friends. News of his uncle’s success at court has just reached his father’s farmstead, and Jurgen was determined not to be left behind. With his uncle’s help, he convinced the church to grant him additional schooling, and eventually a knight down on his luck agreed to take him on as a cup bearer first, with promises of becoming a squire down the line. The story gets unclear at this time, but shame and misfortune befell Jurgen Bergenthaler, and although it’s rumored that he must have perished, his father and uncle both insist that he is still alive. A very different fate befell another outlier, Ernestina Bergenthaler. Now in her twenties, Ernestina caught the eye of the local priests at a young age for her ability to decipher texts quickly that she should not have been able to reach. After much examination, the church finally concluded that Ernestina was not cursed, but in fact highly intelligent. She rapidly rose to become a scribe aiding the various monastic orders around Laatzen, displaying an uncommon skill at memorizing long passages from religious scrolls (and other writings), and replicating them in beautiful illuminated script. Some of her works have become favoured by the ladies at the Graff’s court, and it is surely only a matter of time until one of them brings Ernestina into her retinue.

Bergenthaler Family Line (highly incomplete)

Joachim Bergenthaler m. Hildrun Engel
Ernestine, m. Robert Landorf, 3 children (1 son, two daughters)
Egeline, m. Ungemar Weimers, 7 children (five daughters, two sons)
Jens, m. Lorelai Beilhand (5 children, all sons)
Janos, m. Heidrun Erdentopf (2 children, all daughters)
Jaap, m. Sibelia Walgrun
3 sons, 5 daughters
Elsa, deceased
2 sons, 1 daughter
Egrun, deceased
4 sons
Jagrun, married Mine Hollseng
1 son, 1 daugher

Aunts, Uncles, Cousins
4 uncles, all deceased. 3 had children, all of whom have existing families, mostly settled near Hugeldorf
2 aunts, all deceased. 1 (Elbera) had a child. Records are spotty on her husband’s name.
Elise Bergenthal, m. Waldemar Hartstadt, settled near Knollenheim
Seven sons, two squired to House Sauber, one in service to the Chamberlain at House Sauber’s Court

Guardians of Truth

Guardians of Truth
Valor: Streetwise
Home: Laatzen
Keep: The Eternal Fortress

The Guardians of Truth, the sworn knights of House Sauber, are charged with the simple and straightforward duty of defending the Eternal Keep, the ancient fortress of House Sauber since before the Throne. While this mission is straightforward, the duties of these knights are anything but.

Laatzen comes under attack more than any other city in Gotha. The attempts to take the city come from various sources. This year, a rebellious peasant army. That year, accused of treason by Fafnir in a misunderstanding worked out afterward. Another year, orc rampaging from a mountain range no cavalry caught in time. It is always something, so the Guardians of Truth are as eternally vigilant as the fortress that they guard. It has never been taken.

In order to fulfill their duty and protect the city, the Guardians of Truth maintain an information network that is vast and well-maintained. Informants are paid well for their services, and spies operate everywhere in the region so that the knights can be in position to handle threats from any direction. Knights errant are sent to far off places if the Order believes that a conspiratorial threat can be found there.

Every potential knight is vetted carefully before they are allowed entry to the order, and even for a nobleman of great lineage, it is considered an honor.

Grand Master: Simon Sauber a distant cousin to the Graf.

Simon is driven to perfection, and executes his duties to House Sauber flawlessly. Nothing of significance happens in these lands without his foreknowledge. His ability to read a person’s character comes from years of digging through reams of information in reports Hidden in the Order’s storehouse, known as the hole.
However, Simon is also a petty man. Any perceived slight is met with outward apathy, but inward he seethes. He will dig deep into the his newfound enemies life, cracking open their every secret and weakness.

Then he waits. When the moment comes, and it always comes, he shines his light of justice upon them.
He prefers to be present when the person’s life is ruined, but his ire will also be sated when they are put in their place. Many people have been ruined years after have made a jest, or a barely perceptible eyeroll. They stand accused of misdeeds, or are compelled to act against their own interests, never knowing why. But Simon knows, and that is all he needs.

Master: Denis Redler
To the world he is Sir Denis Redler, who lives in the shadow of Grandmaster Simon. Within the Order’s upper echelons he is highly respected for his amazing talents.

