To Honor the Lost

My mentor once said “The past cannot be erased, merely hidden away waiting to be uncovered once again.”

He said this both as an encouragement for my archaeology training and a warning to be careful and considerate when exploring unknown ruins.

Normally this was just to encourage making sure the local wildlife hadn’t taken up old buildings or caves as their home. I didn’t ever think he meant ghosts as well.

My veins turned to ice as he approached. I didn’t know his name, no one probably could, but something told me deep down that a mistake I made long ago in my younger days was here to claim dues.

Thank Benalus, Knut was their to negotiate nameless branded ghost to named branded man, otherwise I’d probably be a ghost writing this to parchment now.

The foot race was a farce. There was no way I could win against a specter over a foot my height, the crow creatures suddenly appearing halfway didn’t help either

No excuses from me however. I made a promise to a branded man that I intended to keep.

A monument for those fallen in service to Runeheim and its people.

As for the first name on that monument…

The name I lost and will find again.

I promise you. All will know your name.

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