Actually fuck that

No! I’m not going to sit here and die pitying myself. I’m going to go down into that fucked up mage’s tunnels and slice him anus to throat! I’m not gonna fucking go down without a fight!
I’m tired? So fucking what! I’ve spent the last year raising three dumbass children! I’m a parent! My natural state is tired!
I’m hungry? I lived in the fucking woods with god-damned bandits for most of my life! I’ve been hungry before! I’ll be hungry again! I do my best work hungry! I hate food actually!
I’m scared? Boo-Fucking-Hoo, Corbeau! Live life scared and cry about it when you’re fucking dead!
Do you think I give a shit about the fucking iNqUiSiTiOn? NO! I have shit to do! I have people to keep safe! They can get out of my way, and if they don’t I’ll knock their heads together so fucking hard they’ll lionize me Saint of Beating Up Idiots! People will write ballads about the beating I’m going to hand to these inquisitors!
I’m not going to die. Cadence isn’t going to die. Nobody will.
We’re going to fight. We’re going to win.
And after that, we’re going to go save our kids. Then! After that! I’m going to go on my fucking honeymoon and relax on the beaches of Hestralia with my very cool wife and drink some delicious hestralian wine and FINALLY RELAX.

Don’t Die.
Kill Chiropoler.
Don’t be a bitch.

Zuriel. If you’re listening. Thanks for the help so far. I’m gonna save these people. Guide my hand. Preserve my Purpose. I’ll save the fucking world if you just show me the way. Guide the hands of our engineers, that they can make a sanctified cannon and blow Chiropolers stupid fucking heart to mush. Guide the hands of our fighters, so they can kill whatever rat or weird white blob shows up to stop us. Guide the hands of our priests, so that they’ll keep us in the fight long enough to win.
Guide Cadence. So that she doesn’t end up like Gabrielle.
Guide Henri. I feel like he’s got a tough decision coming.
Guide my family. Guide Luisant.

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