Denis is a good man. A patriot. In another life he might have been one of the greatest actors of his time. As it stands he is one of the greatest information gatherers in the Throne.

Denis is fluent in numerous languages and dialects. He can transform himself instantly, almost as if by magic. So convincing is he, that many who know him best wonder if he is really the Sir Denis they know, or if that is nothing more than another of his personas.

Commander: Justin Engel, Eldest Nephew of Herzog Gerrhard Engel.
Sir Justin Engel is the Hammer of the order. He is an extremely capable tactician. Every major operation, the Order sets in motion, is vetted through him. He has proven himself again and again in the field of battle. He has led several rescue operations to deliver support or extract high value targets and information.

Oddly, and seemingly in contrast, he is an extremely devout man with a gentle smile and a word of encouragement for all. He has prayed for fallen foe and comrade alike. He feeds the poor from his own personal wealth and he lives a life of extreme moderation.

Seneschal: Heribert Sauber, A ruthless man who is rumored to be very much in the Graff’s favor.
The opposite of Ser Justin Engel’s smile is the dark scowl that rests permanently on Sir Heribert Saubers face. He is rough and brutish. The only mercy given to those around him is that he is also extremely laconic.

Nothing is ever good enough for him. He often says, “good enough is the bane of greatness!” He is Loyal to the Graf and to the order. This may be the reason he stands so much in his favor, often having dinner alone with the Graf.

The man runs a tight ship, and there is much to be learned about efficiency by anyone who can tolerate him for more than a few weeks.

Marshal: Felix Hardt
Sir Felix Hardt can best be summed up as meticulous. He’s a good man with a good heart but he can’t wrap his head around politics. This makes him an awful noble. However, it is not surprising for an upjumped Knight.

He proved himself on the field of battle, he’s a fair blacksmith and he knows horseflesh like no other. So he here sits, the Marshal. A great Marshal but unlikely to ever rise any higher.

When asked about this he simply says, “this be more’n i e’er had or imagined. I am plenty happy here.”

Under-Marshal: Ulrich Stricker
Sir Ulrich Stricker is an upjumped knight with visions of greatness. He has risen quickly to the position of under marshal and has performed admirably. He wants to rise, and those above him are acutely aware of such. However, unbeknownst to him the one thing that stands in him in their favor is that he has thus far refused to compromise his integrity to do so.

Grandmaster Simon Sauber has tested him 3 times and each time the man has simply reported his findings to his direct superior as expected. He has not gone out of his way to attract the attention of his superiors, despite the fact taht he possess the obvious political acumen to know that it would likely speed his promotion.

He will soon receive a call to be the Grandmaster’s personal assistant.

Standard Bearer: Norbert Wagner
Sir Norbert Wagner is newly Knighted. His family is minor nobility in good standing with House Sauber.
He seems oddly fond of the Seneschal, Sir Heribert Sauber, and will often make excuses, for him, when any of the others grumble about his abrasive disposition. He was Ser Heribert’s squire until he was knighted.

He’s got a good head on his shoulders, and share’s his former knights attention to detail. However it is contained in a much more palatable disposition.

Treasurer: Alfons Blum
Sir Alfons handles all the financial affairs for the order. All of the records and hand written in triplicate and everything is in its place.

When the Graff sends his annual auditor’s down Alfons smiles. He patiently waits for them tea in hand. He greets them and then escorts them to his personal sanctuary, the records room.
He has been the treasurer for 10 years. in those 10 years he has never had a single question raised on his bookkeeping, and the order has made a modest profit.

The Guardians of Truth are among the best provisioned knights in the Throne, and that is due in no small part to Ser Alfons Blum’s acumen.

Draper: Leo Otto
Sir Leo Otto believes that the uniform makes the man. He holds weekly inspections, and does random spot inspections. By direct order from Sir Leo Otto, ALL Knights, and squires, about to go on Duty must first pass uniform spot checks from their superiors.

Sir Leo Otto, also does random uniform inspections on those standing watch and on those walking patrol. If he is not satisfied he will summon their superior to assume the subordinates watch until they don new clothing.

He is quite possibly the least liked man in the order. However, there is no denying that the Order looks quite formidable to any who official that tours and sees what appears as countless identical helmeted figures throughout the city.

