But what happens next?

The inquisition is here. The Circle may be leaving. The Grove is weakening. Chiropoler is stirring. And we are all so very hungry. I started coming to market on my own a littler over a year ago, nearly everything about me has changed. I am no longer a coward. A carry a sword and shield and run into danger. I have a group of people I call family outside of just Ma and Pa. I can say I contribute and have a name for myself in my own right. And I guess I’m also a Benalian now. I went from just wanting to feel like I was good enough to stand on my own to wanting to protect and better the community as a whole. A community that might not even be here come to much longer.

Right now it seems like the inquisition is appeased enough. They are holding the Owl’s Nest and definitely making their presence known. But also it seems like they are pacified in that a waking Witchking is a bigger threat to the world than a circle of Vecatrans living openly. But still, if the Witchking doesn’t kill us, then after he is dead the inquisition could rain fire and hell on all of us. I don’t know what their plan is, but I hope the circle gets out safe. The spirits are weakening, but I hope they have something left in them to help the circle get out.

If by some miracle, through, I am still standing after all of that, what will I do? Milo and Cadence seem set on leaving town. I don’t know how permanently, but seeing if I can travel with them might not be a bad idea. I wonder what Alphonse and Isabelle are planning now that they are married. I don’t know how much Alphonse supported his dad’s efforts to bring back his mom, but surely he can’t support that now, right? Now with all that would do to Isabelle. Fabron seems set on staying and taking care of his siblings, which seems about right. Can’t see him moving about the countryside with a bunch of little ones. At least until the youngest ones can live on their own.

I don’t think I want to stay. With how much I’ve changed, and how many opportunities would open up, it seems like a disservice to stay. I guess I can’t plan too far about what I will do when I leave, since I don’t really know what it out there. But I am excited for the possibilities all the same.

We just have to take care of Chiropoler, and then take make sure the inquisition leave. And then we will be free….

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