Dextera Inflamatio: A View From Within

Praedium Archive
Intercepted communication of internal Fire Guild business.

The Burning Hand is a symbol of power. A tower erected in a city is a symbol to all who see it, whether they comprehend it or not. Dextera Inflamatio rules here, regardless of local government or law. Our purpose, and our highest ideal, is mastery; a perfect control over perfect power. As a novice in the Guild, you will learn the principles of power, what they mean, and how to master them. Membership in the Guild means you are different than the huddled masses in the cold of the iron city below. You are more than they are, because you have learned unleash the power of the soul. The soul is a fire that blazes within each person. Those you meet out there, eeking out a life that means nothing, are but the smallest of candleflames, softly glowing embers in the burnt out shell of their body. Having been given the Initiation of Fire, you are more than that. Your soul has been relit by your own will, and burns with a health and vigor that they cannot match. The Path of Mastery will teach you to stoke that flame into an inferno, a leashed storm, spinning and crashing and blazing against the very borders of reality, confined only by your discipline. You will take that violence, that potence, that vigor, and you will squeeze it down to the point of a pin, retaining the might of an inferno in the size of a hand. And with that hand, you can do anything.

The Guild will come to control everything by extension of this philosophy. Just as the hand holds a power as vast as a hall, the tower holds a power as vast as a city. The lords of many lands already have become dependant on our power for military victory. To deny us what we wish is to accept military defeat, and thus, destruction of their country and people. Beyond that, our wealth covers the trade ports. If we were to withhold our aid there, trade ships would have no place to sell or purchase their goods. In short, we hold partial military and economic control over the Throne.

Once you advance to the Second Circle, we will show you what your role will be in all this. If you hope to advance farther than that, you had better succeed.

Dextera Inflamatio: Military Primer

Praedium Archive
Intercepted letter regarding Dextera Inflamatio

Forward Lance-Commander Junis,

Congratulations on your promotion. As requested, your primer on siege warfare and special weapons and tactics is included with this document. I would be in err, however, if I did not include as a special weapon a word on the Burning Hand. Dextera Inflamatio is perhaps the most often seen of the secretive mage guilds because of their popularity in warfare. Warfare can be found everywhere, and so people from many different lands and cultures have glimpsed them, or heard of one nearby. They are most often called in as special agents during an open ground war, using their control over fire to devastate enemy forces. A well placed Firestorm can be the end of a battle, and against an enemy not similarly equipped or prepared, almost certain victory in that battle for those lucky enough and wealthy enough to hire one. Their role in warfare is not always so straightforward, however, as to simply destroy the opposition. Fire mages have been known to be able to inspire forces with a passion and conviction to fight in the bitterest of winters, the harshest of conditions, and against almost certain defeat. The cost of hiring a Fire Mage to accompany an army, or even a private caravan, into the bitter northlands to protect them from the cold can often be better than the loses to men and animals that may happen if they refuse. Some Mages can even gaze into the flames and see the location of the enemy, their plans..their thoughts. Rumors say they also have power over treachery, able to make an army turn on itself, fly into a brutal rage and hack to pieces anything in it’s way. No one refuses to pay a Magician of Fire for their services.

Outside of warfare, or perhaps in a different war entirely, Dextera Inflamatio is sometimes witnessed along side Church Inquisitors or witch hunters. No one knows the true relationship between the Church and the Burning Hand, but in a hunt for a dangerous wizard like a Necromancer, a Fire Mage is almost always present.

Dextera Inflamatio seems to be the wealthiest of the Mage Guilds, and have towers in several of the major cities in the Throne, and even some dotting the border-lands. It is understood that people of noble bearing or of wealthy trade families have an easier time being accepted into the Guild, though a talented novice without a copper to their name is by no means unheard of if they possess the talent to excel.

I urge you to use caution when dealing with them, sir, as they are selfish to a man. I have not met the Fire Mage who did not place his own self above others in some way, large or small. I’ve seen from taking the privilege of larger rations to declaring incinerated infantry acceptable losses for the success of the operation. Congratulations again on your promotion, and feel free to request additional information as necessary.

Handred Fourson Rear Watch Captain