Lay Servants:

Head Cook: Willem Wichterle
Willem has been a cook for the Order for 40 years. He has seen them come and he has seen them go.
He’s quick with a joke, and has an infectious laugh. Many of the young Knights, and some of the older ones call him Pappy.

Pappy, takes care of his boys. His food is impressive by military standards. It is perhaps not fit for High noble tables, but then again that’s not who he’s cooking for.

What some don’t know is that Pappy was once a squire for the Order. His hip was shattered in battle. As soon as he could walk he went to the kitchen and started helping. This he did rather than take a stipend for valorous service as he had taken the wound saving the former Graf.

The Laatzen Archers

The Laatzen Archers are famous throughout the Throne.
Laatzen troops are relied upon in the Gothic army. As such the lands are populated with veteran soldiery and their children. Every adult man carries a bow while traveling, as do many women and children. Former soldiers will also carry other weapons. A handful of villagers is usually more than enough to deal with any bandits that might wander into the area.

The peasants, and minor nobility, hold to a tradition that before a bride accepts a proposal, a man must prove himself an able provider. A target is placed and he must strike the bullseye, before she will accept.
Sometimes, it is a token gesture and the Groom stands but a pace away. However, many a maid has placed the target at great distance in order to make him work for it.
A woman with many suitors may be the subject of a competition.

There are even stories of Nobles, being attracted by the competition and donning masks. Winning the fair maiden’s hand they whisk her off and farm girl becomes nobility overnight.

House Sauber

House Sauber
Coat of Arms: A white sword with rays of light over a black field
Maxim: Truth is sacred
Home: Laatzen
Keep: The Eternal Fortress

Accepted Ancient History: House Sauber can trace its lineage back to the Age of Witchkings, and was considered powerful even when the first Emperor, Victor von Herkheist, began his conquest of the other Gothic kingdoms. Ruled by a self-proclaimed King, Gotthard von Sauber, the kingdom of Saub offered only nominal support, and is thought to have been slow to bend the knee in obedience to the new Emperor. Even through the Selwick revolt and a succession of warrior kings, House Sauber managed to retain control over their ancient capital of Laatzen under the new Throne of God on Earth. It is unknown why the swearing of loyalty to von Herkheist was reluctant, although rumors abound. House Sauber, widely considered to have been a mighty dynasty in purely economic and martial terms, quickly took to the fervor of belief in Holy Benalus, and rapidly became known for their zeal and dedication to Benalus. Their relationship to Lethia is said to be more complex, although details have been hard to come by.

Religious History:
House Sauber maintains a vault inside their capital, Laatzen. The vault holds what is generally thought to be one of the most extensive libraries of original documents and first-general copies of holy scripture, including gospels depicting the life of Benalus not included in the Testimonium, accounts of mortal interactions with Archangels, and other works of great theological relevance. House Sauber believes it is their sacred and holy duty to protect these documents, so that they can never be lost or amended. The Order of Enlightenment is known to be a regular contributor and visitor to the library, and has contributed a notable corpus of religious artifacts, reputedly including some found beneath Laatzen and on digs throughout the Empire.

Disputed Political History:
House Sauber is rumored to have two distinct factions that hold diametrically opposed views but are duty-bound not to engage in conflict with each other. Their maneuvering against each other through the last few centuries is what has kept what is arguably the most pious house from becoming more powerful within the Empire; should they ever unite, they would become a much greater threat to the ruling Herkheist dynasty. Although these rumours sound plausible, it is notable that they’re only common to the chattering classes in the cities run by House Engel, House Rosenberg, and House Trakt. The common people in Laatzen eschew such gossip, and instead focus their attention on the regrettably-sloping forehead and allegedly missing chin of Graff Trakt instead.

Disputed Religious History:
Erna Dahl, who was later lionized by the Church, discovered ancient religious scrolls in the catacombs beneath Laatzen that had been intentionally hidden away by heretics during the ascension of Viktor von Herkheist and his alliance with the Church. Much of that material is now secured in the library inside the vault of Laatzen, which only appears to be open to visiting priests and scholar, but in fact holds an extensive – and secret – section of heretical works. Why such a pious house would retain control over heretical works is a mystery, however, and even the most loose-lipped or inebriated gossipmonger is usually unwilling to speculate within Laatzen or really anywhere in Sauber lands.

