It’s Over

It’s all coming to a head. We’re going to fight Chiropoler. We’ll hopefully win.
I put on a brave face. I talk about how I’m going to cut him to pieces with my daggers, but I’m actually really scared. It’s so big, this task ahead of us. Chiropoler. The Ordo Croix failed, and they were heroes. Are we heroes? I think maybe Cadence is. Probably Henri too… But me? I don’t know.
And what do we do afterwards? Do we just tell the Inquisition that we’ve handled a Witchking and therefore the Vecatrans are deserving of amnesty? Do I care? Will they try to kill us for our crimes?
What about the kids? We sent them away to the guild, who knows what’s happening to them. Will they be my legacy? Cadence’s legacy? Children taken in by the Earth Guild to become the puppets or servants of the mages, or worse, to become mages themselves? Will they be like Gravix? I need to save them. I can’t die here. I don’t want to die. I don’t want Cadence to die. Or Henri, or Fabron, or Isabelle, or Alphonse, or Hadrien, or anyone. But I don’t think I can stop it. I think we’re going to go down into Chiropolers cursed, horrible tunnels and die trying to kill him. The latest sacrifice to his stupid fucking maw. Maybe we blow him up and kill him. Maybe it’s not a total failure. Maybe we seal him for someone else to fight. Keep on passing the burden…
I’m tired. I’m hungry. I’m scared.
Is this it? Is this how all these stories are going to end?
It’s not fair.

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