Unsent Letters: To Mom

[There’s small, wrinkled spots on the page with ink bled into slightly rounded shapes from the written words in various places across the page. The paper is wrinkled from being crumpled and discarded, before it was unfolded by the reader.]


I haven’t written to you in months, I think. A lot has happened since I left home and I just got around to thinking about the last time I saw you and Dad.

I met a boy and his parents while I was on the road after I left town. They helped me out, then I was in Runeheim recently. I’m in Hrafnakastali for the moment. It’s odd here but I don’t mind it much. The sudden move is a long story but I’m safe, if you were wondering.

I have a chicken now, feisty little thing but I think you’d like her. I named her Marigold. I don’t have a husband but Mom, trust me. The men here aren’t much better than the ones at home.

I saw Thyre a few seasons ago. She mentioned she was getting spring product ready last winter. I didn’t think to ask about you and Dad when she was visiting. How are you two? Did you make anything new for spring and summer? How’s the town and our neighbors?

Mama, I miss you and Dad. Can I come visit once things settle down? I can bring some ingredients, and we can make something special for a season. Are you looking for anything specific lately?

[The last sentence of the letter is roughly scribbled out in a block of ink. Unreadable to the viewer.]

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