Speculation (popular in Morgstadt):
House Sauber has a small, insidious, and long-standing streak of heresy that alleges one of the Triumvirate of Thorns is not truly a fallen Archangel of Benalus, but in fact an ancient, pre-Benalian God worshipped by the primitive people who became what is now the people of Laatzen and other Sauber lands. In their warped, diseased minds, the rites of this ancient God became the rituals of Benalus, and the modern Church is merely a reformed, palatable version of this heretical interpretation of divinity. To make things worse, the Church has turned this true God into an enemy of Benalus, using a kernel of truth to spread a monstrous lie. Such Anathema can of course not be tolerated, which is why House Sauber has been projecting a pious image for centuries now – to hide the rot within, to pretend that their true goals are not power and desire.

Factions (alleged):
It has been glaringly obvious for the better part of five generations – well over a hundred years – that the internecine war at the heart of House Sauber is crippling its most promising men, forcing them to abjure the great game of politics in favour of simple defense of the Eternal Keep in the employ of the Guardians of Truth, or dreary manual translation tasks in the Order of Enlightenment. Similarly, this war has been driving its most promising matriarchs-in-waiting into the arms of less.. complicated nobles of other houses. Although House Sauber is perhaps one of the most populous noble houses of Gotha, somehow its members end up in positions that do not make the most of their upbringing or their talents. Rumours trace this back to the first Emperor of the Herkheist dynasty, but more practically-minded talk is focused on specific events in the last century. It is alleged that two promising male siblings of House Sauber chose to go their separate ways over an issue that was never fully understood. Those became the Loyalist and Modernist branches of House Sauber, respectively. Gottmund Sauber, the originator of the Loyalists, wanted a closer union with the ruling dynasty, and saw the future of the house as true Benalian paragons, inter-married with the Herkheists, close to the true power at the heart of the Empire, albeit bending the knee to a greater house. Coupled with this desire was an inexplicable hatred of House Engel, although rumor holds it that, inevitably, it was his rejection by the eldest daughter of Graf Engel at the time that turned him away. Nonetheless, this union with Herkheist could have led Sauber to true greatness. Yet it was not to be: Gottmund was not the heir of House Sauber. The true heir, Hagen Sauber, returned after a long absence to Laatzen, and immediately started modernizing the House. His approach was pragmatic and focused on wealth creation for the minor nobility and ensuring his house pursued aggressive inter-marriages with lesser, albeit wealthy, houses. Within twenty years, his influence had grown sufficiently to where the Empire thought of House Sauber as a threat. Yet it was not to be – a strong man still in his Prime, Hagen contracted a mysterious wasting disease that ended his life within weeks. He left behind a newly-strengthened House — and only daughters. For the next eighty years, the Loyalists and Modernists traded control of House Sauber, each of them seeking different alliances within Gotha and outside — and each of them, allegedly, pursuing very different vision of the Benalian faith. Which may explain their allegedly strained relationship with Lethia…

Insider Narrative (Loyalist Noble):
“It is true. Imperial House Herkheist has been less accommodating to us in the last few years than previously. The decrees speak for themselves, as do some of the instructions for how our troops will aid the imperial armies. But it is obvious why. The cold war that Herkheist have been waging on House Engel for the last few decades will soon come to a head, and our own Graff has chosen to turn his back on the Imperial House and marry Hildrun Engel. He is, of course, a learned and pious man. His own father was a learned and pious man, and it is self-evident that he possessed great wisdom that would lead him to commit his eldest son, his heir, to a union with that graceless bovine masquerading as a noblewoman. But it does appear that good sense has skipped one or two generations. His eldest son has found a perfect match in Lady Rosenberg. Such a charming young woman, and her hips are ideally formed to allow the characteristically large head of House Sauber’s children to enter this world in a hale and healthy manner. Yes, I think the heir of House Sauber is quite well-taken of, especially given what we know about Graff Rosenberg’s union with Lady Engla Sauber. Now, if only the Graff would recognize that his line of succession is well-handled, and maybe chose to retire.. yes, that would really speed up the return to the rightful order of things.”

