What a Show

What a Show –
We knew the day would come when the Inquisition would darken the forest of Luisant. It was only a matter of time—ever since the first open discussions of the Vecatrans and the arrival of outsiders began to swirl around our town, ever since the air grew thick with secrets too heavy to bear. Their arrival was as inevitable as the changing of the seasons, a storm we could see on the horizon but could do nothing to stop.
We knew the town could not hide what happens here for even a moment, the Adversary, the Traitor, etc.
Some of us quickly saw them for what they were. We warned them. They didn’t care.
The Circle even told them who they were.
Lunette probably should have straight up sacrificed the one guy as they will now probably do to her.
A former Vecatran, manipulated on pain of death into betraying his former companions…

Sherry probably makes it through this if she doesn’t end up joining the Inquisition for power or getting herself killed fighting them. The thought of her craving that power, thinking a Knight’s armor gives her the right to control others—it twists my stomach. I’ve seen where that road leads. But there’s a part of me that still hopes, hopes she’ll learn before it’s too late. Maybe, just maybe, she’ll see that she’d just be another tool for the powers that be to oppress everyone else.

Cole is going to have problems, both because the demon is going to want something inevitably in a last minute attempt to end the world and because someone will eventually tell the Inquisition about it and that she has it. I can only hope she is protected enough to not be in serious danger, but also putting that thing back beyond the Thicket is probably the best option available? I don’t have any fucking clue how to do that.

Nadja’s in a tough spot—a noble who gave up her title, now pregnant with a child with a Knight by way of a Vecatran spirit…At least she’s not involved with the Spider Crone. I can’t help but wonder what she’s thinking, how she plans to navigate this minefield. Will she regret her choices or is there a path she sees through this. Either way, I can’t shake the feeling that her decisions will ripple through this town for years to come.

I guess I’m pretty screwed too in all of this. Suzette mentioning that she was going off to pray to her god in front of the prosecutor wasn’t the brightest move, but I guess she was compelled by the elf so…is that still her fault? I don’t fucking know. I can’t imagine they don’t ask about it. Inevitably all of the Primus stuff is going to come out, we’ll have to deal with it, and the Inquisition is probably going to want to kill Primus as a possible threat that the Elf will control. Who knows how much Primus has been helping us the entire time, but its power still seems necessary to get us where we need to go.

Maybe we aren’t the priority…maybe they will go after the Vecatrans, the discovered noble, the Lazarine, the Elf, and the Witch King. No need to cause issues for any of the rest of us. But somehow, I doubt it. This feels like the calm before the storm, and when it hits, none of us will be spared.

Probably should have figured out the end game for us…oh well. I can’t be responsible for that shit.

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