Insider Narrative (Modernist Gentry):
“The old man had it right. I heard him give a speech once, you know? No, not the current Graff. That’s Leopold. His father, I meant. Sigismund. It must been thirty years to the day. He was talking to an assemblage of minor muckety-mucks, and I was in the employ of the Chamberlain at the time, Alfons. Now that was a man.. where was I again? Yes, Graff Sigismund. He *understood*, you know? He really understood how House Engel has been working their way back into power for a long time now… maybe over a hundred years, I don’t know. Now Graff Sigismund almost spelled it out for us. He talked about the place of Laatzen on the map of Gotha, and about how we’re constantly weakened by the incursions. About how we need the coal and iron, which we don’t have enough of, and how our lands provide crops that are valuable but can’t always feed us. We’re meant to be traders, but we became soldiers and priests. Good ones, too, but we are always fighting with the land. I remember his son standing by his side, blank look and everything. But he listened, I could tell. He understood the speech and knew that it’s together with House Engel we could form a union so formidable none could oppose us. That was his word: formidable. He described the trade routes. The natural resources. Even – no, I am serious, no, I have not been partaking of wine – how over prior three Graffs of each House, we had too many boys, and they had too many girls, and how this was a sign from the heavens that we were meant for each other. No, I didn’t really follow that one.. didn’t seem like something Benalus would’ve said. But he left me a believer, just like many of us were. We just knew that together with Engel, we could be something else, something bigger. Such a shame Graff Sigismund died at a young age. Those wasting diseases can really catch you napping.”

Family & Lineage
Graff Leopold Sauber m. Hildrun Engel

Dietger m. Ingfried Rosenberg
Odette Sauber m. Derek von Engel
Lanfrank m. Merlind von Trakt

Soren von Sauber

Elsa m. Edwin Trakt
Frank m. Beatrix Engel

Heribert, Seneschal of the Guardians of Truth.
Aunts, Uncles, Cousins
Engla m. Graff Ludwig Rosenberg

Houseguests of note
Jalaan D’har, Benalian convert from Sha’ra, instructor in herbology, confidant to Hildrun Engel and Ingfried Rosenberg
Heinrich von Herkheist, aged 17, a distant cousin of the Imperial Prince, studying in the Laatzen library

Wardrobe: Dietmar Waalkes
Chamberlain: Hatto Hildebrandt
Man-at-Arms: Adolphus von Unterwald

Servants of note
Head Cook (foreign): Mona Scalfaro
Head Footman: Wilhelm Stahlwart

Notable Priests
Bishop Betram von Sauber (Cyanihim)
Father Malachi (Master Librarian) (Cyanihim)

House Heidrich

Wolfgang von Heidrich, first of his name, earned his house when a single act saved both Verunheim and the Fafnir line from destruction. A particularly difficult bandit issue had plagued the land, lead by a so-called “bandit king”. Finally able to pin him into one spot to be forced into battle and defeated, the Fafnir Blood Dragons, an elite force lead by the Herzog Aldrin von Fafnir, vacated their capital of Verunheim to hurry to the attack.

Wolfgang, sensing something amiss just as battle joined, suddenly quit the field without orders and hurried from the battle with his soldiers. There he discovered the capital under attack by elves, and hurried into the city to relieve the beleaguered defenders. He battled the elves throughout the night to his last man, one of the only survivors after being nearly overpowered by their unusual strength and speed. When the Herzog returned from the field and saw what had happened, with his city in shock but intact, Aldrin recognized Wolfgang’s triumph, though it was thought that the broken man would not survive his injuries. Days later, Wolfgang awoke as a hero and a noble.

Given freedom to develop his line, Wolfgang von Heidrich’s unusually keen intellect and clarity saw his personal knight Order be trained in an unusual style, voraciously bringing in knowledge and expertise from all over the Throne to be cataloged and collected. Aldrin von Fafnir began utilizing the Heidrich troops for special operations. The Order of the Inevitable Truth were unrivaled in battlefield tactics, their knight commanders able to lead even the most unlikely army to victory.

A diversity of opponents translated to a diversity of knowledge, and something had changed for Wolfgang after his brush with death. He wished to give more than bloodshed to the world and believed that a knowledge of warfare could, in fact, save lives. Lystadt became wealthy with hemp farms and there, in the Paper Keep, Wolfgang amassed an impressive library, which attracted scholars from as far as Sha’ra.

Coat of Arms: White skull with a tree growing from it over a black field
Maxim: Know your Worth
Home: Lystadt
Keep: Paper Keep